Snow Day

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You quickly ducked behind the closest tree panting out of breath. You, Harry, and Edward were having a snowball fight. You silently surveyed the area clutching your snowball ready to fire if called for. You could hear them coming closer, but you didn’t know if you had enough to run. 

You didn’t have time to overthink. You swiftly left the safety of the tree and began rapidly firing snowballs until you were out of ammo. You stood in the middle of the yard panting to catch your breath, when you realized that no one had attacked you. You briskly scanned the yard to locate your fired snowball, when you realized that the whole time you were shooting at Harry’s car. 

You could have sworn you heard someone calling your name. “(Y/N), (Y/N),” you heard again somewhere in the distance, but you had no idea where it was coming from. You reached up and shielded your eyes from the glare of the snow scanning the yard for any signs of Edward or Harry.

Immediately it hit you, this was a trap. Like a gazelle fleeing from a lion, you tried to return to the safety of the tree, but a snowball to the back stopped you. You stumbled to the ground before being pelted with more snowballs by your boys.

You laid there protecting your face until they ran out of snowballs. “We won,” little Edward cheered while high fiving Harry. You were not about to give them the satisfaction of winning so you tried to crawl away to make another snowball.

“Oh no you don’t,” Harry chuckled lifting you swiftly off the ground. You knew you were nowhere near strong enough to match Harry’s strength, so you just gave up. “Now that you have finally accepted that you lost,” Harry grinned resting his forehead against yours. “You can pay up.”

You gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes *GIF* before leaning in to give Harry his victory kiss as promised. Before you could pull away Harry deepened the kiss causing you to temporarily forget that you were mad. The only thing that brought you back was the sound of little Edward’s ‘ewws.’

“Let’s go back inside and have some hot chocolate,” you blushed motioning for Harry to put you down. Then, the three of you made your way back inside. The perfect way to end your snow day.  

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