MiMo: Crazy in Love

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*Based off of Momo's Hit the Stage performance with Mina*
*Stream Dance The Night Away*

People do crazy things for love.

The first time Momo and Mina met was in high school. There was an immediate attraction, they couldn't get their eyes off of each other. Momo was openly gay but Mina was in the closet. Even though Mina was very secretive about her sexuality but she made sure Momo knew she was into her. Mina made the first moves on Momo.

"Hey, I saw you looking at me, is there an issue?" Mina said in a flirtatious way.
"Who knows? You were looking at me too, is there a problem?" Momo came back strong because she didn't know Mina was flirting.
"Yeah, there is." Mina said while looking straight into Momo's eyes.
"What?" Momo avoided Mina's eye contact.
"I think I have a crush on you." Mina said as she smirked.
"You?!" Momo yelled out loud, everyone looked at them.
"Shh, don't let anyone know." Mina leaned in and whispered in Momo's ear.

From then on, they started dating. They were so insanely in love and were having the time of their lives. They went on fun dates at the amusement park, ate lots of different food, laid in a field alone and looked at the stars, everything you could think of as a fun date, Momo and Mina did it. It was all fun and games until they got caught.

They were in a dance studio, where they both spent most of their time. They were dancing together alone, they got tired and rested. Mina rested on Momo briefly before going back to the dancing, they kissed each other then got up but someone saw and took a picture.

The picture got around and Mina simply came out. She was so in love with Momo that coming out, which was once her biggest fear, was easy for her now. There was bullying but there was also support. Everything seemed to be fine until the school figured out.

The principal expelled both girls. This ended up making their parents upset and separating the two.... The forbid the girls ever see each other again.
"I hate that principal, I want him fired." Momo cried before her and Mina was supposed to split.
"Me too." Mina said.
"All those kids who bullied us should be the ones who are expelled." Momo complained.
"You're right."
"I don't want to leave you. I don't want us to be apart." Momo cried.
"Me neither!" Mina cried.

The moment Mina said that, Momo snapped.
"What have we done wrong? You wanna see wrong? I'll show you wrong." Momo thought to herself.

Momo went crazy. As crazy as crazy gets... She murdered the principal along with all the kids who had bullied them. It made headlines all over.


She never told anyone. Not even Mina. She knew she had gone crazy but she didn't want anyone else to know. Although Momo and Mina were forbidden to see each other, that didn't stop them from seeing each other anyways. Every night, Momo snuck into Mina's room every night. They were quiet so their parents never caught on...

Not until Mina's brother decided to snitch. Everything was really over between Mina and Momo. Mina's parents had cameras placed all over the house but then something weird happened... Mina's brother got filmed while taking the cameras down.
"Help me... Mo Mo" He mouthed to the camera right before he took them down. After that, he went missing.

Mina started putting the pieces together while being in denial all at the same time.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Mina's dad yelled.
"What has she done to my baby? Where is he?" Mina's mom sobbed.
"Mina! You go find her and take care of this right now!"

Mina did just that... She left to find Momo but little did she realize, Momo was gone. Only a little bit of Momo remained. Mina went to meet Momo where Momo told her to... Then BOOM.

Momo locked Mina in the room.
"W-why are you like this? You're scaring me."
"Why are you scared?" Momo said in a scary tone.
"W-where is my b-brother?" Mina asked.
Momo started to walk towards Mina, Mina fell back.
"He tried to come between us, so he's gone."
"Where?" Mina started to breath heavy and started to get scared.
"Why are you acting like that? Like I'm a monster." Momo looked Mina straight in the eye and asked.
"Come here." Mina said bravely.
Momo walked up to her.
"Where's my cute and friendly Momo? Where has my Momo gone?" Mina said as she touched Momo's face and shed a tear.
"She's right here." Momo said as she she became sane for a second. She looked at Mina's eyes... "I don't know what has gotten into me." She started to shed tears then hugged Mina.
Mina was no longer scared, Momo was there. "I love you..."
"I love you too..." Momo softly said before she went completely insane.
"Hahaha." Momo started to laugh.
"I feel like you became like this because of me..." Mina said as she finally realized Momo was no longer Momo. "Let's get you some help. You can be like how you used to be!" Mina urged.
"There's no turning back, baby. But hearing that makes me think you don't want me..." Momo said in a crazy manner.
"I want my Momo." Mina said.
"She's not coming back, it's only me now." Momo laughed.
"I don't want you." Mina said...
Momo snapped.
"If I can't have you then no one can!" Momo said.

One week later...

Momo got charged for the murder of Mina's brother, Mina, and all the other people. She confessed to it all. She was put in a mental institution where they are still trying to figure out why she went mad.

Story is based on that performance^

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