Momo and Sana: A Beautiful Life

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Sana, a beautiful queen, has a secret no one knows... She has fallen in love with a peasant. Not just any peasant, the worst of them all, a street dancer. It all started the moment she married the king. She was the definition of perfect, every man wanted to marry her. It was no surprise the king chose her. She had no choice but to accept his proposal. As time started to go by, she started to see his true personality... She wasn't happy. He only used her for his own desires and when she realized that, there was sudden loneliness in her heart. Sana started to sneak out of the palace and wander Japan. One day, she saw an amazing street dancer. After that, everyday she'd go back and see that street dancer and she generously gave the street dancer money. The street dancer noticed how poor Sana looked and approached Sana one day. "Miss!" The dancer called while taking off her mask that she had for performances. "Yes?" Sana turned and replied. "Why do you give me money everyday? It's obvious that you don't have any." The dancer said. "Because I enjoy watching you perform. Ah, so this is what you look like without your mask? You're quite pretty. What's your name and why do you keep a mask on?" Sana asked. "I am Momo, I keep the mask on because I want people appreciating my performance not my beauty." She put the mask back on. "Your performance is very beautiful, it mesmerizes me." Sana complimented while patting Momo and she started to leave. "Who are you?" Momo asked as Sana was leaving. "I'm Sana." At this moment, Sana realized that she just gave her real identity on accident but it seemed like Momo didn't figure it out. "Sana? You have the same name as our queen. How ironic." Momo said obliviously. Sana smiled and ran away.
"What an odd lady." Momo thought.
The next day Sana came back. Momo noticed her and after Momo's performance the two both approached each other. They went to a nearby lake that only Momo knew about. They talked to each other about they lives.
"Parents? I lost contact with them a while ago." Momo said.
"Really? Me too kind of. I'm living a life that barely allows me to see my parents."
The two realized how similar their lives are although Sana knew they were almost opposite. They started to talk about their dreams.
"What's your dream Momo?"
"I want to be a dancer at the palace. A street dancer is one of the worst names you can get but a palace dancer is one of the best names you can get... It's weird."
"I'll make sure to make that happen for you."
"I'll just try..."
"Hmph, that's cute but it's not how life works. But what do you want in life?"
"Happiness and love."
"I want to be happy and I know it's greedy but I want to meet someone I love..."
"What about money? You're poor."
"Wealth doesn't matter to me. We all die anyways."
Momo was moved by Sana's simple dream. Everyday, the two interacted like that. Some days, Sana couldn't make it because she needed to stay at the palace. Momo always worried. Momo realized she loved Sana. The next time she saw Sana she made sure to tell her.
"Sana, I can make your dream come true."
"Haha, you can't."
"Although I'm not a guy... If you'll let me love you..."
"I'm ugly and poor. Why do you love me?"
"No, even with all that dirt on your face I find you beautiful but someone once told me 'wealth doesn't matter to me, we all die anyways.' You just became someone who I always want to be with through good and bad times. I worry about you. Although you're poor, your personality shines through everything and that's most important. As you get old beauty fades anyways. Someone's personality stays throughout their life."
"This isn't okay."
"Why not? The one benefit we have as peasants is the fact that no one cares what we do." Momo started to scoot closer to Sana.
"Momo, I like you... I really do."
"What's the matter? I'll never leave you. It doesn't get worse if you're already at the bottom."
"I have a secret though!" Sana yelled and started to cry.
"I don't care about your secrets." Momo hugged Sana.
Sana, overwhelmed with feeling sobbed in Momo's arms.
"Is this love? Sana thought.
This was how Momo and Sana's secret romance started. Everyday after Momo performed, Sana watched. They went to the river and had a happy romance. But it became short when Sana accidentally fell asleep with Momo and the next morning all the guards at the palace were looking for her. Luckily, Sana woke up before Momo and before the guards found her and Momo near the river. She went back to the palace. They had tight security on her, she could not leave at all. She started to write in her diary everyday.
"My dear love, oh my love,
How did I fall in love with you? A peasant. I wish I never met you because you gave me love and happiness, the one thing the king can't give me. After meeting you, I've become even more miserable after departing ways with you. Oh my, I need you. I need you. I need you..."

