SaiDa: Only a Woman Knows.

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Both Sana and Dahyun are at that age now... Adulthood. Sana is actually been an adult for two years now but Dahyun just became one this year. When she became an adult, she realized not much changed but she did finally come to accept certain things she couldn't before... Her love for Sana. Sana has been her best friend for the past few years but for almost three of those years... Dahyun was in love with Sana. It started as a crush, like one you get in elementary. Then she started to actually like Sana, like a high schooler would. She always denied the fact because she was ashamed but the moment she became and adult, not only did she accept the fact she liked Sana but she accepted the fact that she loved Sana.

Dahyun didn't know what to do about it. She didn't want to ruin the friendship she has with Sana but... She also didn't want to continue to be just friends. She decided to stop thinking about it for a while but it seems like she took to long... Sana got a boyfriend, Junho. Even though Sana had a boyfriend, she still spent most of her time with Dahyun and told Dahyun everything about her love life... It was torture to Dahyun.
"Dahyun ah, guess what happened today?" Sana would always start out asking.
"What?" Dahyun would always say with a smile.
"It's about Junho!" Sana would say nearly each time. Dahyun felt like someone was stabbing her in her heart each time Sana talked about Junho.

At first, she made him seem perfect but as time started to pass, she started to have complaints about him.
"He doesn't pay attention to me."
"He always ignores me."
"He doesn't talk to me."
"He's acting so distant."
"It feels like he's different person."
"The passion isn't there anymore."
"He irritates me so easily."
"All we do now is argue."
"He makes me feel insecure."
The complaints went on everyday. Dahyun listened to everything Sana said and felt outraged. She thought it was crazy that someone could treat Sana like that. She decided to take matters into her own hands by attempting to win Sana over.

Dahyun was already off to a good start because she always gives Sana all her attention, she always listens to Sana, she always talks to Sana, she's always close to Sana, and she always makes sure Sana knows that she's important. The only problem with all of this is, these are all friendly gestures. Dahyun wanted more but she couldn't straightforwardly ask Sana what it would take to be more than friends. Dahyun had to figure it out on her own, she thought very hard before realizing... She was a woman too.

Dahyun started to treat Sana how Dahyun wanted herself to be treated by her lover. Dahyun didn't start off strong. She did little things like giving Sana back hugs or other acts of skinship. After that, she started to compliment Sana, even more than she used to.
"You look beautiful."
"You're so cute."
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

Slowly, Dahyun started to advance more. It went from hugs to kisses. The compliments became more intimate.
"Junho is one lucky guy."
"If I were a guy, I would date you."
"You make me wish I was a guy."
"Sana, I love you..."
"Sana, like I really really love you."

Eventually Sana started to see the situation. She also started to realize that Dahyun was making her heart beat faster. Sana knew that she had fallen for Dahyun but knew that it wasn't okay because she was still with Junho. She wasn't sure what to do because she didn't want to hurt Junho but her heart was shifting towards Dahyun. So... She didn't do anything. She just stayed with Junho while having secret feelings for Dahyun. But, Dahyun was started to get impatient and made a bold move.

Dahyun and Sana were alone and Sana was complaining about Junho as usual. Dahyun inches closer to Sana and holds her hand.
"I know Junho is a good guy but... I think you need someone else." Dahyun said while looking straight into Sana's eyes.
"W-What are you talking about?" Sana asked as her heart started to race because of Dahyun and she quickly avoided eye contact.
"I think you know." Dahyun said as she took her hand and turned Sana's face towards her.
"Junho is a good guy." Sana said with a troubled look on her face.
"But... you guys aren't meant to be. He'll learn from his relationship with you and find a new one." Dahyun started to lean in closer to Sana.
"Junho is usually really nice." Sana started to feel guilty.
"You're a really nice girl." Dahyun said before going in for a kiss. Their lips touched and no one pulled away. Sana felt her heart nearly beating out of her chest and same with Dahyun. Sana had a strong sense of guilt but didn't want to stop but eventually she pulled away.
"This isn't right." Sana said in tears.
"Why not?" Dahyun asked.
"I'm with Junho." Sana said in an ashamed matter.
"Breaking up is really best for you guys but if you don't want to break up with him... I'll really drop my feelings for you." Dahyun said as she left.
Sana thought for a while and decided that it was best to break up with Junho. She explained to Junho the whole situation with no lies.

Junho was upset that Dahyun won Sana over and wanted to meet up with Dahyun to discuss it.
"You stole my girlfriend." Junho said teary eyed.
"You lost her." Dahyun said.
"I don't know what you did but you stole her!" Junho said frustrated.
"I'm sorry." Dahyun said sympathetically.
"How did you do it anyways?" Junho asked as he started to calm down.
"I know what she wanted. How she wanted to be treated." Dahyun answered.
"And I didn't?" Junho asked as he started to cry.
"No, because only a woman knows what a woman wants." Dahyun looked him straight in the eye and said "A man can learn what a woman wants through communication... Communicate with you're girlfriend next time please. Now live a nice life and I hope you find someone new." Dahyun stood up and left. She left to go see Sana who is now her girlfriend.

In this story, I'm talking about 2PM's Junho. Please do not misunderstand, I like Junho very much and did not mean to hate on him in anyway. His new song recently came out and the music videos stars Sana so I actually decided to write this story in honor of Junho's new song with the Twice collaboration(Also SaiDa was requested lol) So please so Junho's new song lots of support!

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