Momo and Jihyo: Lengend of the Heartless Girl.

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The Legend of the Heartless girl.
Once upon a time, there were two girls. Momo and Jihyo. From the start, Jihyo was in love with Momo. She attempted to hide her feelings but Momo was fully aware. At the time, they were both young, everything was all fun and games. Momo liked the fact that someone was in love with her, it was exciting. She decided to play with Jihyo a little bit... For five years, Jihyo was madly in love with Momo while Momo just played along but they started to reach an age were the need to get married. So, it was no longer fun and games... Momo got married. She knew Jihyo was going to give her a hard time about her marriage so she cut all contact with Jihyo. Jihyo was so heartbroken, she cut her own heart out of her chest. But oddly, she didn't die. The gods pitied her and let her live without a heart. She is immortal but everyone assumed she committed suicide because all they found was her heart. People say that Jihyo would pretend to haunt Momo at night to avenge herself and it eventually drove Momo crazy but no one really knows.

Hello, I'm Momo. When I was younger, my grandma would tell me that story then ask me "Who is the heartless one?". I always answered Jihyo because she has no heart but my grandma would tell me "No, no, it's Momo. Momo was a heartless girl that stole Jihyo's heart. So be a different Momo, okay?". I didn't understand what she meant until I was older but now I know. What always will remain a mystery is why the name 'Jihyo'? It's a Korean name, I want to ask my grandma but... She recently passed away. It's too hard to live in the city by myself so I went to the countryside. I'm becoming a teacher at the school here. My stuff isn't unpacked yet so that's a priority.

So it's my first day at this school, I'm the dance teacher. Although it's only my first day, I've already heard so many stories. They're all telling me that the music and dance hallway is haunted but I think they're just trying to mess with me because I'm the new teacher.

After a week, I've finally been introduced to all the teachers. It was weird because there was one teacher named Jihyo. I was overcome with emotion when I saw her but maybe it's just because she has the same name as the character in the story my grandma used to tell me. The girl was just how grandma described her too. It was freaky.

I approached Jihyo today. Everything about her is cold. She acted normal but it was all cold. Her eyes, her smile, her personality, and her. She was freezing. I didn't know people got that cold. Anyways, I wanted to get to know her so I talked to her a bit.

Jihyo is a great person. We're getting very close but why does she feel so distant at the same time... I don't know what her deal is.

Today I confessed to her. She was expressionless and gave me rejected and simply walked away. My heart was torn into pieces but at least she was honest...

She was the best music teacher out there but she suddenly disappeared. What a heartless girl. I need to just forget about her, even though it hurts.

It has been two years since Jihyo left. I stayed at the school and met an amazing man. I don't love him like I love Jihyo but that's okay. It seems like I always hear her singing at the school. I always find traces of her... I guess I still miss her. I need to marry this man so I can forget Jihyo.

I'm about to get married... Like I'll be married in a few hours but I'm not even nervous. I really don't care much. The most exciting thing about today is opening Grandma's wedding gift she left me before she died. I've always been dying to see what she gave me but her dying wish was for me not to open it until my wedding day. Well here we are, I'll open it now... There's a necklace in here and two letters, one for me and the other for Jihyo...? I'll read my letter first.
Dear Momo,
I guess you're getting married today. Are you happy? Do you love him? Are you sure? Don't marry him if you don't love him. I know you very well my granddaughter... If you're curious how I know, because you are me darling. In the story I told you, I'm Momo. You are Momo and I am Momo. We're one person in different generations. I loved Jihyo just like she loved me but because I started realizing I was actually in love with her, I left. I knew that I broke her heart but ignored it. I thought she died when people found her heart. I stole her heart back to keep for myself. Everyone ended up figuring out we loved each other, even my husband. Traces of her started to surround me and I was happy. My husband started to go insane so for his sake, I left without a trace. Everyone thought I died. I was fine with that. I lived a lonely life in the countryside but then you came. I was starting to get old already, I was confused who left the baby on my doorstep. Next to you was a letter that said "You made a mistake but you punished yourself. Here is a baby, she's part of you. Teach her well and make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes you did. Jihyo is still out there heartless, so return her heart to her." So my sweet child, I'm not stopping you from getting married from if you love him but if you don't, find Jihyo and give the necklace and letter to her.

So many things went through my mind after reading that, I even called off my wedding. Now I'm looking all over for Jihyo. I feel her presence, I left her a note outside that says "I need you, it's urgent." I hope she gets it.

It worked. She came over today. She asked me "What's urgent?" and I just handed her the letter first and then suddenly for the first time ever, I saw and felt emotion from her. She was bawling her eyes out and I'm not sure why but I felt extremely sad. She just cried and cried. Then her facial expressions changed very quickly. "WHERE IS YOUR GRANDMA?" she screamed while still crying. "Dead." I replied. "Died a few years ago." after hearing that, Jihyo just rushed out leaving the letter and the necklace. I'm so tempted to read it but my conscience  is tell me no.

It's been two weeks and I haven't heard from Jihyo, I'm so worried. I think I need to read that letter.
Dear Jihyo,
It's me, Momo. Like the Momo you fell in love with decades ago. I know you have no heart but even without a heart, you're a good person. Please take the necklace, it's your heart. Also this girl Momo, is my granddaughter. She is a gift from god, my second chance. She is another me except she won't make the mistakes I did. I don't think I ever told you but I'm madly in love with you. I can't forget you. I love you Jihyo. So much, words can't describe. You are the love of my life. Literally, you're the only person I loved my whole life. Loneliness is my punishment for what I did to you. I'm sorry. By the time you read this, I'm probably gone. Goodbye my love.
                     Yours Truly,

I cried after I read the letter and I thought a lot. I started to remember how lonely grandma always was and how she had no other family than me. I was always curious why I had no family other than her too but I guess everything has been explained. Grandma has gone through a lot... I should visit her grave.

I'm at the cemetery right now but seems like someone's there. I'm creeping in closer, it looks like Jihyo. Jihyo is here... Their love is so painful. I can't involve myself in it. It's so weird to be in love with the same person as your grandma. Regardless I'm heading over to comfort Jihyo. Jihyo is still bawling her eyes out, I put the necklace around her and I was expecting a change but the only thing that changed was that she's coughing and crying now... Wait... the sky is changing color though, it's very pretty. The clouds are making a stairway and walking down is me? I'm so confused but Jihyo just yelled "Momo!" and ran up and hugged her. I think that might be grandma, we look exactly alike. "Grandma?" I asked. "Oh, my granddaughter... Are you ready?" She asked. "For what?" I was confused. "We're fusing into one person." She said. I'm obviously worried. Does that mean I won't exsist? I don't care. Grandma deserves to live more than I do.

This morning, when I opened my eyes... I saw my lovely Jihyo. I only have a little memory of what happened grandma's grave but technically that's my grave too. I guess we fused together. I'm the same person. Like I'm Momo. Both Momos... How weird. Anyways, I looked at Jihyo and smiled. She was wearing her heart. She smiled back, it was warm like it was back then. "Which Momo are you?" Jihyo asked. "The heartless one." I answered to mess with her. She kissed me and said "I've missed you so much but what about your granddaughter..." She asked. "I'm kidding, I told you in the letter that me and her are the same person. Like... It's so complicated but we are the same person." I told her. "I'm glad we're together now." She told me. "Me too, I love you." I told her for the first time in person. "I love you too you heartless girl." Jihyo joked. "Hey, at least my heart was actually in my body." I clapped back.

We are living happily.

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