It eventually got to such an extreme point, Sana tried to commit suicide. The king became worried.
"My beautiful queen, what has been bothering lately? Please don't do this. I need you by my side." 
"I'm hurting. Why do you love me king?" Sana whispered as her health was worsening.
"You're beautiful." The king replied.
"Is that it?"
"All women are the same except for how they look."
"Is that right?" Sana started to cough.
"Yes, are you okay? Is there anything that can make you feel better?" The king asked. Sana suddenly thought of an idea.
"Yes there is, let me leave."
"Hahaha, you aren't leaving even if that's your dying wish. You're staying here. No one else can be pleased by your beauty."
"Alright, then will you bring me some dancers?"
"Dancers?" The king asked confused.
"Yes but the best street dancer your guards can find."
"A street dancer?" The king was even more confused.
"Yes, I was fascinated to see them."
"Okay then."

That night, Sana prayed that the street dancer brought in would be Momo. It seemed like the heavens were in her favor because although the street dancer they brought in had a mask, Sana knew right away it was Momo. After Momo finished her performance, Sana dismissed everyone in the room except Momo.
"Is there an issue queen?" Momo asked.
"Do you not recognize me?" Sana asked.
"How would I recognize you when I can't see your face clearly right now and I've never even seen your face before."
"Come." Sana ordered Momo. Momo started to approach Sana's bed and she thought that Sana looked familiar.
"I guess you do look familiar. You are very beautiful queen." Momo said.
"Will you stay and continue to perform here then?" Sana requested remembering that it was Momo's dream.
"No." Momo said straightforwardly.
"Why not?" Sana was extremely puzzled.
"I'm searching for someone I love so I can't be here. It is a really pleasure though."
"Please stay... You granted my wish, this is the least I could do for you." Sana plead desperately.
"Hey... Hey... You better not be who I think you are." Momo started to tear up.
"I told you I was Sana." Sana chuckled.
"This... This is the life you live?" Momo looked around.
"It was awful without you... Stay please."

After Sana's plea, Momo stayed and worked at the palace. Although they couldn't love each other, seeing each other was enough for the both of them. But even this came to an end when the king stumbled upon Sana's diary. When he read it, rage and jealousy filled up his heart. He planned to execute the queen but he couldn't execute Momo because he did not know Sana was talking about Momo... She never mentioned Momo's name. The official notice was given to the whole palace, even Momo. Momo ran to Sana's bedroom but it was too late. She wasn't there. Momo decided to make a plan. As a street dancer, she had multiple costumes and fortunately for her, she had one as a samurai. She worked hard eaves dropping on plans of Sana's execution and heard about who would be the samurai. That day, she went to the samurai and attacked him by surprise then tied him up. She went and prepared herself to "execute" Sana. Luckily it wasn't a public execution where there were many people around because the king was too embarrassed. The only people there were a couple of guards and the king. When it cane time for the execution, Sana was extremely calm but didn't know about Momo's plan. When she saw Momo, she immediately recognized that it was Momo's costume and was shocked and started to scream but of course her mouth was tied up. The moment came and Momo lifted the sword and sliced... Sliced the king. The guards all pointed their bows at her but then she took off her mask and they weren't sure what to do. They had two beautiful ladies in front of them and they didn't want to kill either. Momo looked at them, smirked, then told them "The king was murdered by an assassin, you guys came too late but killed the assassin. The crown prince will be our next king and the queen will step down." They all nodded because they never liked the cruel king anyways. After that, Sana was able to leave the palace. The new king was much kinder and made sure to house Sana and give her a maid. Sana chose Momo to be her "maid" and the two lived a beautiful life together.

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