Jungyeon and Mina: Enemies or Lovers?

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When Jungyeon was young, her parents traveled a lot because of "business" trips. One of the business trips was to Japan. Jungyeon liked Japan a lot. She thought it was super beautiful and fresh. Apparently, her parents needed to stay in Japan for a while so they enrolled her in school for Korean kids and a ballet class. School was fine but ballet was hard for her because all the other students and teachers spoke Japanese. When she was struggling, another little girl noticed and approached her.
"Hello!" The girl spoke Japanese. Jungyeon understood a little bit and tried to talk to her regardless of how bad her Japanese is.
"Hi." Jungyeon responded.
"What's your name?" The little girl asked.
"Jungyeon, y-y-yo-yours?"
"Mine? It's Myoui, you must be Korean?"
"H-How did y-y-you kn-know?"
"You speak so bad."
"H-How o-ol-ol-old are y-you?"
"I'm e-eight! Y-You h-h-ha-have t-to be n-nice s-since I'm o-older!"
After that the two girls laughed and became best friends. Months later, out of the blue, Jungyeon had to leave without saying goodbye... To anyone. A big, bulky man in a suit with sunglasses came to get her.
"Where are my mom and dad?" Jungyeon cried.
The man looked at her pitifully and talked to her sweetly.
"Honey, in life... People are born and then people are.. uh.. um.. lea-"
"They died?" Jungyeon interrupted.
"For a little girl, you know a lot." The man was surprised.
"They told me to always be prepared for them to be gone one day... They told me everyone dies some day but it doesn't matter when, it matters how." Jungyeon was bawling.
"Aw, come here." The man picked her up and held her in his arms.
"Are they in heaven now? Both of them?" Jungyeon looked right into the man's eyes.
"Yes, they can't live without each other so they went to heaven... together." The man started to cry too. Jungyeon wiped his tears.
"I can never be as good as them but do you want another dad?" The man asked Jungyeon. Jungyeon nodded her head. The man that took her in was JYP, the best undercover agent besides Jungyeon's parents. He took her in and acted as a father figure. She isolated herself from other kids because she knew she'd leave them all eventually. JYP got worried that she was so antisocial, he decided to tell her about her family and what actually happened to them.
"... then they went to Japan to protect the people there. There were numerous abductions by the North Koreans so Korea sent troops over to protect them but not troops could compare to your mom and dad. They have saved thousands of people but finally, their life came to an end when they were shot right in the back of the head by a family they were protecting... But, North Korean spies said they would kill their daughter if they didn't kill your parents so they had no other choice. Your parents died a painless death with no grudges, the best way to die. Luckily they always write letters and I have the one they wrote right before they died. I'll give it to you in the future."
Jungyeon wanted to avenge her parents even though she knew they wouldn't want it. She asked JYP to train her and he was happy to. She made progress quickly and JYP started to see where she resembled her parents. Flexible like her mom, fast like her dad, smart like both. By the time she turned 18, she got her parents letters and was officially an agent and did multiple undercover missions. One day she was assigned to go to a school and watch out for North Korean spies trying abduct students. Her foster dad, JYP, was worried.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes dad!"
"Your parents..."
"This isn't even near as dangerous."
"Don't get hurt."
Jungyeon looked at him then gave a reassuring smile and left. She had to move to a different part of Korea alone. She was fine since she was used to it. In class she still doesn't make friends and just continues as if it were regular school. One day, the teacher introduces a new student.
"Attention class, this is Mina. She just moved here."
"What a familiar face..." Jungyeon thought.
"Hello, I'm Mina. I'm 18."
"She doesn't sound completely Korean..." Jungyeon was already suspecting Mina.
There were many open seats in the class but surprisingly, Mina chose the one next to Jungyeon.
"Hi, I'm Mina."
"Hi, I'm Jungyeon."
"Jungyeon? That's a pretty name."
"Thanks, Mina is too. I heard you're 18?"
"Kind of, I was born early in the year so I consider myself older."
"Oh, I see. Just wondering but are you Korean?"
"... Yeah?"
"Sorry, you just sounded a bit different to me."
