Haunted House

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 It was Halloween, and Harry had convinced you to go with him to a haunted house. You hate being scared, but Harry assured you that you would be safe. As you waited in line you became more and more nervous. When you were next in line you reached over and grabbed Harry's hand. He gave you a reassuring squeeze and smiled. Harry always knows what to do to make you feel better.

When it was your turn, you and Harry walked into the dark foyer of the house. There was an eerie chilling feeling in the air. You looked around to see that there was a hallway leading to the back of the house and candles on the wall. 

“Harry, I’m scared,” you whispered unsure of what you have gotten yourself into.

“It’s going to be okay, (Y/N),” he replied reaching to grab one of the candles out of its sconce on the wall. “Come on I think we are supposed to go down this hallway,” Harry insisted, grabbing your hand again and leading you down the dark hallway.

In the hallway there was only one working light that kept flickering on and off. The walls of the hallway were a dirty white and the paint was peeling off. You were so scared you were shaking. You wanted to turn back, but once you enter the house you had to go through it.  All of a sudden the lights went out, and Harry and you were separated.

The lights cut back on and Harry was nowhere in sight. "Harry,” you called out into the dark hallway, but there was no answer. You tried to call him again, but there was still no answer.

“Harry this isn’t funny,” you called slowly starting to make you way to the end of the hall. When you reach the end of the hallway you see blood. “Oh God,” you whisper silently hoping that isn’t Harry’s blood. As you turn the corner there was a door. The door was illuminated by a white light. You were naturally drawn to the door.

As you stepped closer you began to hear voices. “Shit the girl is still out there,” the voice said behind the door. 

“We have to go get her,” another voice said. You heard footsteps coming closer to the hallway, so you hid in the shadows. Two masked men came out of the room, and headed down the hallway. When you were sure they were gone, you slipped into the room.

Harry sat tied to a chair in the middle of the room. “Oh my God, Harry,” you whisper unsure when the people who did this would be back.

“(Y/N),”Harry moans. As you stepped closer, you could see a large gash in Harry’s head. He had blood dripping down the side of his face. 

You pulled out your Swiss army knife that you always keep with you from your boot. You cut Harry a loose. You throw Harry’s arm around your shoulder, and help him stand up. Harry is so weak from the loss of blood he can barely stand. 

“I’m sorry, (y/n). I had no idea this was going to happen,” Harry whispered as you made your way out of the room. 

“It’s okay, Harry. You couldn’t have know this was going to happen,” you say. You were still trying to figure out what you were going to do next. 

You make a left and find yourself in living room of the haunted house. There was a couch in the middle of the room. You decide to leave Harry there, while you went after the guys who did this to him. 

“I’ll be right back, Harry,” you said taking out your earrings out and handing them to him.

“Babe, don’t go,” Harry pleaded, but you weren’t listening. You just headed out the room. 

You rounded the corner and hear voices coming from upstairs, so you headed up the stairwell. When you reached the top, you decided to wait in the shadows. You were ready you had you hair tied back into a ponytail ready to fight. You kneeled in the corner waiting.

After waiting five minute, one of the guys finally comes into the hallway. As soon as you saw him you went ninja on his ass. You tackled him to the ground and punched him repeatedly in the face. 

“O you think your tough,” he challenged. “Well I ain’t afraid to hit a girl.”He then rolled over so that he was on top of you and began punching you in the face. 

You knee him in the balls making him scream out in pain. You push him off you and stab him in the stomach with your Swiss Army knife. Then you push him down the stairs causing him to scream in agony.

“You bitch,” he screams as he falls down the stairs. He hits the bottom floor and you don’t hear another word out of him. You know he’s dead. 

You look down at the body and sigh in relief. One down, one more to go. You whip of the sweat forming at your brow and take one step down the stairs, when the other guy comes out of nowhere and pushes you down the stairs. 

“That’s for Carlos,” he yells.

You tumble down the stairs and land on top of Carlos. The other guy just laughs at you. You whip the blood from the side of your face. His laughter was agitating you. You couldn’t stand it.

“You little bitch, you thought you could get away,” he called to you from the third to last step. 

His laughter was so annoying that you just wanted him to stop. You snapped and threw the knife at him. It him right in the chest, and he collapsed to the ground. You were so in shock that you just stood there for a moment. He tried to grab your ankle, but you kicked him in the face and broke his nose.

You ran back to the living room to get Harry. “Harry we have to get out of here,” you pant grabbing him from the couch.

“(y/n) what happened,” he question a concerned look on his face.

“No time to explain.” 

You take Harry’s hand and you and Harry run out of the house and you don’t look back. *GIF*

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