JiTzu: A Future

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Jihyo is special and always has been. She was born with a gift... To see other people's futures but not her own. All she had to do was make direct eye contact with someone for ten seconds. At first, she always looked into people's future. It was fun to her to see how they turned out when they got older; for the most part, everyone lead and average life. It was all fun and games until she saw a future she shouldn't have... A future of a murderer's. It was a close friend of Jihyo's named Mina. Jihyo and Mina were only 10 years old when Jihyo looked into Mina's future. At first it seemed normal but as she started to see deeper into Mina's future, she started to only see blood, lots of blood, and a body... Jihyo couldn't see whose body it was because her vision was blurry, she just knew it wasn't Mina's because... Mina was beside the body.

Jihyo got scared... Super scared. She didn't know what to do since Mina was her best friend. Jihyo was debating whether to stay with Mina to make sure the future she saw won't happen or to leave to make sure Mina can't hurt her. In the end, she decided to stay with Mina but Jihyo was traumatized because of Mina's future. So traumatized that she rarely looks into futures anymore.

Years start to pass, things are normal. Jihyo even starts to forget about the traumatizing vision she had about Mina's future until a girl named Tzuyu comes along. Mina and Jihyo were juniors in college while Tzuyu was a new freshmen. She was lost so she approached Jihyo and Mina.
"Hi, do you guys know where room 1020 is?" Tzuyu asked while looking back and forth between the two.
"Yeah, are you new here?" Jihyo asked and raised an eyebrow at Tzuyu.
"Yeah, I'm actually an exchange student from Taiwan." Tzuyu answered. Both Jihyo and Mina were a bit surprised at the way Tzuyu was talking with them since they were upper class men.
"Age?" Mina asked.
"18, now do you know where room 1020 is?" Tzuyu asked a bit more impatient.
"20." Mina simply said.
"20?" Tzuyu questioned.
"We are 20 year old juniors." Mina replied slightly annoyed. Tzuyu realized her mistake.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm meeting my friend here so I was in a rush and my Korean is very good. My apologies." Tzuyu changed her tone to be much more respectful.
"It's okay, you didn't know. Don't stress about it." Jihyo said coolly.
"So can you tell me where room 1020 is?" Tzuyu asked while giving a smirk. Jihyo was about to answer until Mina whispered something into Jihyo's ear.
"I don't like her."
For some reason, Mina's words sent chills down Jihyo's spine and she had a flashback to her vision about Mina's dark future. Jihyo couldn't take the chances.
"Yeah, I'll tell you where it is but I need you to look into my eyes for 10 seconds." Jihyo asked desperately.
"Okay...?" Tzuyu was confused but did as Jihyo asked.
Jihyo concentrated but... couldn't see a future.
"Okay, thanks. It's next to the bathrooms, you can just follow signs that say bathroom and you'll get there."  Jihyo stayed calm and Tzuyu left.

After that, Jihyo couldn't stop thinking about Tzuyu. She kept glancing over at Mina and Mina would glance over at her. Jihyo would quickly turn her head, trying to avoid seeing Mina's future again.
"Weirdo." Mina noticed.
"..." Jihyo stayed quiet.
"What's wrong with you? Is everything okay?" Mina asked as she inched towards Jihyo.
"I need to go." Jihyo stood up and left.

"The time is near... If the vision is true and staying with Mina hasn't helped... What do I do now?" Jihyo thought all night but it finally hit her... "I'll stay by Tzuyu's side all the time."

