2Yeon: Exist

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Have you ever thought about what it was like to not exist?

The government has worked on a secret project that can change everything. They've teamed up with the greatest scientist and now can completely erase your existence from everyone minds... Except your own, of course. It's a form of punishment, for the worst of worst crimes. I'm not talking about murder, I'm talking about treason. Rebelling against the government is the worst crime according to the law.

Nayeon worked for the government with Jungyeon. Actually, they went from coworkers to lovers. It all happened pretty fast. Nayeon was Jungyeon's senior but Jungyeon never looked at it like that. She fell for Nayeon at first sight and Nayeon's personality was so cute, Jungyeon fell even harder. Jungyeon was super nice to Nayeon and it paid off because Nayeon was madly and obliviously in love with Jungyeon. They started dating. At first it was a secret but they were so lovey dovey, everyone knew. They came out as a couple... Everyone happily accepted the two and were happy for them. They couldn't be happier... Then their world flipped upside down.

One morning, Jungyeon woke up and no longer recognized the girl next to her. Nayeon was in tears shaking Jungyeon back and forth, waking her up.

"Please tell me you know me!" Nayeon cried desperately.
"O-of course I do! What's wrong? What happened?" Jungyeon looked deep into Nayeon's eyes.
"I have no time to explain, follow me!" Nayeon held Jungyeon's hand and pulled her but she didn't move.
"Where are we going...?" Jungyeon asked carefully.
"We have to leave somewhere far away... Far far away. Everyone can forget that I exist but... but... I wouldn't want to live anymore if you forgot me."

Nayeon burst into tears without knowing the reality that... Jungyeon had already forgotten her. Regardless, Jungyeon's heart still hurt seeing Nayeon like that. That was why Jungyeon kept lying because Jungyeon knew that something wasn't right.

"I'll never forget you. Ever. Trust me." Jungyeon lied.
"Come with me now then!" Nayeon urged.
"I'll just go to work and pretend to have forgotten you." Jungyeon lied again.
"Stay here and be safe... I-I love you?" Jungyeon said as she was unsure of what her and Nayeon's relationship was.
"I'm hiding here, make sure no one knows where I am." Nayeon pleaded.
"Rest well."

And so, Jungyeon went to work. Something seemed to be missing but she ignored it. Then something really seemed odd when her boss started to question her.
"How do you feel?"
"How was your morning?"
"What'd you do today?"
"Do you feel sad at all?"
"Is the name Nayeon familiar?"

Jungyeon answered them as if she didn't see Nayeon that morning.
"Chaotic, I woke up late."
"I took a shower then went to work."
"I already told you, I'm good."
"Nayeon? Who is Nayeon?"

When her boss asked her who Nayeon was, she actually didn't know but it didn't take her long to realize that was Nayeon's name. After talking to her boss, she went to go look through her phone for pictures of her and Nayeon but the government had erased them all without her realizing. She still had no idea who Nayeon was and she didn't want to make it obvious to Nayeon that she had forgotten her.

Jungyeon was desperate for hints and eventually found some. As she was listening to her seniors talk, she heard something she shouldn't have.
"Where is Nayeon?!" Jihyo, the big boss, said.
"I don't know, we'll find her though." Momo, one of the superior workers, said.
"She's couldn't have gone far." Jihyo said in a serious tone.
"But, don't you feel for her?" Momo said with a soft tone.
"We are just doing our job... If she just did hers then it wouldn't have turned out like this." Jihyo said with an obviously sad voice.
"Jungyeon doesn't even remember her... Her own girlfriend." Momo gave a sigh while Jungyeon gasped and finally realized the situation.
"What was that?" Jihyo said as she carefully scanned the room. Jungyeon covered her mouth and watched as the two of them look around. Suddenly they made eye contact and left.

"Is this okay?" Momo asked nervously.
"What do you mean?" Jihyo asked as if she didn't know.
"Is it okay for us to let Jungyeon and Nayeon off the hook?"
"No but no one knows Nayeon exists except us. We've done her wrong enough." Jihyo shed a single tear.
"I hope Nayeon and Jungyeon can find happiness again." Momo smiled as her and Jihyo walked off.

Meanwhile, in the room, Jung found a document about Nayeon and her lifetime... It suddenly all made sense to Jungyeon.

Im Nayeon, 22 years old. Born in Gangdong District, South Korea. Raised in a middle class family. Graduated high school then started working for the government. Found significant other, Yoo Jungyeon, and went public. Worked up to highest level of government until she rebelled. She opposed the idea of erasing the existence of someone so she became the criminal to face the punishment... Im Nayeon no longer has an identity.
Current state: Imprisoned.

"Imprisoned?" Jungyeon understood what had happened but was confused when they said Nayeon was imprisoned because Nayeon was clearly at Jungyeon's house in the morning... "She escaped?" Jungyeon thought.

Jungyeon went home and saw Nayeon sleeping. Jungyeon sat beside Nayeon and Nayeon was crying in her sleep. Jungyeon lightly pet her head.
"What do they mean they got rid of your existence? I forgot you but I'll fall in love with you over and over again." Jungyeon thought as she gazed at Nayeon.

Nayeon woke up and hugged Jungyeon. Jungyeon kissed her and said "I've missed you."
"I'm so glad you know I exist." Nayeon said as she full heartedly believed Jungyeon remembered who she was.
"You'll always exist in my heart." Jungyeon said and then got a punch from Nayeon for being cheesy.

"I'm glad that I didn't have to work to win over her heart because I already have it." Jungyeon thought as she gave Nayeon a big hug.

Now, they plot revenge. They only thing they could think of was to peacefully expose the government. So they did but the two of them couldn't do much because the government had so much power... In the end, it was just considered treason. This time they erased Jungyeon's existence.

Nayeon woke up one morning and didn't recognize the girl beside her anymore. She had all her memories except those of Jungyeon.
"WHAT THE HELL? WHO ARE YOU?" Nayeon yelled.
"Oh, I guess it happened." Jungyeon said calmly with a bit of sadness.
"What are you talking about?!"
"I'm your girlfriend." Jungyeon said bluntly.
"Yeah right! People don't know I exist." Nayeon said while being slightly sad.
"Yeah well, I do. Also same. We're in the same situation right now. Even you've forgotten about me." Jungyeon said looking Nayeon straight in the eye.
"Are you a perv? You think I'm dumb, you just like me because I have a pretty face." Nayeon smirked and the two laughed.

"I wonder if this is how it was the first time I met you... Well I guess it's time to find out. This is a good way to restart." Jungyeon thought to herself.

"Well, no one knows us, we have no identity anymore. No one will get their memories of us back. Let's just go to the countryside and start new lives." Jungyeon suggested.
"That's not a bad idea but don't you dare try to make a move on me." Nayeon glared at Jungyeon.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Jungyeon rolled her eyes.

And so the two left. They went to the countryside and had a farm. They fell in love again and were happier than ever without a care in the world. Even though their families didn't remember them, they still occassionally paid their parents a visit.

Without being involved in the government and just having their own peaceful lives in the countryside was the happiest they'll get.

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