Long way down

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You watch as Harry hands his menu to the waitress before turning to face you. You can’t believe that you agreed to go on this date. Everybody and their momma could see that Harry wasn’t the type of guy that wanted to settle down, yet you were still sitting across from him in the most expensive restaurant in the city.

You remember the last guy that took you to this restaurant and how much of a liar he was. Playing with the edge of your napkin, you briefly wondered if Harry was a liar. There was no way in hell that you were making the same mistake twice.

“What made you decide to finally say yes to my offer for a date?” Harry asks timidly. He smiled reassuringly at you, but you avert your gaze. *GIF*

“I don’t know,” you mutter quietly. “I thought I was through with all this.”

“All of what?” he asks.

“All of these guys pretending to be something they aren’t,” you raise an eyebrow at him, and he frowns. “I’ve been with cheaters, men that don’t know how to treat women, men that were smooth talkers, and I’m just done.”

“Then what are you looking for?” he leans forward so that he can look at you clearly. “(Y/N), I promise I’m not like those other guys.”

“I’m looking for a guy that isn’t going to date me just to boost his reputation,” you reply. “And if you think that you aren’t ready for a committed relationship, then you might as well just drive me back home.”

Harry laughs at your attitude. “I’m not like that,” he reaches over the table so that his hand is resting on top of yours. “Sometimes people don’t know what they want, but I know what I want; I want you. I know that we’re the right people for each other.”

“That’s what everyone says,” you laugh sarcastically. “It’s a long way down, baby.”

“I know, (Y/N),” he smiles. “But I won’t let you fall.”

When you look at him, you can tell that he’s different from the other guys. You know that he’s the kind of man that would risk his everything to see you happy. He runs his fingers across the palm of your hand, and you quickly plant a kiss on his cheek before leaning back in your chair. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was the one for you.

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