Nayeon and Momo: Cover up

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It was a sunny day when the Nayeon and Momo met through a mutual friend. They met through Jungyeon who they both happened to like. They were young at the time. Nayeon was 16 and Momo was 15. Jungyeon cared for them both and wanted her best friends to meet. So when one day, she set up a meeting. She talked to Nayeon about it first.
Jungyeon:Nayeon, I have someone I want you to meet!
Nayeon: Who?
Jungyeon: Her name is Momo and she's my friend.
Nayeon: ...Why would I meet her?
Jungyeon: Because I think you guys would suit each other as friends.
Nayeon: Hmph, alright.

Nayeon didn't like the idea. She didn't want to share Jungyeon with anyone. She knew Jungyeon was popular with girls so it bothered her that one girl in particular stuck out in Jungyeon's eyes. Meanwhile, after talking to Nayeon, Jungyeon goes to tell Momo.
Jungyeon: There's someone I want to introduce you to!
Momo: Who and why?
Jungyeon: Why is everyone asking why?
Momo: It's weird to just approach someone and say that.
Jungyeon: Ah, is it? I didn't think about it like that, oops. But she's a long time friend of mine. She is a year older though.
Momo: That's cool but I feel like it would be awkward.
Jungyeon: I'm sure it won't be.
Momo: Okay.

A few days later, the two were introduced. Momo was shocked, Nayeon was prettier than Momo originally thought. It was the same for Nayeon. They were awkward at first.
Jungyeon: Finally, my best friends meet.
Momo: Ah, hello.
Nayeon: Hi.
Momo: I'm Momo.
Nayeon: I'm Nayeon.
Momo and Nayeon: ...
Jungyeon: This is awkward...
Nayeon: What were you expecting?
Momo: Did you think we were just going to become best friends...
Jungyeon: Yes, but if not, that's okay too. You guys have a lot of time to get to know each other since the three of us will be hanging out more often.

After the awkward meeting, they all went their separate ways. When they left, Nayeon thought:
Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. She seems like a good girl and she is the only one my heart has ever raced for at first sight... There's something about her that draws me to her...

Meanwhile, Momo thought:
She's pretty, oh wow does she have visuals. So beautiful, I'm shocked.

The two thought about each other all night. But the reality hit both of them... "What if she doesn't like me". This kept popping up in their heads and got in the way of a romance sparking for them at all. Because the first meeting was so awkward, Nayeon thought Momo had zero interest while Momo thought the same for Nayeon. Both of them slightly liked Jungyeon and the both decided to just focus on her. Years went by and as Jungyeon said, the awkwardness went away and the three of them were close. But, it was too late. They became enemies at the same time, competing for Jungyeon's heart. Even after high school they tried to win over Jungyeon. Now 22, Nayeon saw Momo constantly making proposals to Jungyeon and thought:
Ha, Ha, Ha... So I wasn't in love with Jungyeon in the end. It was you that I wanted. Jungyeon was just a cover up but I don't think that was the case for you... So this is where your heart belongs. I'll leave the two of you alone then.

From that day on, Nayeon stopped being lovey dovey with Jungyeon. This didn't go unnoticed by Momo or Jungyeon. But both thought something was up so they left it. About a year later, Momo and Jungyeon started dating. Now 23, Nayeon thought she should get herself a lover too.
Nayeon: I'm so lonely guys.
Jungyeon: You have us.
Momo: Yeah... you have... us....
Nayeon: No, you guys have each other, I'm a third wheel.
Jungyeon: Never!
Nayeon: I'm a fool for holding on to my one sided love for so long.
Momo: ...
Jungyeon: Nayeon...
Nayeon: Don't worry, it wasn't either of you.

Of course, Nayeon was lying. She loved Momo but of course that was ridiculous. So she made it seem like she loved Jungyeon but then she realized that Momo and Jungyeon were together so to lift weight off their shoulders, she denied liking either of them. Momo's heart hurt and felt a sense of guilt. Hearing the confirmation that Nayeon didn't like her was a lot to take in. It was so tense that day, Nayeon distanced herself from the two. But little did she know, the next time they met up, Nayeon would get hooked up with someone.
Nayeon: Hey, it's been a while! Who is this...?
Momo: This is my friend Sana.
Nayeon: Pleased to meet you.
Sana: Pleasure is mine.
Momo: It wasn't like this when we met.
Jungyeon: We're setting you up on a date!
Nayeon: ...
Jungyeon: Momo, let's leave the two alone.

Jungyeon took Momo's hand and left. Nayeon was heart broken, especially since Momo hooked her up. Regardless, her and Sana hit it off... Or so that was what Sana thought. Nayeon was just using Sana. About six months into the relationship, Sana noticed. She was okay with it, since she was basically doing the same. It was a beneficial relationship. The two broke up but moved in with each other. They didn't let anyone know they broke up because they still pretended to be a couple in front of their true loves. It has now been a year, Momo and Nayeon basically cut ties because they grew apart. But one day... one day... Nayeon got a check up. She was 24 years old, not even half way through her 20s when she was informed... "Nayeon, we are sorry to tell you that you have leukemia."

Nayeon was truly heart broken and told Sana.
Sana: Nayeon...
Nayeon: I always felt unwell but it got so bad... I got used to it.
Sana: Is there anything you want? Anything you need?
Nayeon: Can you do me a favor?
Sana: Whatever you want.
Nayeon: You're handwriting is truly beautiful. You write calligraphy well. Will you write a letter to Momo for me?
Sana: Of course.

Nayeon's Letter.
Momo, oh beautiful Momo.
I can not explain how much I've missed you. I remember the last day we talked... It was a sad one. We said our goodbyes as if we knew they were our last. I'm not sure how we knew since it was just a regular day, we just hung out like usual. I have a confession, I have never liked Jungyeon. So I hope you continue to live happily with her. It was you the whole time, Jungyeon was a cover up. Sana was a cover up. How foolish of me right? For 8 whole years... I couldn't control my feelings. It's almost my last moments... I hope I can see your face, be with you... Without an excuse. Thinking about it, we have never hung out alone once... It's on my bucket list so please come to me.
XOXO -Nayeon.

The letter was delivered to Momo but she saw Sana's handwriting and threw it aside. She said under her breath "Things weren't suppose to work out and Sana knows that... Probably just bragging that things did."

Everyday, Nayeon waited for Momo... She started to get worse and worse everyday and asked Sana to write more and more. Of course, all the letters were thrown aside. Ten months later, one letter caught Momo's attention because Jungyeon got one too. It was decorated nicely... it wasn't a letter. It was an invitation to something and Momo rolled her eyes and thought

Great, a wedding invitation.

She thought she got the worse mail she could get... but after opening the envelop, it made her wish it was a wedding invitation.

In the envelop said:
Rest In Peace Nayeon.
Please attend Nayeon's funeral, you have been personally invited by her before she passed. 

Momo couldn't believe her eyes. She ripped open about a hundred letters from Sana just to figure out each one was from Nayeon. She attended Nayeon's funeral and in Nayeon's will said

And to the one I love, please give her me. All of me.

When Momo walked up to get Nayeon's ashes, no one said a thing. After the funeral, Momo broke up with Jungyeon. Jungyeon and Sana ended up together surprisingly. Meanwhile, Momo never got over Nayeon. But this didn't stop her. She lived life to the fullest, traveling everywhere and taking Nayeon with her no matter where.

Nayeon, we can be alone, together, and love each other now... I'll see you soon but let's go places we couldn't for now. I'll make sure we're always alone. I love you.

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