He Loves Me

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You sat on the hill by the big oak tree. Harry had told you to meet him at your favorite spot. All week he had been acting weird. One moment he would act like he liked you, then the next moment it was like he didn’t even know you. Over the phone, Harry had said that he would explain everything if you just met him at the tree. So here you wait. 

He was taking longer than you thought, so you were looking for things to occupy yourself with. You immediately remembered that little flower game you used to play when you were a little girl when you liked a boy. You searched the hill for the perfect flower. Once you had settled on a white daisy, you sat down and began picking.

“He loves me. He loves me not,” you alternated with each petal you pulled off. “He loves me.” *GIF* 

You sat on that hill plucking flower after flower waiting for Harry. You were at the last petal, when you felt someone’s warm hands cover your eyes. You turned around to see Harry standing behind you holding a Red rose in front of him.

“What’s this for,” you smiled watching as Harry shyly kicked the dirt in front of him.

“I love you, (Y/N),” he grinned looking up at you. You couldn’t believe it. You’ve had a crush on Harry since you were little. Tears began to fall from your face without your permission when you noticed that he had carved your names in the big oak tree behind him. (Y/N) and Harry Forever.

The horror in Harry’s face, when he saw you crying made you laugh. “No, these are tears of joy,” you comforted. “I love you too, Harry.” Harry quickly let out a sigh of relief and laced his fingers with yours.

You smiled resting your head on Harry’s shoulder. You could believe you had finally gotten the boy of your dreams. You wanted to remember this moment forever. You and Harry watching the sun set over the horizon. 

“You and me forever,” Harry whispered. “You and me forever.”

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