Sana and Mina: Just You.

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Myoui Mina was the daughter of an abusive dad and scared mother. Her household was extremely poor and vulnerable. Mina thought life couldn't get any worse until her dad was found guilty for a murder he didn't commit. He ran away, leaving her and her mom nothing but debt and hatred from others. Before, life was already hell for her; school was her safe haven. Now, even school has become a hellish place. She became very antisocial and other than anonymously bullying her, they never interacted with her because they were scared. It wasn't until Sana transferred to Mina's school. Sana is the opposite of Mina. She has lived her whole life lavishly with supportive parents. She studied in Korea for awhile but returned to Japan. She was heading home when she saw Mina at a playground one day and said "Mom, dad, isn't she pretty?"
"Ignore people like that." Her dad said.
"You can't even see her face, what's so pretty about her?" Her mom said.
Sana pouted. Sana looked closely and saw Mina's school uniform and decided that was the school she would be going to. Her parents had no objection. At school, she was extremely popular not only because of her wealth but also because of her looks. Everyone either wanted to date her or be her friend but she only had eyes for one person; Mina. Her first day of school, she immediately sat in the seat next to Mina and introduced herself but Mina refused to talk to her.

"Hey, I'm Sana. I'm new here."
"and you are?"
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing, please don't talk to me."
"Why not?"
"You won't want to..." Mina said then left class and didn't return that day.

Sana felt guilty the whole day but was still determined to befriend Mina. The next day she sat by Mina again and tried to talk to her but Mina left again but Sana followed her out this time.
"Stop, please." Mina abruptly told Sana.
"Why won't you talk to me?"
"I know you don't want to talk to me."
"I obviously am if I keep approaching you."
"Why do you keep approaching me? I'm a nobody." Mina started to cry.
"I like nobodies. You're also the one who had no interest in me although everyone else does." Sana soothed Mina and even wiped away her tear.
"You won't regret this?" Mina looked at Sana seriously.
"Of course not, I approached you." Sana assured but Sana didn't know Mina's background...

Mina's world started to brighten up again, spending all her time with Sana. They usually hung out at the playground but she brought Sana to her house and introduced her mom. Things went great. Life got a whole lot better but that doesn't mean the hate stopped. All the other kids started to bully her more and more but that didn't affect her.... At least until Sana figured out. All the kids were so jealous and since Mina wasn't affected by their bullying, they told Sana. It was after class, Sana was alone for the first time. Others never approached Sana when she was with Mina because they were too scared, once she wasn't with Mina...
"Hey Sana..." The student shyly headed towards Sana.
"What?" Sana asked.
"About Mina..."
"What?" This time, Sana asked coldly.
"I have something you should know."
"If it's rude. I don't want to hear it." Sana stayed blunt.
"Her dad is a murderer on the run."
"Yeah, I'm worried because you're always with her. I thought you should know."
"You're lying." Sana was in shock.
"Ask her."

Sana immediately ran to Mina's house.
"I thought we had plans tonight?"
"I-It's n-n-not t-true, r-right?" Sana asked as she was out of breath.
Mina was scared. She knew Sana had figured out.
"No. It's not." Mina said nervously.
"Is your dad a murderer?" Sana asked clearly this time.
"No! He was framed!" Mina yelled.
"..." Sana started to back up slowly in fear.
"I told you it's not true! It wasn't him!" Mina started walking towards Sana but she turned and ran.

The next day, neither of them were at school. Days kept passing when Sana was forced to go to school. She was surprised when she didn't see Mina. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or sad. At first she was just focusing in class but Mina started to pop in her mind more and more. After the second day of school without Mina, Sana was worried sick and knew she had fallen for Mina. She went to Mina's house after school.
Knock knock
Sana knocked on the door but Mina's mom opened.
"What do you need?" She asked Sana nicely.
"You were very nice to her and I'll always be grateful but please just leave me memories of your kindness towards my daughter instead of hurting her."
"I'm sorry. I'm only 15 after all. I miss her." Sana said desperately.
"I don't know where she is. She only comes home at night." Mina's mom confessed.

Instead of waiting for Mina, Sana went to look for her. Luckily, she found Mina the first place she checked; the playground. Right when Mina saw Sana, Mina started walking away. Sana caught up to Mina, held her hand, and pulled her in for a hug.
"What are you doing? Stop!" Mina said.
"No." Sana continues to hug her.
"Why not? I'm the daughter of a murderer."  Mina started to burst into tears.
"Do you remember what you asked me when we first met?" Sana asked but no reply.
"You asked me 'You won't regret this?' and I said I wouldn't. I need to take responsibility for that answer." Sana said proudly.
"Ha, responsibility? As if! It's not like you're my lover or anything." Mina rolled her eyes but Sana smirked.
"I mean, if you would let me be your lover... I'd be glad." Sana said cutely.
"I am known as the daughter of a murderer..."
"I'm the daughter of a big politician who is most-likely a murderer..." Sana admitted.
"I'm poor." Mina ignored what Sana said.
"I'm rich."
"Exactly." Mina thought she proved a point but Sana was playing dumb.
"What?" Mina asked confused.
"What?" Sana asked back.
"We're polar opposites." Mina said.
"We are." Sana admitted again.
"I'm a girl and you're a girl." Mina kept naming off reasons why they couldn't be together.
"I'm aware."
"Why are you being so stubborn?!" Mina got frustrated.
"Because all of these things are irrelevant. Those things don't define you. I like just you."
"... Family objection." Mina named her last reason.
"Yours will? Because my family don't matter. I grew up independently in Korea. I'm not interested in politics either so I'm probably just gonna move out once I'm old enough. I like you much better than them." Sana managed to counter Mina's last question too.
"What about my feelings?" Mina asked.
"Well, do you like me?.... For me?" Sana asked and even remembered to get specific. In the past, people used her so much and she felt like Mina was different. She was anticipating Mina's answer.
"I do. I like you. Just you. For you. You were there for me during the dark times and that's the most you can do for a person." Mina cried. Sana once again, wiped away the tears and gave a forehead kiss. Mina gave one back. Already receiving all the attention they can receive, they decided to live their lives how they wanted since it wouldn't change much. The rest of their school years, they just had each other. Like Sana said, when she was of age, she moved out. Her parents paid no attention to her because there was political turmoil. Mina's mom was happy for the two. They moved in together. Sana became an entertainer meanwhile Mina became a ballerina. They continue to live their lives happily today.

Author's note: Happy story today! It seems like the last one got everyone in their feels😅

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