Momo and Mina Part Two: Mercy.

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An old Japanese myth says that if you commit dual suicide with a lover then you two become twins in the next life. This was exactly what happened to Momo and Mina. Momo had committed suicide after having a hard time her sexuality and entering an abusive relationship. Mina was in love with Momo the whole time but didn't realize until Momo had died. Unable to handle the pain, Mina followed in Momo's footsteps. Usually the gods would erase their memories but seems as if there was an error because both lived their lives with all the memories from their past life. But growing up, Momo had always thought that her abusive boyfriend was reborn as her twin. It wasn't until they had entered high school and had him as a teacher did Momo realize that it was Mina the whole time. Although Momo was reborn as Sana and Mina was reborn as Jungyeon, they went back to calling themselves by their true identities. Although they were sisters... They confessed their forbidden love innocently.

"I love you." Momo said.
"I love you too." Mina said.
They held hands as the walked home. They were best friends again but the romantic feelings were still there and it was torturing both of them. Not to mention, everyday, Momo had to look and listen to the man who had abused her before. Mina held her anger in everyday but one day... Her and Momo couldn't take it anymore.
"He's the reason why we're like this!" Mina said.
"You're right but what would we do?" Momo questioned.
"He didn't have mercy, we don't have mercy." Mina said filled with rage.
"Calm down." Momo said.
"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN. Do you know how it felt when I saw you all beaten and bruised on that cold floor? When I held your cold body... When I had to check if your heart was still beating and it wasn't? Now, I can't love you because you're my sister. Not to mention we have been keeping our distance from each other this whole lifetime because you thought I was him and I never stopped loving you." Mina was out of breath. Momo ran up and hugged her.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. Let's get revenge." Momo said.

Momo and Mina had their attack all planned out and stayed after school one day.
"Is their anything you girls need help with?" The teacher, formerly Momo's abusive boyfriend, asked.
"Yeah, it's about my personal life... Can you help me?" Momo asked.
"Yes, do you mind leaving Jungyeon?" He asked Mina.
"Uh, I want her to stay." Momo said right away.
"Alrighty then." He said.
"I'm in an abusive relationship... What should I do?"
"Leave him immediately."
"Oh? Why?" Momo said.
"He's no good." The teacher said.
"He's right." Mina intruded and continued to say "I know someone who was in an abusive relationship."
"Listen to your sister, why are you guys bothering me about this?" He asked.
"My friend who was in the abusive relationship... Died on her graduation because he beat her so badly. Have you heard of her?" Mina started getting more aggressive.
"No." He answered.
"Oh really? She used to go here. Her name was Momo." Momo said.
"You guys aren't old enough to know Momo!" He panicked.
"So you know? I'm surprised you haven't caught on." Mina said.
"What?" He answered.
"Have you heard of the Japanese myth?" Momo asked
"There are many." He said, starting to get frightened.
"If you and your lover commit dual suicide, you'll be reborn as twins." Momo said.
"Yes. I know that one." His eyes started to look back and forth between the two girls.
"Well, I committed suicide... So did my lover right here." Momo told him.
"Momo... Is that you? I'm so so sorry. I never laid a finger on a woman again after you. I'm even married with a kid now..." He was about to pee his pants.
"Should I pay a visit to your wife? I can tell her this story and I bet she won't wanna live anymore." Mina threatened.
"Please don't! She's clinically depressed now and if she dies, I can't live without her." He pleaded.
"Oh? Will it be dual suicide? Will you guys be twins in the next life... That would be quite the punishment." Momo smirked at him.
"You have no idea how it feels to be in love with your sister... The gods really had no mercy." Mina started to choke up.
"We do though... Quit your job here and we'll forgive you. Go far far away because that's the least you could do." Momo said.
"O-O-k-kay. I w-will." He ran away.
"Let's go home now..." Mina said and held Momo's hand. Lightning struck their house. They became extremely worried and ran home... to strangers.
"Who are you?" Momo asked
"The residents here." They answered.
"No, we live here." Mina said but then her and Momo made eye contact. They were in disbelief.
"Momo... You're Momo." Mina said.
"And you're Mina!" Momo said. They weren't sure what happened and ran to the school where no one was there anymore. Then their was a voice:
Since you had mercy and forgave that horrible man. The heavens decided you both deserve to love. We have turned back time to the time you entered high school. Learn from your mistakes. This is our mercy for you.

Momo and Mina finally realized what happened and hugged each other. Mina moved Momo's hair behind her ear then Momo leaned in and kissed Mina. They leaned their heads against each other and cried. They kept their relationship hidden until graduation. During graduation Momo looked lovingly at Mina while Mina stole glances at Momo. They got their diploma.
"Finally." Momo said.
"We've only been to high school like three times." Mina joked.
"Hey." Momo got serious.
"We did it though."
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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