Jungyeon and Jihyo: Brought Back.

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Hello, I'm Jihyo and this is the story about how Jungyeon brought me back.

I was very popular when I was younger, everyone told me I looked like a doll. They constantly complimented me. Left and right, I had people asking me out. I didn't accept anyone, instead, I asked someone out. Her name was Jungyeon, she was the prettiest person I have ever laid eyes on. She rejected me on the spot but because she felt bad, she fed me. Like, her dad is an actual chef, she brought me to her home and fed me. This became a daily thing and we eventually just became best friends. I then met someone else, he asked me out, his name was Jo Kwon. I thought he was super cute so I said yes. I noticed a difference in Jungyeon's behavior but I ignored it... Then one day, she confronted me about Jo Kwon.
"Jihyo, he's not right for you."
"He's perfect, what do you mean?"
"Go find someone right for you please. I'm worried."
"Don't say things like that. You were the one who rejected me."

After that little argument, we stopped talking for a few months. I missed her dearly and I bet she missed me too. I especially missed her dad's cooking. So we ended up recoiling, I ate so much that day. Days went by and I continued to eat like that and gain weight. My boyfriend started treating me differently and Jungyeon brought it up again.
"He's gonna break your heart."
"Not this again."
"I'm your friend, I care for you."
"Care for yourself, you're single. I have a man to care for me."
"Oh really? Why don't you run off with that man instead of constantly piggin' out here."
"Ha, so I was bothersome to you? I don't know how I ever liked you."
After that argument, we really stopped talking. We were stubborn teenagers. I finally became an adult and left Seoul(City we were living in) with my boyfriend. I was madly in love with him. I would've done anything for him and he was kind to me but we had our moments. After about 5 years, I've gained 50 pounds... He broke up with me too.
"Is it because of my weight?"
"No, you know it's not that."
"Yes... It is..."
"5 years together and you think I'm this type of person?"
I left in embarrassment. I headed back to Seoul, I was curious how Jungyeon was doing but no one has heard of her, I was worried. We grew too distant for me to actually attempt to find her, I was too busy focusing on getting back in shape so I can make Jo Kwon regret his leaving me. One day, I heard a commercial:
Want to lose weight? Is it too hard alone? Well get trainer xx to help you. As long as her identity stays a secret, your transformation will too. Call this number if interested +1(800)xxx-xxx
I heard that and called right away. They gave me their address and it was a gym. I entered and had to go through this whole process. The finally I met my trainer... She looked extremely good from the back but when she turned, we were both shocked.
"Yeah, what are you doing here?"
"I work here... I'm assuming you're my trainee."
"I guess so... It's been a while."
At the moment, I had so many thoughts.
"You were right." "How embarrassing..." "Please help me." "I missed you..."
Of course, her voice interrupted my thoughts.
"So when should we start?"
"As soon as possible please."
That day, she started to train me. It was hard, very tough but it was oddly quiet. I was expecting her to ask questions but she didn't. I felt like she already knew my situation. It was humiliating but she was nice... Just like she always was. Then she invited me to her dads place...
"Isn't this gonna make me fat?"
"No, my dad cooks healthy food too."
My expectations were low since healthy food always tastes bad but it tastes like it always has. After that, I head home. The next day and next day, we continue to work out in awkward silence. Finally, the silence killed me.
"Aren't you curious? Why aren't you asking questions? Why aren't you lecturing me?"
"I already knew already. Why would I lecture you? We aren't friends and it's not like you don't know."
"Well... I missed you."
"I have gotten rejected again..."
"I missed you a lot."
It became awkwardly silent again but the days after got better. We talked and became close again just like the old days and it happened just like it did back then. As weeks went by, the workouts got more intense and required more skinship. As then things happened I felt loud heart beats.
"Damn, not again."
I thought I fell for Jungyeon again. It was embarrassing since she has seen the worst of me. I've lost about ten pounds with her help but there was still a lot to lose. I ignored my feelings this time. Then finally, about two months later, Jungyeon did it; Jungyeon brought me back. I thanked her and we continued to be friends but suddenly, Jo Kwon tried to come back in my life.
"You look a lot better."
"Look, I hope you're happy but let's not contact each other anymore. I've lost all interest in you."
"We can't even be friends?"
"Okay... That's it though."
"Don't worry, I have a girlfriend."
"Jimin. Park Jimin."
"Wait, you don't mean-"
"Yep, her."
At this moment, I realized that he sincerely didn't break up with me because of my weight gain because the girl he likes is just as big as me. I felt bad but wished them the best.
"When will it be my turn?" I thought.
One day, I was at Jungyeon's and she was acting strange.
"Jihyo, I need to tell you something."
"I- I-"
"You what?"
"I like you!"
"Is it funny to you?"
"This is a mean joke."
"I'm not joking, I've liked you since we were friends years ago."
"What makes me believe you?"
"Jo Kwon is a good guy but I was against him. When we touched, my heart pounded out of my chest."
"That was your heart...?"
"Yeah! Now, it's my turn to propose... Jihyo, will you date me?"
"Whoa, of course!"
It was pretty cute if I say so myself. I gained weight again but it was happy weight but no matter what, Jungyeon brought me back whether it was emotionally or physically. I'm grateful for her everyday.

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