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This Imagine Is dedicated to IrishGold1D, She liked almost all of my chapters on Stalked. So If your reading this IrishGold1D, I just want to say thank you!!! This Imagine might be a little sad.


You walk into your house tossing your items on the floor. As you enter the kitchen, you notice Harry sitting at the table with his head in his hands.

“Hey,” you mutter. He grunts in response, and you frown. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he looks up at you. “I just…” he sighs. “Are you pregnant?”

You pause. “Yeah,” frowning, you open the fridge and begin to look for some food. “Who told you?”

“Niall,” he sighs. “When were you going to tell me?”

“On our date,” you give up on your search for food and close the refrigerator door. “You don’t seem excited.”

“Well, my best friend found out before me.”

“I was going to tell you!” you yell. “I don’t see what your big deal is!”

Harry folds his arms across his chest as he leans back in his chair. You can already tell by the way that his eyebrows are raised that another fight is about to start. You lean back against the counter watching him closely.

“I don’t know why you would even try to hide a pregnancy from me!” He screams. “God, is it even my damn child!”

“What the hell, Harry?” You take a step closer to him. “You know good and well that this baby is yours!”

“You’ve cheated before how the hell do I know that you aren’t cheating now! If it’s my baby, you wouldn’t have to hide it from me!”

Running your fingers through your hair, you bite your lip. His eyes are filled with rage, and you know that nothing you say will make him any calmer. Your relationship just wasn’t the same anymore.

Without replying to Harry, you exit the room and begin to make your way back to the bedroom. You can hear him following you, but you’re through with speaking to him. When you make it to your bedroom, you immediately grab a duffel bag out of the closet and began throwing your belongings into it.

“Damn it, babe,” Harry sighs. “C’mon don’t do this.” He reaches into the bag to pull out one of your jackets, but you snatch it away from him. “Baby,” he whines.

“harry,” you push him away from you. “I’m done. I’m sick of all this fighting and you not trusting me. We used to be so good what happened to us?” 

He doesn’t answer, and you continue packing your things in silence. Once you’re finished, you grab your bag and make your way to the front door with Harry hot on your heels. You manage to make it your car before he speaks up.

“I’m sorry,” he cried grabbing your arm. “Just come inside. I don’t want you to leave, and I know that you don’t want to leave!”

Snatching your arm away, you scoff. “No,” you say, “I’m done with this. Call me when you’re ready to man up.” *GIF*

“I’m ready now,” he whispers. “Come back inside.”

“I need some time away,” you slide into the car not bothering to look back at Harry. “I’ll call you in a few weeks.”

“What am I supposed to do without you?” he asks. “How am I supposed to function without you here? Baby, I need you. (Y/N), I’m begging you to stay. How can you throw our two years away?”

You close your eyes, so you don’t have to witness Harry’s heartbreak. “I can’t stay. I’m sorry.”

You don’t want to leave, but you can’t bear to stay in that house with Harry accusing you of things you aren’t doing. You can’t handle being in an environment where the two of you can’t go a day without arguing. Your heart may be hurting now, but you know that you made the right choice.

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