Sana and Dahyun: Can't Get Over You.

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Before and during WWII, the Imperial Japanese Army forced women and young girls into sexual slavery in Asia. We call these ladies 'comfort women'. The women came from different areas but Japan and Korea are very close countries so many Koreans were forced to be comfort women.

Dahyun was only 16 years old at the time when she was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army. When they saw her, they immediately noticed her beauty but they also noticed how white she was. They hesitated to make her into a sex slave because they thought she was ill but because they still desired her, they tried to have a medical examination on her. By mistake, the handed her over to the medical lab instead of medical office. This meant that she had become an experiment.

At the same time, there was a girl in Japan trying to put a stop to the Imperial Army. Her name was Sana; she was only 18 and may have been one of the bravest people out there. She had been helping women in Japan until she realized that there were women from other countries. Immediately, she disguised herself as a solider and went to Korea undercover.

When she went to Korea, it was hard for her to find those in need of help. In Japan it was easier since she was familiar with the area. She started to regret her decision of going to Korea because she wasn't much help and things started to be difficult for her. She decided to go back to Japan where she could help more people.

Sana packed and was ready to head back to Japan. She's careful to not get caught but is also always clumsy. Her clumsiness caught up to her and she finally got caught. While she was boarding the plane, she dropped her real ID. She had quick reflexes and he instinct was it grab it right away but when she bent over, her cap fell off and revealed her long hair that was different than everyone else who had a buzzcut. Everyone looked at her she nervously laughed "Hahaha... Surprise?".
"Who are you?" A solider asked.
Sana was flustered and didn't know what to say so she pretended to faint.
"What's wrong with her?" The same solider asked but everyone just shrugged.
"Put her on the plane that is going to the medical lab." The general came and ordered.

Right when Sana was thrown onto the medical lab plane, all she saw were animals with just one human sticking out; it was Dahyun. Sana immediately approached Dahyun and asked "What is a girl like you doing here?" but because Sana asked in Japanese, Dahyun didn't understand.
"What?" Dahyun asked back in Korean.
"Why are you here?" Sana asked back in Korean. Luckily, she learned some Korean while she was there.
"I was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army to be a slave but they were scared that I might be sick because of how pale I am so they threw me in here."
"A slave...? How old are you?" Sana was in shock that such a young girl would be a slave.
"I'm 16 but I'll be 17 soon."
"She younger than me..." Sana thought.
"I'll get you out of here okay?" Sana started to tear up.
"I'm sorry you're stuck here. It doesn't make sense that someone like you would be here." Dahyun started to cry too.
"It's okay. It's no one's fault. I'm sorry you're here too."

It took little time before they made it back to Japan. They were thrown into a cell together. Although both of them were only supposed to be there get a check up and then sent back as slave, the medical lab refused to return the only two humans in custody. They started using Sana and Dahyun as lab rats. They became a source of strength for each other.

They scientist had no mercy on the young girls. They constantly injected unknown substances into Sana and Dahyun. A week passed, Sana and Dahyun were closer than ever. They had fallen in love without knowing it. Sana was more determined to save Dahyun than ever before.

Sana made a plan with Dahyun. She decided to use the same trick she used with the soliders before.
"Okay, I'll pretend to faint and hopefully they only pay attention to me. As they open the cell for me to leave, you try to sneak out too."
"What about you?" Dahyun asked with sadness in her voice.
"I'll be out right after you, okay?" Sana tried to reassure Dahyun.
"I love you, Sana." Dahyun said still extremely worried.
"I love you too... Let's get started." Sana said as she pretended to collapse to the ground.
"DOCTOR, DOCTOR, SHE FAINTED." Dahyun pretended to yell.

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