Jungyeon and Sana: Straighten Out.

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High school, when you start to realize things and when you start to deny them. Jungyeon and Sana are two girls who realized certain things about themselves and went to extreme extents to deny and hide what they've discovered about themselves.

It was Sana's freshman year, she realized... She was gay. For Jungyeon, it was her sophomore year. Sana always knew she liked girls but she didn't know for sure until freshman year and she liked a girl named Momo. Momo was one of Sana's good friends. Sana was too embarrassed to tell anyone so she kept this secret deep, deep, deep in her heart. For Jungyeon, it was the same situation but everyone "knew". Jungyeon was very tom-boyish so everyone assumed she was gay but she didn't like being judged like that. Jungyeon did eventually realize everyone was right. She fell in love with Nayeon in 10th grade. Nayeon was a year older.

Sana's story.
Sana and Momo met in 8th grade. Momo was new and Sana noticed.
Sana: Hello, I'm Sana.
Momo: Hey, I'm Momo.
Sana: Are you new?
Momo: Yeah, I used to be in a different class.
Sana: Oh I think I have seen you around school.
Momo: I've seen you around too.
Sana: So which class did you like better.
Momo: Well, I had friends in my other class. I don't really know anyone here.
Sana: You know me know, do you want to be friends?
Momo: Sure!
They became friends, not close ones but still friends. It wasn't until they were freshmen(9th grade), did they get close. They had a lot of classes together. They sat next to each other in each class. One day Sana just looked at Momo and thought "She's so pretty.". She gave herself a slap after thinking that. It was difficult for her to accept that fact so she didn't. Momo eventually got a boyfriend that year and Sana was heart-broken and accepted the truth. She had to tell someone. So, she decided to tell her friend Jungyeon.

Jungyeon's story.
When Sana bravely told Jungyeon that she liked Momo, Jungyeon was taken by surprise.
Jungyeon: Like our friend Momo?
Sana: Yes, our friend Momo. I'm embarrassed and ashamed. This is so bad.
Jungyeon: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You don't choose who you like.
Jungyeon continued to comfort Sana and tell her it's okay but she couldn't do the same for herself. Jungyeon met someone around this time; her name was Nayeon. Nayeon and Jungyeon did cheer together and they got very close in a short time period. They always flirted with each other and even called each other lovers. One day, Jungyeon confessed to Nayeon.
Nayeon: So who do you like?
Jungyeon: Secret.
Nayeon: Who~? (With aegyo)
Jungyeon: ... Someone from our team.
Nayeon: Ah this is so obvious now! There's only 4 guys on our team.
Jungyeon: I like you.
Nayeon: Daebak...
Jungyeon: Do you lik-
Nayeon: I'm straight, sorry for the misunderstandings.
Jungyeon: But we ha-
Nayeon: I'm straight and thought you were too.
This conversation broke Jungyeon and just like Sana, Jungyeon spill her emotions.
Jungyeon: I loved her. Her... I disgust myself.
Sana: I liked a girl too, does that make me disgusting?
Jungyeon: You're different.
Sana: I'm no different, you're no different. We don't choose this.

Sana and Jungyeon's story.
They were now juniors(11th grade). Sana has finally gotten over Momo and after months of heart break, Jungyeon has stopped talking to Nayeon. That year, was a bad year for the two. They both couldn't accept the fact that they were both into girls. The worst part, they fell in love with each other.
Jungyeon fell in love with Sana first and the moment she realized, she went and found a boyfriend in an attempt to "straighten out". Meaning, she was trying to be straight. She dated one of the cutest guys at school, Jackson Wang.

 She dated one of the cutest guys at school, Jackson Wang

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Shortly after, Sana realized she loved Jungyeon. She got jealous that Jungyeon and Jackson were together. Sana thought that Jungyeon was genuinely in love with Jackson and thought she could "straighten out" too. So she did scandalous things. She exposed herself to guys she didn't know, she talked to stranger over the internet and eventually regretted everything. "This isn't me." She thought to herself. She cried and cried and decided to tell Jungyeon everything.
Jungyeon: Why would you do that?
Sana: I want to be straight.
Jungyeon: You're not and that's okay!
Sana: Easy for you to say, remember when you liked a girl?
Jungyeon: Yes I do but I'm over her. Are you not over Momo?
Sana: It's you that I'm not over.
Jungyeon: Sana....
Sana: Momo was hard to get over but you're going to be twice as hard.
Jungyeon: Look, you'll find someone. Like I did...
Sana: No I won't, I'm not straight at all! All those guys disgusted me.
Jungyeon: You don't have to be straight.
Sana: What?
Jungyeon: Just live your life unhappy, dating someone you don't like while being in love with your best friend that just confessed to you.
Sana: Hold up.
Jungyeon: Do it. Since we both can't seem to come out, let's just be unhappy.
Sana's heart took over and she kissed Jungyeon. The two kissed in tears when Jackson walked in. Sana looks at him and gently shoves Jungyeon.
Jackson: How cruel. I really loved you.
Jungyeon: Jackson, I can explain.
Jackson: I have always like you and you took that to your advantage and asked me out. I knew you didn't like me from the start, you're so distant. Couldn't you have just told me? Why lead me on?
Jungyeon: I'm so sorry.
Jackson: I'm telling everyone.
Jungyeon: That's okay, you have every right to do that but please don't mention Sana's name.
Jackson: How shameless.
He left and spread the word. He wasn't at ease after he did that and realized everyone was making hating on Jungyeon. The last bit of love he had for her, he let out. He made himself into a bad guy so Jungyeon could recieve love again but then something shocking happened. At a school assembly, Sana made an announcement to everyone.
"I am in love with my best friend Jungyeon."
Everyone was shocked. They all thought Sana was straight and only heard bad thing about her. They called her mean names and realized they were wrong. After announcing that she asked Jungyeon an important question.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Jungyeon cried tears of happiness and mouthed the words Of course. After that, they held hands and left school. The next day, everyone was happy for them. They were surprised, they were both so scared of what other people thought that this outcome made them even happier. Nayeon realized she was actually in love with Jungyeon but... It was too late. Jungyeon only had eyes for Sana. On graduation, they came out to their parents. It wasn't smooth but both parents came to accept it. They went to college and even room together. They are currently still in college and are still together. Happy together. Alone together. And will never try to "straighten out" again. They are living life happy.

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