Jungyeon and Dahyun: Always Miss You

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*Completely based off the film "Always Miss You."

After disappearing for three years, Jungyeon has returned to Korea. Her friend, Nayeon, came to pick her up.
Nayeon: Where have you been the past three years?
Jungyeon: Just, you know...
Nayeon: Don't disappear like that again.
Jungyeon: I won't, please take me home.
When Jungyeon went home, everything was just as she left it three years ago... Flashbacks ran through her head. She remembered her and Dahyun, her ex-girlfriend, in the room fooling around, having fun, loving each other. There was one thing in particular that made Jungyeon's heart drop; a puzzle... With a missing piece.

Dahyun: What are you painting? A flower?
Jungyeon: No, our love.
Dahyun: What a weird representation of our love.
Jungyeon: We aren't exactly average.
Dahyun: I like it.
Dahyun smiled brightly. After Jungyeon finished it, she took it to a shop where it was made into a puzzle. After that, she took it home and started to put it together with Dahyun. There was one piece left, Jungyeon refused to put it in.
Dahyun: What are you doing? Put it in.
Jungyeon: No.
Dahyun: Why not? It looks ugly without it.
Jungyeon: That's me without you.
Jungyeon hands Dahyun the piece with continues to speak.
Jungyeon: So don't leave me.
Dahyun: Never.
Dahyun put the last piece on.
*End of flashback*

All of these memories made Jungyeon fall in deep sleep. She fell asleep in the middle of the day and when she woke up, it was morning. She looked around and everything was unpacked. Nayeon was there.
Jungyeon: Did you do this? Thanks.
Nayeon: What are you talking about?
Jungyeon: Whatever.
Jungyeon notices that the puzzle isn't where she left it anymore.
Jungyeon: Hey, where's the puzzle?
Nayeon: What puzzle?
Jungyeon: Don't play with me! Where's my puzzle?
Nayeon: What are you talking about. Chill out. Here have some of the new tea you like.
Jungyeon looks at the tea and it's her favorite tea.
Jungyeon: What's wrong with you? I've always liked that tea, ever since three years ago.
Nayeon: Are you sure you're okay? First time you had this was yesterday...
Jungyeon: Yesterday...?
It hit Jungyeon... She had gone back in time. Back to the very day she met Dahyun.
Nayeon: Yes, yesterday. Anyways, hurry up and get ready. I set us up with some hot girls.
Jungyeon: Ah... Okay...
They go to the cafe... The owner is Dahyun. Dahyun is outside putting up decorations when Nayeon and Jungyeon arrive... She drops one that rolls straight to Jungyeon but instead of picking it up, she leaves. She remembered the first time they met very well... It was because of that ornament that they met.
I can't meet her again... and ruin our lives twice. Jungyeon thought.
As she was leaving, Dahyun obviously went to pick the ornament up and felt her presence...
What is this feeling? Dahyun thought.
A few days passed and each day, Jungyeon stopped by to give flowers, and drop off umbrellas secretly. Then another fateful meeting occurs at a club. Jungyeon went with Nayeon while Dahyun went with a childhood friend, Jackson, and two others, Chaeyoung and BamBam. All of them were on the dance floor, it was dark. Something was drawing Dahyun in. Dahyun just walked were her body took her and she bumped into Jungyeon. Jungyeon held her and looked into her eyes, Dahyun did the same. But, Jungyeon let go and hurried away. A little later, Jungyeon and Nayeon coincidentally sat next to Dahyun and her friends. She started to eavesdrop in them.
Chaeyoung: So who was the girl you were hugging in the crowd?
Dahyun: I don't know...
Chaeyoung: Are you into girls too? You should've asked for her number, she was hot.
Jackson: Stop it.
BamBam: Yeah, stop it. The only person Dahyun is fated to be with is Jackson.
Dahyun: ...
Chaeyoung: My apologies. You're right. When are you guys going to go official?
Jackson: Hey, quit it. You're making Dahyun uncomfortable
BamBam: What a knight in shining armor... Kiss, kiss, kiss...
BamBam and Chaeyoung start chanting for the two to kiss. After hearing this, Jungyeon turns her head to watch. As she turned her head, BamBam actually pushed Jackson into Dahyun, making the two kiss. After witnessing this Jungyeon storms off with Nayeon. Dahyun sees the back of Jungyeon and comes to a realization.
You're the one I always miss. Dahyun thought.
Dahyun followed Jungyeon to her house then wrote and left a letter outside her door.
Dear Miss,
It's me, Dahyun. You must know me but I don't remember your name. I remember you though. I always felt your presence around me. The first time was when I dropped the ornament, right? Then I started getting fresh flowers everyday... They were my favorite, they were from you... right? You gave me umbrellas on the rainy days. That day when I was having trouble with my lock, you opened it for me, right? When our eyes met, I immediately knew... You're the one I always miss. Foolish of me, right...?
Tears formed in Jungyeon's eyes as she... threw it away. But, Dahyun came the next day.
Knock knock.
Jungyeon opened the door and after seeing it was Dahyun, she put her arm on the door frame so Dahyun couldn't enter. Dahyun entered anyways.
Dahyun: I remembered your name btw... Jungyeon... I missed you.
Jungyeon: ...
Dahyun was cutting the cake while Jungyeon was painting. Jungyeon kept glancing over Dahyun's way, and Dahyun glanced right back.
She never loved me... She's straight. She has always loved Jackson... Let's check...
Jungyeon went up and suddenly kissed Dahyun. Instead of pulling away like she did to Jackson, she kissed Jungyeon back. After a little while, Jungyeon pushed her off.
It didn't work... Jungyeon thought.
After that, Jungyeon had a sad face looking out the window. Dahyun came from behind and hugged her.
Dahyun: Although I only have fragments of memories from us last time... I promise to treat you better and no... I do not like Jackson romantically, I never did.
Jungyeon held Dahyun's hands that were around her waist. She remembered all the bad times. Like how Jackson always flirted with Dahyun, how Dahyun was embarrassed of them, how Dahyun introduced as just friends. Jungyeon remembered the break up.


