Waffle Guy

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You and Harry were at the mall. Harry had bet you that he could do a standing back tuck. You said he could'nt, but he did so you had to buy him 10 waffles. The two of you make your way over to the waffle cart, so you could buy the waffles. 

“I won. You lost,” Harry cheers doing his victory dance. *GIF*

“Yeah, Yeah,” you say rolling your eyes at Harry. You approach the clerk while Harry is still  showing off.

“Can I get 10, Please,” you ask politely.

“You can have whatever you like,” the guy replied winking at you. You shrug off the comment and hand him your money. The waffles weren’t done yet, so you lean against the counter as the guy begins to talk to you.  

“So, can I get your number,” he asks putting his hand on yours. You look and his hand on yours then back at him. 

You carefully take his hand off of yours making sure to point out your utter disgust in him. “I have a boyfriend,” you announced looking over in Harry’s direction.

The guy’s eyes follow your and he notices Harry standing not too far from you. “Him?" He laughs. “He looks like a little girl.” He hands you his number and your waffles. “Call me when you want a real man,” he barked.

You snatch the waffles from him and walk back over to Harry. Harry grabs the waffles from you and begins to chow down. “You forgot the the syrup,” he said with a mouth full of food. You weren’t paying attention though. You were sending death stares to the Waffle guy.

“Babe are you even listening,” Harry questions starting on the second waffle. “(Y/N) What’s wrong?”

“That jerk at the waffle stand tried to hit on me and then called you a girl,” you replied never taking your eyes off the waffle guy.

“He did what,” Harry replied throwing down his waffles. Harry walked over to the waffle guy cracking his knuckles. When he arrived at the waffle cart, the guy smile.

“Little girl,” he began but before he could finish Harry had punched him in the jaw.

“That’s for hitting on my girlfriend,” Harry clarified. Harry walked to the other side of the cart and began kicking the guy. “And this is for calling me a girl.”

Harry turns away from the guy and wraps his arm around your waist. You smile at Harry and kiss him softly on the cheek. “Thanks baby,” you grinned.

Harry was still upset, but he was starting to cool down a little. “No one tries to steal my girl. You gotta be careful. (Y/N) you breaking necks with all them curves. ”

You blush. “I love you, Harry,” you reply resting your head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, I love you too, (Y/N).”

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