Just friends

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Harry’s POV 

This moment was perfect. I wanted to stay here forever. (Y/N) and I sat cuddled up on the couch watching TV. *GIF* It’s funny how (Y/N) can make the most common activity so amazing. She looked so beautiful, the soft glow of the TV flickering against her skin. 

I let my fingers trace her arms slowly. “Harry, that tickles,’’ (Y/N) giggled, swatting my hand away. I knew I shouldn’t have because (Y/N) and I are just friends, but I couldn’t help it. I just love the way her skin feels against mine.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” I smiled, focusing my attention back on the TV. (Y/N) casually draped her legs over mine, not caring that by doing this her shorts became even shorter. It took all my strength not to take her right there on the couch. 

She snuggled close to me resting her head on my chest. My fingers lazily traced her thighs, but she didn’t protest. My body relaxed against hers, as I listened to the dull sounds of the the TV. I could stay like this forever, but of course it didn’t last.

“Jeesus get a room,” Liam called, eyeing us skeptically.

“Yeah,” Louis added. “We don’t needa see all that.”

I rolled my eyes, flipping them off behind (Y/N)’s back. “We’re just friends,” (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes at them. “You guys are so immature.”

“Suuuuurrreeeee,” Louis said unconvinced. Louis and Liam exchanged looks, before exiting the room. 

“We all know you two like each other,” Liam called back, then he was gone.

“That was weird,” (Y/N) said, snuggling back up against me. 

“Yeah,” I replied nervously. “It was.”

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