Mina and Chaeyoung: Push and Pull

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There was this girl I met, I fell for her right away. It was crazy, I had never felt this way before but why... why did it have to be Chaeyoung...

I was a new trainee at JYP, the only friends I had were Sana and Momo, the other Japanese trainees. I wasn't bad at Korean but I also wasn't good and I'm shy so it was hard for me to get to know the Korean trainees.

Surprisingly, JYP made a survival show to debut a new girl group and I was allowed to compete even though I had the least amount of trainee time.

Long story short, I had no option but to get to know the other girls. One girl who particularly caught my eye was Chaeyoung... I'm not sure why because I never paid much attention to her when she was a trainee. Suddenly now, she's different. It's not like I didn't know her before though, she's pretty outgoing and I just noticed she talked to most of the trainees... Actually, she was really close to a lot of them.

During "Sixteen", the survival show, Chaeyoung approached me.
"Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your performance." Chaeyoung told to me... She was oddly friendly.
"Thanks, I liked yours too." I told her as I became shy all of a sudden.
"It would be nice if we could all debut together." She said as she gave a big smile... I remember just looking straight at her cute little dimple.
"Tell me about it..."

After that, we had more and more conversations and eventually became friends. For some reason, I thought that she was so cool. I really enjoyed spending time with her. Eventually when I got interviewed, I even said I'd date her if I was a guy. I don't know why but it just slipped out.

We did end up debuting together and this was when we got real close... Well, we lived in the same dorm so we didn't really have a choice. But sometimes, she'd draw or sing to herself in her room and I just thought she was so cool... I fell for her so hard. She also had a kind heart so I fell for her even more.

I'm not sure when but I think she started to return the feelings. She would hold my hand, put her arm around me, smile at me, look at me, and she'd flirt with me... At first I really enjoyed it, I really liked it but it just hit me out of nowhere... She's a girl.

So that was the first time I really pushed Chaeyoung away was when I realized she had caught feelings for me. I felt bad sometimes too because I'd ignore her and she obviously wanted my attention but I couldn't give in... I didn't give in. I continued to push her away. I noticed the sad looks she gave, her depressing mood, I noticed it all. But it just didn't feel right, I felt weird around her...

She got out of her depressed stage and eventually started to look cheerful again... She looked happy as she played with the other members; jealousy raged over me. I was so jealous, I couldn't stand the fact that Chaeyoung was happy because of someone else.

So I pulled her back in. Out of the blue, I started to become clingy. It was obvious, or at least obvious enough for Chaeyoung to notice.
"What has gotten into you?" Chaeyoung asked me when I decided to sit right next to her.
"What do you mean?" I played dumb.
"Why are you being like this?"
"Like what?" I said as I proceeded to hold her hand.
"Mina, are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked me as we interlocked fingers.
"I'm perfectly fine." I said as I rested my head on her shoulders.

After that, I made my feelings obvious. Chaeyoung's feelings had always been obvious and she doesn't try to hide them... She expresses her feelings very well... Maybe too well.
"I like you." She finally confessed to me one day.
"Ch-Chaeyoung—" I was at a loss for words.
"Don't you like me back?" Chaeyoung put her hand on a thigh and I forgot to breathe for a second.
"W-well..." I hesitated. I liked her but I wasn't sure if I wanted anyone to know.
There was silence for a few seconds then she did it, I was so shook; she kissed me... On my precious lips. Okay to be honest, I was a little into it. I closed my eyes but then I realized what was happening and I literally pushed her away then ran off.

Then after that incident, I pushed her away... All the weird feelings I had before, came back. I didn't want to be near her, I didn't want her presence but I was still in love with her. It just all became awkward for me... Oddly, Chaeyoung didn't go through a depressed stage this time, she kust continued like normal. I was actually a little hurt. I thought she was a player.

Later on, I kind of stalked her when all my weird feelings went away. One day, she just looked so good in the dorm, I had missed her so much, and we were all alone... I went up to her and gave her a back hug. She hugged my arms tightly. "She's not mad?" I thought to myself.
"I missed you." She said as I felt my heart drop.
"I missed you more." I managed to build up the courage to say.
"Can you answer me now." I knew Chaeyoung was talking about her confession.
"Isn't the answer obvious?" I asked her as she turned around to look me in my eyes.
"Uh... no, not really." Chaeyoung said then I realized I had been ignoring her for a while... So instead of giving her an answer, I just leaned in and gave her a kiss.

After that, I became possessive over Chaeyoung... Like not that possessive, I just became really affectionate and I wasn't sure why. I just really wanted to show my love for her. I guess this could be considered me pulling her in but then, Sana was flirting with the whole freaking group... I was so disturbed and then I started getting uncomfortable whenever anyone would flirt with me... Including Chaeyoung.

We all know how it goes by know... I cut Chaeyoung off. I ignored her and she gave me my space.

I know that I'm a toxic person. Push and pull relationships are probably some of the worst but Chaeyoung got used to me. She stopped getting upset, she gave me space when I needed it and love when I needed it. I fall for Chaeyoung more and more everyday. I'm starting to push her away less and less... But recently I have pushed her away but today's her birthday so... I gotta surprise her with a pull.
"Chaeyoung, I love you so much."
"Thank you for finally saying those words."
"Consider it your birthday present."

Author's note:
Happy 19th birthday to little Chaeyoung<3

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