Let It snow

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This Imagine is dedicated to londonxoxo1217. She liked every single one of my chapters to Stalked. If your reading this londonxoxo1217, your amaZAYN :)


 Harry POV

I stumble into the cabin, closing the door to block out the icy air. For a moment, I stand in the doorway, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to warm them. Once I got them warm enough, I begin to slowly peeling off my jacket and my snow boots. As I hang my jacket up, I hear the sounds of (Y/N)’s footsteps making their way towards me.

“Holy shit, Harry,” I turn and smile at (Y/N), ignoring her worried facial expression.

I wink, shoving my freezing hands into my pockets. “The car is completely buried in snow, and there’s no cell signal for miles. We’re going to be stuck here for a while,” I shrug my shoulders, shuffling towards her, and she immediately envelops me in a warm embrace.

“You’re freezing,” she exclaims, her hands cradling my face for a brief moment. “Jesus, Harry, you’re going to get frostbite.”

She drags me down the hall mumbling about all the various illnesses I’m going to get from my adventure in the blizzard. As she rattles on and on, I smile at her concern. It was cute seeing her so worked up.

“I’ll be fine,” I shrug as she sits me in front of the fireplace. I scoot closer to it, trying to soak up all the warmth.

(Y/N) disappears into the bedroom, only to return with a pile of blankets and a pair of sweats. She hands the clothes to me, her face still scrunched up with concern. “You should change out of those wet clothes and put those on,” she demands, pointing to the bathroom. “I’ll make you something warm to drink.” Before I can say thank her, she’s already gone into the kitchen.

Too lazy and decidedly too warm to make the long trek to the small bathroom, I quickly changed in front of the fireplace. As I pulled the sweats up over my hips, I heard a small noise from the entrance of the room.

“I told you to change in the bathroom,” (Y/N) sighs, but when I turn to face her, she has a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

Returning the smile, I kick my wet clothes off to the side before sitting back down in front of the fireplace. Hesitantly, she hands me a cup of tea, and I clear my throat.

“You want to sit with me,” I suggest.

Her eyes widen, and for a second, I think she’s going to refuse, but she curls up beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. Grinning like an idiot, I wrap my arm around her.

After a moment of silence, I look at her, “You know what?” I question, taking a long sip of the tea. When she looks up at me, I continue talking. “I think I don’t mind being trapped in this blizzard with you.”

She smiles softly, her eyes meeting mine. “I’m your best friend, Harry,” she reminds me. “Of course you don’t mind me. I’m the greatest thing in your life right now,” she jokingly, bumps her shoulder with mine.

Blinking, I allow my eyes to wander down to her plump lips. I wanted her so much. How many times had I fantasized about what it would feel like to kiss her? What would it be like to hold her in my arms?

Without thinking, I placed the tea down on the floor, cradling her face in my hands. Her eyebrows raised, and I slowly tilted her head up so that our lips only had a few centimeters of space between them. I could practically feel her heart hammering against her chest, and I smiled nervously.

“Are you gonna kiss me or are you just gonna stare at me all night?” she whispered, her fingers clinging onto the front of my shirt. “‘Cause this whole staring thing is great and all, but-”

My lips softly landed on hers, and damn did it feel good. She pulled me closer her legs wrapping around my waist as I gently laid her down on the floor. As our lips moved with each other, I allowed my hands to slowly explore the smooth expanse of her stomach. Her breath hitched, and I brought my lips down to her neck, my tongue gently tracing out my name.

“You know something, Harry?” she questioned as my fingers steadily crept higher. “I sure as hell don’t mind being trapped in this blizzard with you.”

Laughing, I pulled away from her. Nervously, I ran a hand through my hair as my eyes traveled up and down her body. “Would you mind going on a date with me once we’re  finally able to leave this cabin?”

“Yeah,” (Y/N) murmured. “I would love to.” *GIF*

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