Its on

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You come home from work to find a note on the fridge from Harry. Your weapon is on the counter. You have five seconds after reading this before I come after you, you read grinning from ear to ear. Harry is always surprising you with funny childish things to do. You trade your purse for the water gun and kick of your heels. You pull off the scruncii you always keep on your wrist and tied up your hair into a neat bun. 

You tiptoed around the house checking everywhere for Harry. Suddenly you hear and faint rustling. You pause to examine the sound, when Harry comes out of nowhere rapidly firing his water gun soaking you. 

You laughed at his seriousness. He was wearing a black shirt and camo cargo shorts complete with the black lines under his eyes and a black ninja headband. He kept shooting at you. You tried to shoot back, but of course Harry had rigged you gun. 

Miraculously Harry’s gun ran out of ammo leaving him defenseless, but you had a few tricks up your sleeves. You knew you had hidden a spare gun in case of this situation in the plant right behind Harry. You put on you seductive smile and slowly walked over to Harry causing him to back up just enough for you to reach the water gun.

You placed your hand on Harry’s chest his eyes locked with yours. You leaned toward him like you were going to kiss him. You reached for the water gun, but it wasn’t there. Harry saw you reaching for the gun and grinned.

“Looking for this,” he said holding the water gun up to your forehead. “You thought you were slick keeping this lying around.” He clicked his tongue. 

“I win,” he smiled still aiming the water gun at your forehead. But before he pulled the trigger, in one swift move you stole the gun from his hands and shot him in the face.

“I won,” you cheer jumping up and down.

Harry wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a kiss. “I let you win,” he replied 

Harry styles Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now