Momo and Mina: Doomed

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Mina and Momo didn't have a special meeting but had special fates. They met and fell in love like normal people. They were childhood friends. They stayed best friends up until high school. Mina started to go boy crazy. It made Momo extremely jealous and at first she wasn't sure why. Mina on the other hand, continuously had failed relationships. Then it became sophomore year and Momo realized she was gay. She came out of the closet to Mina first.
"Momo, I always talk to you about my boy problems but you never talk to me about yours. What are yours?"
"I don't have any." Momo said shyly.
"Everyone does! Are we best friends or not? Why are you keeping secrets?" Mina asked offended.
"Because I don't have boy problems..."
"Then what type of problems do you have?"
"Girl problems" Momo whispered.
"What?" Mina didn't hear.
"I have girl problems! I like girls..."
"I'm bisexual and I don't want anyone to know! I didn't even realize myself until this year!"
"I'm still your best friend though, I wish you would tell me these kind of things."
"So you can judge me?"
"I can't judge you if I know you..." Mina gave Momo a reassuring hug.
"Thank you."
"This isn't something you should be thanking me about."
The two continued with their daily lives but everyday, Momo's fight with her sexuality got worse and worse. At the same time, Mina's relationships got worse and worse. Momo wanted to believe that she liked boys so she ended up getting a boyfriend. Unluckily for Momo... He was abusive but she didn't do anything about it. She didn't want Mina worrying so she never told Mina. As time went by, Momo's boyfriend got more abusive. Mina started to notice Momo's bruises and scars.
"Hey, where are all of these coming from?" Mina asked.
"Practicing dance..." Momo avoided eye contact.
"We're on the same dance team and practice together, don't lie to me." Mina made Momo look her in the eyes. Momo's eyes were teary.
"Hey..." Mina said worried.
"It's nothing!"
"Hey, if you ever need to tell me anything... I'm always here." Mina knew she bother Momo about it anymore.

Fast fowarding, Momo and Mina are now in 12th grade and are about to graduate. Momo and Mina are slowly drifting apart because Momo spends all her time with her abusive boyfriend. She spends time with him because she doesn't want Mina worrying and finding out about the abuse. Momo has been pushing Mina away meanwhile Mina has been trying her best to keep Momo by her side. Graduation was coming up and Mina had one request for Momo.
"Hey, I understand you have a boyfriend now but can we graduate together?"
"We all are, what are you talking about?"
"I mean... Just the two of us. Without your boyfriend. It has always been just us and I never brought my boyfriend along and I'd appreciate it if you did the same."

That day, while hanging out with her boyfriend; Momo cautiously brought it up.
"Hey babe..." Momo said.
"What?" He asked.
"You know graduation is coming up right?"
"Yes! I'm so glad to be graduating with my baby."
"About that..."
"What?" He asked in a cold tone.
"I was thinking of just being with Mina that day."
"Well of course you can. We all can. Why are you asking me as if I'm some scary guy...huh?"
"No, like I meant just me and Mina."
"Just you two...?"
"Why what?"
"You love her don't you?"
"Why are you always accusing me of dumb things like this!? She's my best friend!" Momo said defensively.
He boyfriend smacked her across the face.
"I've known this whole time that you like Mina. You're a lil gay piece of shit. You're gonna rot in hell." Her boyfriend said as he continued to hit her.
"Mina, I do love her. That's something I've never felt for you. I just used you. You were just an object I used to hide my sexuality." Momo said out of pure anger.
"Oh, I'll relay that to her at graduation... Without you." Her boyfriend beat the life out of her... She was on the brink of death. He kept her at his house until graduation. He left her in his house helpless and weak. He went to the graduation without her. There Mina saw him and approached him.
"Hey, where's Momo?" She asked.
"Oh, I'm not sure. She told me she was going with you." He said as if nothing happened and he really didn't know.
"Weird." Mina went to look for Momo and missed her graduation. She was always a little suspicious of Momo's boyfriend so she went to his house. The door was unlocked and she ran in. She saw Momo... On the floor... All bruised up and broken... Next to Momo were pills. Mina ran up to Momo who didn't seem to be breathing and started bawling her eyes out. She called 911. In the end, Momo didn't make it. Her boyfriend didn't get in trouble because the reason of her death was an overdose so it was considered suicide. He even had the guts to go to Momo's funeral. Everyone gave a few words to Momo. Mina went last but right before Mina was Momo's ex-boyfriend.
"Momo was a beautiful girl. I loved her with all my heart. I'm sorry for all I've done to you but don't you feel bad for me at all? You just left like that... I love you." He started to cry, it was quite a show. Mina kept her words short.
"I love you forever and always." Mina shed one tear. After the funeral, Mina saw Momo's boyfriend and tackled him.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER YOU MONSTER?" Mina screamed. Luckily the two were alone.
"I- I- I loved her." He stuttered.
"DO YOU DO THAT TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE?" Mina bursted into tears.
"I was just so mad..." He said also crying.
"Mad at what?... What could possibly make you that mad?" Mina was breathing heavy while all the tears were rolling off her face onto his.
"Because she didn't love me back!" He jumped up and now had Mina pinned down.
"You guys were together for such a long time and because of an insecurity you had, you hit her like that and made her kill herself?" Mina was looking him straight in the eye and he was scared.
"She loved you. She killed herself because I threatened her and said I'd tell you about her feelings... So you technically killed her." He got off Mina and walked away.

Meanwhile, Momo is heading to heaven; she gets a message:
Lovers who commit dual-suicide will become twins in the next life.

Momo was in disbelief and cursed at the gods. "HEY, DID HE REALLY KILL HIMSELF? WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM. WHY IS HE SO OBSESSED WITH ME? I KILLED MYSELF TO GET AWAY FROM HIM AND NOW HE'S GONNA BE MY TWIN? GOD, DEAR GOD, PLEASE SEND HIM SOMEWHERE ELSE." Momo didn't want her ex-boyfriend being her brother but little did she know, it was actually Mina who committed suicide. The two were born with all their memories of each other. They acted as if they both forgot their past lives but Momo always thought her twin was her boyfriend in a girl's body. As they grew up, they entered high school. Ironically, their teacher was Momo's ex-boyfriend. Momo took notice to this and looked at Mina. On their way home, Momo continuously looked at Mina.
"What?" Mina asked.
"Who are you?" Momo asked.
"I'm Jungyeon silly." Mina said because that is who she was reborn as.
"Mina... Is that you?" Momo asked.
"Sana, are you okay?" Mina asked because Sana is who Momo was reborn as.
"You're Mina huh?" Momo asked again.
"I don't know who that is." Mina said.
"You killed yourself for me?" Momo asked.
"Ha, I guess you know." Mina said.
"I haven't heard that name in a while."
"Because I loved you..."
"Well... Look where we are now."
"A doomed fate."
"At least we're together even it's like this."
"You're right."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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