"Oh, it's my country accent. Sorry."
Jungyeon was still suspicious and just thought she was over-thinking so she ignored it. This was the lingest conversation she has ever had with anyone her age. She was pleasantly surprised. What surprised her more was the two continued to talk everyday and became friends... Friends with a little something more there. Jungyeon has caught feelings for Mina and confessed, Mina accepted her feelings. The two secretly met each other and Jungyeon forgot about her mission until she walked in class one day to see someone snooping through her bag. She pulled out a gun and held it at the person's head.
"Who are you? Who sent you?"
The person had a mask on and bravely pushed Jungyeon aside and ran as if they knew she wasn't going to shoot. She ran after them but lost them. After this, she warned Mina.
"There's someone here who is dangerous. You need to be careful."
"I can't tell you but listen to me please."
"And, we can't meet as often. Sorry."
"I understand."
Jungyeon left first and then saw Mina leave... She followed Mina. She was suspicious that the person that was snooping could've been Mina because of their scent and body shape. After quietly following Mina, Jungyeon discovered something that made her heart drop... Mina did ballet... Just like Myoui and this is when Jungyeon realized, Mina is Myoui. Jungyeon watched her dance ballet and it was just like ten years ago but then she started to talk to herself in the dancing mirror. She was speaking Japanese but Jungyeon understood.
"Remember why you're here. Don't let your heart distract you."
Then a man came in and Mina was obviously distressed. He looked like a regular homeless man but... when he spoke, Jungyeon saw the bigger picture.
"What's distracting you sweetheart?" He spoke in a North Korean accent that was somewhat similar to Mina's. Jungyeon quietly gasped but Mina had sharp hearing and turned her head directly to where Jungyeon was.
"Is someone there?" The North Korean spy asked.
"No, no one." Mina replied.
"Better not be lying." The spy warned.
"I'm not." Said Mina.
"So when will you kill their daughter?" Asked the spy.
"Who? Jungyeon?" Mina questioned.
"Duh, your parents killed hers very quickly. What's taking you so long?" The spy started to raise his voice. Jungyeon started crying while covering her mouth but it eventually got so loud that the spy heard.
"Someone's there. Who is it?" He asked looking around but when he looked the other direction, Jungyeon made a run for it. After the two wrapped up their conversation, Mina got a text.
Jungyeon: I need to talk to you.
Mina went over to where Jungyeon was. It was a creepy ol' ally. Mina waited for Jungyeon and heard her sniffles and tears but didn't turn around because she thought she knew what was gonna happened next. Jungyeon walked up to her and gave her a back hug and said "I love you." Mina was absolutely shocked because she was expecting a gun to her head. She knew that Jungyeon was eavesdropping the whole time and she knew Jungyeon was the little girl she fell in love with ten years earlier and she knew that she had fallen for Jungyeon all over again and had done too much wrong to Jungyeon. After hearing Jungyeon's words, Mina pushed her off and pulled out her gun that she held right at Jungyeon's head. "Love is a luxury we can't afford." A tear rolled down Mina's cheek...
"Goodbye" Jungyeon mouthed the words before leaving this time... Mina shot her.
"If I can't afford it, I'll steal it." Mina shot herself. Before this happened, Mina was the one who snooped through Jungyeon's bag. She found Jungyeon's parent's letters and one line that both parents wrote made an impact on Mina.
Leaving the world is a sad thing but leaving with the one you love makes it the best thing.

Oddly, the two found themselves opening their eyes in a different world, Jungyeon's parents were there and so were Mina's. Mina looked at her parents and teared up "They... They killed you?" Mina ran and hugged them.
"We're all in a better place now." Mina's mom said while smiling.
Jungyeon was still in shock looking at her parents "Mom... Dad...." She ran and tackled them.
"Is this heaven?" Jungyeon asked.
"Yep. It's where lovers go together. The happiest place" Jungyeon's dad answered smiling while hugging Jungyeon's mom. Jungyeon's mom noticed something "I see the two of you came together..?"
Jungyeon looked at Mina in shock and asked "Why are you here?"
Mina looked at her and laughed "I couldn't just let you go alone and I forgot to tell you something... I love you too."

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