Jihyo decided to act like a guardian towards Tzuyu. Everyday she would look for Tzuyu and hang out with Tzuyu. At first, Tzuyu thought Jihyo was kind of weird but the two gradually got closer thanks to Jihyo's efforts. Tzuyu thought Jihyo was so outgoing, pretty, funny, nice, and special— Tzuyu fell for Jihyo. Tzuyu also had charms that lead Jihyo to fall for her. Jihyo started to want to protect her more and more everyday but she didn't know that she was neglecting Mina... Mina was extremely jealous, this lead to the tension between Mina and Tzuyu; they even got into a huge argument one day. Jihyo ended up seeing this and her heart dropped. The two left together and Jihyo secretly followed because she was worried. They went to an apartment but Jihyo didn't know who owned it. She couldn't enter so she put her ear against the door so she could hear what was happening inside. It didn't take long before she heard a scream and someone crying. This was all it took for Jihyo to start banging on the door and yell.
"LET ME IN. YOU BETTER LET ME IN THIS INSTANT." Jihyo continued to cry. Someone ended up opening the door for her.... It was Tzuyu.
"What's wrong???" Tzuyu whispered. Jihyo was extremely happy to see Tzuyu but she still thought it was a dangerous situation so she barged in, held Tzuyu's hand and put Tzuyu behind her.
"What are you doing?" Tzuyu asked confused. Jihyo started to walk in and just saw blood, lots of blood, and a body. Next to the body was Mina.
"Mina..." Jihyo said as her voice started to fade away. Mina couldn't respond because she was too busy crying. The only one not shocked was Tzuyu. Jihyo then looked at Tzuyu.
"You didn't..." Jihyo said in a worried yet serious tone.
"I did that." Tzuyu confessed.
"Why?" Jihyo said in tears.
"Because she's a cruel person, I told you I didn't like her." Mina yelled. This was exactly like Jihyo's vision but back then she couldn't see who it was... She became curious "Who would my precious Tzuyu kill?" She thought as she started to look at the body. It was Chaeyoung, another freshmen that was Tzuyu's friend.
"CHAEYOUNG?" Jihyo said in shock but she got more shocked when the body replied.
"Yes?" Chaeyoung said laughing. Jihyo just ended up fainting.

When she woke up, she looked around. Mina, Tzuyu, and Chaeyoung were all present.
"Can someone explain...?" She asked and Tzuyu decided to.
"Well where should I begin?" Tzuyu asked.
"The start?" Jihyo recommended.
"Okay so it started when Chaeyoung and I were signing up for classes together. I'm an exchange student and I couldn't understand well so she was there to help me. Then Mina was also there signing up for classes and even though her Korean is great and she has been here for a long time, she was still having difficulty speaking Korean so Chaeyoung went to help her out. I don't know what happened between the two but it seems like they hit it off. The three of us started hanging out together but I think Mina's the jealous type so she started to get jealous whenever Chaeyoung and I were together. I ended up figuring out that Mina and Chaeyoung liked each other but I had to keep it a secret. That also explains why I approached you and Mina asking where room 1020 was. I was speaking informally because I knew Mina but she reminded that we had to pretend we didn't know each other in front of other people so that's also why we pretended not to know each other in front of you. I'm not sure why but after that day, you kept wanting to hang out with me. At first I thought you were a weirdo but as the days went by, my views about you started to change. I started to see you as a friend, then a close friend, then I went even further than that and imagined a future with you as my girlfriend. You make me so hap-" Tzuyu was cut off by Mina.
"Okay, cute and all but let's get back on topic."
"Okay, like I was saying... We started to get closer and that made Mina mad. I guess she thought Chaeyoung and I were dating and that I was trying to steal you and Chaeyoung from her. She ended up dumping Chaeyoung but then Chaeyoung and I made a plan to fake Chaeyoung's death for Mina to see and show her true feelings. So we set the scene and all I had to do was bring Mina to Chaeyoung's house. I saw her that day and we started arguing... blah blah blah, I got her to go to Chaeyoung's house. She saw Chaeyoung's body, freaked out and that's when you came in the picture."
"Wow..." Jihyo said.
"You're missing a little detail." Chaeyoung said while laughing.
"What?" Jihyo asked curiously.
"Tzuyu was crying like a baby when you fainted. It was like me seeing Chaeyoung's dead body. It was pretty funny." Mina and Chaeyoung looked at each other and laughed. Tzuyu started to get shy.
"Then why couldn't I see her future." Jihyo started talking to herself but Mina overheard.
"You still see futures?" Mina asked.
"If I choose to."
"And you couldn't see hers?"
"Was there anyone else's future you couldn't see?"
"Uh my parents but that's about it."
"Haha, no wonder."
"What?" Jihyo was confused.
"Your parents future, revolves around you. Tzuyu's future probably revolves around you too." Mina said while smiling.
"Tzuyu..." Jihyo was loss for words.
"Jihyo, will you be my medicine when I'm sick?" Tzuyu asked (inside joke, comment if you get it)
"Jihyo, please continue to stay by my side."
"I should be asking you that."
"Let's spend out unpredictable future together, the one you can't see."
"Now that's a future." Jihyo smiled as she stood up, hugged Tzuyu and kissed her cheek.

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