Nayeon and Sana: Valentine's Day

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Two lonely girls coincidentally meet on this day of love. They day they despise. Nayeon and Sana met in the middle of an intersection. Nayeon was walking on the sidewalk upset. She thought "Why do my relationships never work out?" , she had just broken up with her boyfriend. "I should have at least waited till after Valentine's Day...". She was sad because she missed the relationship but not the guy. She just couldn't seem to get attached. While she was walking, something caught her attention; Sana. Sana was with her friends seemingly having the time of her life. She was laughing so hard, Nayeon heard from across the street. Nayeon saw that they were saying goodbye. She kept observing Sana and noticed that her smile faded as she walked away. This made Nayeon want to get to know her. Nayeon started walking quickly trying to catch up to her. A large bus passed and Nayeon lost her, Nayeon jogged around looking all over. Then she went to cross a street but someone pulled her hair. "Who are you?" Sana asked as she was behind Nayeon. Nayeon hasn't seen her face so she shockingly asks "Who are you?!". Sana shows her face and Nayeon freezes. "Were you following me? Why?" Sana stared at Nayeon suspiciously waiting for an answer. Nayeon realizes and gave a rushed answer "Yes!". Sana thought was cute how panicked Nayeon was. "Haha, why?" Sana asks. "Because you're a unique person and I wanted to meet you." Nayeon still in a panic says. "Ah, I see. I'm not sure why you found me unique but let's get to know each other.". After that, they went to a cafe and got to know each other better. They were shocked at how similar they were. They started doing things they liked together. They were basically a couple without the title and benefits. Sadly being similar has its ups and downs. They loved each other but both of them neglected the feelings. The both thought they were straight. They thought they loved each other as sisters but this wasn't the case. One Valentines say, they both got drunk. It was their two year friendaversary. They even have similar tolerance and habits. It's rare that they get drunk since they are both heavy drinkers but it happened. One of their habits was exposing the truth and doing whatever they think to.
Nayeon: Sana... You're pretty.
Sana: Nayeon... You're prettier.
Nayeon: You're prettiest.
Sana: No way! You are the prettiest in my eyes.
Nayeon: You were so pretty I follow you around.
Sana: Haha, you were so cute then.

Sana squishes Nayeon's face then give her a peck on the lips.

Nayeon: You looked lonely then.

Nayeon moves closer and gives Sana a kiss.

Sana: You looked lonely too.

Sana kisses Nayeon for a longer time.

Nayeon: I was.

Nayeon kisses Sana for even longer.

Sana: I was too.

Sana starts to kiss Nayeon for a very long time and when they pull away. Nayeon says...

Nayeon: I know.

They kiss for a very long time. Things escalate a little but eventually they fall asleep. Sana wakes up and realizes what had happened. She gives sleeping Nayeon a forehead kiss.

I guess this is the end. Happy Valentine's day my precious friend.

Sana knew they couldn't be together. She thought that Nayeon would've done the same thing, since they were similar after all. But no one is exactly the same. After she woke up, Sana ran away. She cut off ties with everyone in Korea and went to Japan. Nayeon woke up and remembered what happened. She knew Sana well and knew she took off somewhere. She ran the streets looking for Sana. It was useless. Nayeon was heartbroken. All Sana left was a letter.

I'm sorry. You know what happened last night should not have happened. We can't go back. Not even as friends. I know you would have done the same if you woke up first; so please try to understand me a bit. I'm okay, I hope you are too. Our live for each other is a forbidden one. We just weren't meant to be. I'm leaving Korea with Momo and not coming back. I'm not in love with her so don't worry about things like that. I only love you. Will you be my Valentines? Although we're apart?

Nayeon sobbed and sobbed. Sana wrote it so beautifully, Nayeon hung it up. Nayeon couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she left with Momo. She knew Momo loved Sana but it was one sided. She starting doubting Sana's feelings but as time went by, Nayeon started to focus on work but every once in a while, she got a letter from Momo. She threw them aside thinking Momo was probably boasting about the fact she had Sana. As the years went by, the letters started to stack. Nayeon was still stubborn and didn't open them. Nayeon still thought about Sana. She spent her Valentines day wandering the streets because that was how she first met Sana on Valentines day. Eventually, Nayeon got herself a boyfriend who she somewhat liked. He proposed and she accepted. It has now been five years since the incident. It was Valentines day again, Nayeon's wedding was soon but she took a break from all the planning to wander the streets. Someone caught her attention. It was a girl who seemed to be laughing her head off. It was similar to how Sana was laughing when Nayeon first met her, Nayeon quickly turned her head. She saw the back of a girl, it didn't seem like Sana since the girl had black hair and Sana had blonde. But suddenly they girl turned her head to look at her friend and Nayeon knew from her side profile, it was Sana. Sana said bye to her friends and left with a lonely face just like how Nayeon first saw her. Nayeon chased after her but a car got in the way. Nayeon ran around the streets then someone suddenly held her hand and pulled it. "Were you following me?" Sana asks. Nayeon was looking at her face shocked and manages to reply "Yes, I was.". Sana gives a smile and asks "Now what?". Nayeon says "Let's catch up.". They go to a cafe and start to catch up. Nayeon finally breaks the news to Sana.
Nayeon: I'm getting married.
Sana: Is that right? Haha, congratulations...
Nayeon: Thank you. Have you met anyone?
Sana: You're cruel.
Nayeon: Why? I'm not the one who left.
Sana: Do you not read my letters?
Nayeon: What letters?
Sana: You're unbelievable.

Sana leaves the cafe. Nayeon was confused and then she realizes that Momo's letters were actually Sana's. She rushes home to open the letters. They were indeed Sana's. Nayeon recognized the beautiful writing anywhere. She read the last letter she got.

Do you even read these? Or are you playing hard to get? I like it over here but I like it where you are better. This Valentines day, I decided to go back to Korea. I want to see you so let's meet where we first met? I keep asking you if you want me to come back but you never respond. How cruel. You're still the one in my heart and I stopped caring about others and I just want you. I long for you every single day. Every hour of the day. Every minute of the day. Every second of the day. Every Valentines day I miss you the most. I can't forget you. I regret the day I left. I think about it everyday. I should have stayed. I'm sorry...

Nayeon cried and cried. She called Momo to get in contact with Sana. She met up with Sana a week later. They both had blood shot eyes.
Sana: Cruel girl.
Nayeon: You were cruel first.
Sana: I missed you..
Nayeon: I missed you too..
Sana: So what now?
Nayeon: We part ways.
Sana: What? Why? The feelings are still there!
Nayeon: We can't turn back time. The feelings are still there but five years have passed. I'm getting married soon.
Sana: Cancel it.
Nayeon: Since you left me first... I'll leave you now. Sorry.
Sana: Nayeon ah...
Nayeon: I'll reject your request to be Valentines from now on, so please don't ask anymore. Let's pretend I said yes for the last five years.
Sana: Cruel.

Sana leaves the cafe and Nayeon sits there in heart ache. Nayeon gets married a few days later and Sana flies back to Japan. They both continue on with their lives. Momo and Sana end up getting married but Sana's heart stays with Nayeon. They lived very lonely lives despite having partners. The longed for each other everyday... Especially Valentines Day. It was a day for love but they always left to be alone because the ones they loved... were no longer by their side.

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