Jungyeon and Momo: Roommates.

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Momo was scouted by Korean dance team, JYP. When she was scouted, she was immediately expected to leave Japan to go to Korea. Without hesitation, she agreed because she wanted to follow her dreams. It wasn't what she expected. She though racism didn't exist anymore but she was extremely wrong. Almost all the girls she shares a room with sabotaged her. Her was constantly changing roommates because they kept bullying her because she was Japanese and because they were jealous. One day, the coaches couldn't find any other solution except to move her to stay with a Senior dancer. Dance instructor Kahi asked Jungyeon, a senior dancer,

"Will you please take care of Momo? I know you deserve a dorm to yourself but Momo can't stay with other juniors, they hate her too much. Poor thing came to chase her dreams but are being chased by haters instead."

"Yes, of course. Why do they hate her?"

"No real reason. It might be because she's Japanese."

"That's no reason to hate anyone."

"Tell me about it! Or it might be because her skills exceed all of the junior's skills."

"Really? She must be good."

"I'd say she's the best on the team."

"I've suddenly grown curious about her."

"So you'll have her as a roommate?"

"I already said yes."

"This is great. I really owe you one Jungyeon."

"No, no, instructor Kahi, I owe you so much. This is nothing compared to all you have done for me."

"Aw! You're so sweet. I knew I could trust you."

"Ah, do you know when she'll be coming?"

"About two weeks? I'm not sure."

"Oh okay, I'll be waiting for her."

"Aigoo, you're such an angel, I swear."

Jungyeon is a very clean person so she didn't need to clean up. She just patiently waited for Momo. Since she was curious about Momo, she went to the junior's dance practice. At first, she couldn't tell who was Momo. Then she saw what the instructor Kahi was talking about. When they started to practice, Momo immediately stood out. She was indeed the best dancer and when they were done practicing, Jungyeon witnessed Momo being bullied. There was pushing and shoving but Momo did stand up for herself but there were so many of them, Jungyeon got involved. She slapped the one who initiated all the bullying and started to scold her.
"That is no way to treat this girl."

"Jungyeon Sunbae!"

"Don't call me that, I'm ashamed."

"What have I done wrong?"

"What has she done wrong?"



"First of all, she's Japanese. Why didn't she just become a dancer there instead of coming here and getting all the attention?"

"Because she's good unli-"

Jungyeon was interrupted by Momo.

"I can fight my own battles, please leave."

Junyeon was speechless and left. Meanwhile, Momo was embarrassed. Everything was just going wrong until two weeks later. Momo moved in to Jungyeon's dorm, Momo was unaware of whose dorm it was. She entered and immediately greeted Jungyeon.
"Hello, I'm Momo. I came from Japan and I'm a new dancer. I'm grateful a sunbae would let me stay with them."

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