Nayeon and Jungyeon: Unexpected.

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How did it end up like this?

These were their thoughts before getting married. Nayeon and Jungyeon met in high school. They both went to JYP high school; Nayeon was a sophomore while Jungyeon was a freshman. The first time the met was for cheerleading tryouts. Nayeon was a cheerleader the previous year already but since Jungyeon is new, it was her first year. "Hello, I'm Jungyeon. You're really good at cheering!" Were the first words Jungyeon told Nayeon. Nayeon responded saying "Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Nayeon. You aren't bad yourself!" In high school, there a typically three different teams: C-team, JV, Varsity. In that order, it is from worst team to best team. Freshman typically make C-team but after trying out, Jungyeon made JV and so did Nayeon. Being on the same team made them extremely close in a short period of time. At the time, Jungyeon was confused about her sexuality but knew she liked someone on the team. On day, when Nayeon and Jungyeon were hanging out, they had a deep conversation.
Nayeon: So, who do you like?
Jungyeon: It's a secret.
Nayeon: C'mon! Give me a hint?
Jungyeon: They're a sophomore...
Nayeon: Is he cute?
Jungyeon: I think they are.
Nayeon just assumed it was a guy and Jungyeon didn't feel like correcting her because this is something she was sensitive about but in the end, the truth came out.
Nayeon: Can you please tell me?!
Jungyeon: It's Momo.
Nayeon: ... Oh, I didn't know you liked girls.
Jungyeon: I didn't really know either. Please don't tell anyone.
Nayeon: Why does everyone like Momo?
Jungyeon: Please, pretty please. Don't tell anyone.
Nayeon: I won't! Who do you think I am?

After that, the sports season ended and the did not talk as much. One day, Dahyun caught Jungyeon flirting with a guy. She whispers in Jungyeon's ears "I thought you were into girls." Jungyeon's heart dropped. No one was suppose to know and she had only told two people. Jungyeon and Momo herself. They're friendship was silently ruined. Jungyeon never built up the courage to confront Nayeon about it but she was upset. It wasn't until next season would they talk again. Jungyeon was still madly in love with Momo. Though this season, Jungyeon and Nayeon didn't make the same team. Nayeon made Varsity while Jungyeon made JV again. Jungyeon was on the same team as Momo so she was happy. Every practice, Jungyeon stole glances at Momo but surprisingly found herself looking at Nayeon quite a bit. Nayeon also looked that way at the two. Nayeon missed Jungyeon so they started talking again. Their friendship became flirtatious and slowly, Jungyeon developed feelings. At first she was in denial. She told herself she still liked Momo but she knew that wasn't the case. Nayeon also started to realize that Jungyeon caught feelings and wanted to play with her heart. At least that was how it was at first. Nayeon was aware of everything but Jungyeon hated herself. She was strongly denying everything. She thought Nayeon was straight and it hurt her heart seeing Nayeon with other guys. They were always trying to make each other jealous but happy at the same time. It was a difficult task especially because their feelings towards each other started to make things awkward. This push and pull relationship lasted until they entered college. Nayeon had many boyfriends come and go but none of them were able to break her heart since her heart was already else where. She never broke up with the guy. Meanwhile, Jungyeon came out as bisexual and has had many partners. Too many to count. She was a total player. She had a cold personality but was always warm towards Nayeon. Nayeon was 25 and someone she had been with for two years proposed. Jungyeon witnessed it and managed a fake smile. Nayeon was getting married and all Jungyeon could think was "I don't know why I thought it was possible. You're straight. But. was there not even a possibility? I understand that first loves don't work out but you weren't my first love... so please come to me." Thinking these things did no good. Nothing was going to change. Nayeon got married a year later. Nayeon imagined Jungyeon's face in her soon-to-be-husband's face. Jungyeon was a bridesmaid.
"You may now kiss the bride."
At this moment when Nayeon was kissing her husband, she reflected. I knew everything yet I still rejected her heart. How did it end up like this?. Jungyeon also had thoughts of her own. I knew she was straight but I still fell for her hard. This is my own fault. How did it end up like this?. Tears rolled down their cheeks. Jungyeon cut of contact with Nayeon for four years. They longed for each other everyday. The next time the say each other was not until they were 29 and 30. They stared at each other with hurt eyes and both knew their situation well. Nayeon had a little baby.
Jungyeon: Cute baby.
Nayeon: Thank you:
Jungyeon: What's it's name?
Nayeon: Yeonjung.
Jungyeon: Haha, you missed me so nuch that you flipped my name and gave it to the baby?
Nayeon: Yes.
Jungyeon: Whoa. I wasn't expecting you to be that straightforward...
Nayeon: I'm a divorcee now.
Jungyeon: Why??
Nayeon: Because I missed you so much.
Jungyeon: What should we do then?

Nayeon makes a bold move and throws her body onto Jungyeon's.

Nayeon: Stay like this and live life with no more regrets..
Jungyeon: You're the boss.

Six months later, they get married. They stay married for a long long time and to this day, they are still going.

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