That day, Jungyeon witnessed Dahyun and Jackson hugging. Jackson gave Dahyun his scarf and then Dahyun's mom came out. Totally approving the two. Jungyeon was heart-broken and became extremely insecure. When Dahyun came home, Jungyeon bursted.
Jungyeon: Why the hell are you with me when you look so happy with him!
Dahyun: What are you talking about, I'm happiest with you!
Jungyeon: Are you sure? You look happiest with him. Meanwhile, you just look plain ol' embarrassed with me.
Dahyun: That's not true. Calm do-
Jungyeon: Leave.
Dahyun: W-what?
Jungyeon: Leave me and be with him.
Dahyun: Hey... Don't regret this. These words came out of your mouth.

*End of flashback*

Jungyeon sighed and thought I need to forget the past, it's a new beginning. Dahyun stuck to her word, she fixed her mistakes in the past. She proudly dated Jungyeon and even rebelled against her mom. One morning, Dahyun went to the store without waking Jungyeon up. When Jungyeon woke up, she was scared that Dahyun had abandoned her but Dahyun left a note.

I'm going to the store! Didn't want to wake you. I love you. Good morning babe.

But, Jungyeon was too scared and insecure once again. She didn't realize that it was the very day they broke up last time but she broke up with Dahyun again, forgetting everything. She left Dahyun a note.

Once again, I find myself insecure. You've done nothing wrong... You've just been so good for me, I don't think I deserve you. You deserve better.. A lot better... Like Jackson. I love you forever and always but... I can't do this to you. By the time you come back, I'll be gone. I'm leaving the country. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I will always miss you.

Dahyun came home and saw the note. Her heart was crushed. She lived in that home by herself. Jackson tried to console her but it never worked. She eventually tried to commit suicide. In the hospital bed, her condition was just getting worse and worse. Jackson sat next to her said.
Jackson: Remember when we were little? I said I'd do anything for you.
Dahyun: Yes, I do.
Jackson: I'm a man of my word. I will still do anything for you. What do you want?
Dahyun: Her.
Jackson: If you never met her, would we be together right now?
Dahyun: ... but I did.
Jackson: She's selfish.
Dahyun: I was the selfish one. I always miss her.
Jackson: Are you sure this is what you want?
Dahyun: I want to see her right now and start over.
Jackson: Okay.
Jackson left her side... She stayed emotionless as if her soul had already left her body. A little later, her soul did leave her body. She died but her soul traveled to where Jungyeon was... In bed, weeping in her own sorrow. When she saw Dahyun, she knew it was all over.
Jungyeon: Baby, baby, why are you over there glowing like that.
Dahyun: I missed you so much.
Jungyeon: No, no. Baby. It can't be. No. You can't.
Dahyun: I always miss you.
Jungyeon: I'm sorry! I'll go back. I was just scared. But nothings worse than this.
Dahyun: Goodbye love...
Jungyeon: NO!
Jungyeon went to grab her but she disappeared. Jungyeon knew she had lost Dahyun. She decided to go back to Korea. It has been three years. Nayeon picked her up.
Nayeon: Where have you been the past three years?
Jungyeon: Just, you know...
Nayeon: Don't disappear like that again.
Jungyeon: I won't, please take me home.

Jackson watched her every move and quietly whispered "Don't mess up this time or next time, I'll just make her mine regardless. I've given you one too many chances."

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