Momo and Chaeyoung: The One That Got Away

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Momo's POV.
It was 2011; I was 16 years old and had just come to Korea. That's when I met Chaeyoung. Originally, she was just a cute little 13 year old girl I saw in the library. I finally met her when she was generous enough to help me with Korean. Although I was embarrassed because I was so much older, she made me feel comfortable. Never in a million years did I think I was going to fall in love with that little girl but I did. As she started to get older, her charms started to show more. I finally realized that I was in love in 2015. Our friendship became more like a relationship. Although I still felt like a pervert since I was 20 and she was 17. She seemed so mature though. I envy her personality. She is someone who is very out-going, artistic, honest, and brave. Maybe a little too brave. To be honest, I knew she liked me too. She just made it obvious at times. I miss those times.

"Chaeyoung, do you like me? You do? I got it, thank you." I joked.
"What the heck? Why are you answering yourself?" Chaeyoung laughed.
"You don't?" I asked.
"No I do. I like you very much." Chaeyoung told me. My heart started to race. This was the moment I knew I was in love.
"I guess this is our first day then." I told her, trying to keep my calm.
"I wish." She said in a sad tone and that was when I knew she liked me too.
"Haha, don't say that. You sound so serious!" I tried to joke it off and I think she knew too.
"I'm joking." She said seriously.

I always felt a guilt because I knew she liked me but I always played with her heart.
"Chaeyoung I love you." I'd always tell her.
"Do you really?" She'd ask me insecurely.
"I do." I'd say but then add "You're my best friend."
"Ah" She'd say and I felt the pain she felt.

To make matters worse, I acted like there was a man I liked. I'd tell her about him but I actually had no feelings for him at all.
"...He's just amazing." I ended with.
"Date him then. I bet he likes you too. It's hard to not like you." She'd tell me.
"Really? You think so?" I'd ask her, I was hurt and I knew she was. What was I doing to us?
"Do whatever makes you happy." She told me. I really wish I would have listened to her advice.
"Enough about me, do you like anyone? I bet you do. You're at that age." I told her.
"Me? I do." She answered me.
"Who?" I asked but already knew.
"It's a secret." She told me... I already knew it was me but I wanted to hear her say it... If she said it, would things have been different?
"Wow, you have a lot of secrets..." I tried to force it out of her.
" You already know everything about me. Let me have this one secret." She pleaded desperately but I wanted to hear her say she likes me.
"No, you never hid it from me before." I urged.
"It was different before... You know that I like girls now too. It's an uncomfortable topic. Please stop." She said and that was the limit. I stopped.

I sincerely liked her but knew it wouldn't work because we're girls... At least I thought I knew. The man I always talked to her about was named Choi Minho. He was honestly super sweet but I had no feelings for him but he ended up asking me out and I said yes. My guilt got so bad, I set Chaeyoung up on a date with my friend Mina. Mina is my best friend and I knew she was into girls. When I set them up, I was hoping things weren't gonna work out but... Those two really hit it off.
"Momo, I think I love Chaeyoung." Mina told me.
"Are you sure?" I asked Mina.
"I think so." She told me.
"Well I'm glad things worked out." I lied.

The only person I was worried about was Chaeyoung.
"Chaeyoung, do you sincerely like Mina?" I asked.
"I'm not sure yet." She told me honestly. I felt a sense of relief but then she added "I will if you want me too but I won't if you don't."
My heart was beating out of my chest, my head went blank, I was hesitating too long. I quickly answered "Of course I want you to! I set you guys up."
"Okay then, don't regret this." Chaeyoung told me. I knew that was my last chance and that I let it go....

Chaeyoung looked happy, unlike me. The two dated and at the beginning of 2016, they came out of the closet and confessed their love for each other to the world... No one accepted them; that was my biggest fear when I imagined myself with Chaeyoung but the two of them didn't let anything stop them... They ran away together. If she stayed by my side, she would've never been happy. I'm happy knowing she's happy. This is enough. I'm glad she got away... It's 2017 now, and I'm delusional. I'm still with Minho but I miss Chaeyoung so much...

ATTENTION: There will be a part 2 and 3 to this story. Part 2 will be Chaeyoung's point of view and part 3 will be third person.

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