Jihyo and Chaeyoung: Lonely (part 2)

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*Read part 1 first*

"I'm lonely"

Jihyo and Chaeyoung had a history together. They met when they were both lonely teenagers; Chaeyoung was 13 and Jihyo was 15. A friendship blossomed... A complicated friendship because it was one that included feelings. Three years later, they parted ways. Then another three years later, now 2018, they meet again. Jihyo was an idol, Chaeyoung was an artist. They met at a tv show where Chaeyoung told Jihyo to meet her at her house. Things escalated and it lead to a kiss which no one knows the meaning of.

Jihyo kissed Chaeyoung but then abruptly pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Jihyo said as she avoided eye contact.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, you know?" Chaeyoung said as she grabbed Jihyo's face and forced Jihyo to look at her.

"I can't." Jihyo said as tears rolled down her cheeks and on to Chaeyoung's hands.

"You can't what?" Chaeyoung was confused.

"—Be with you."

"Why not?!" Chaeyoung was outraged.

"Because I'm an idol!"

"What does that to do with anything?"

"We aren't allowed to date." Jihyo explained.

"Date me in secret then." Chaeyoung asked.

Jihyo gave Chaeyoung a look then smirked. It officially became their first day. Things went back to the way it used to be but even better. There was the thrill of hiding from paparazzi, disguising themselves so the public won't recognize them, and having more freedom because they both are adults.

They were so happy... until they got caught. Paparazzi managed to get a picture of Jihyo and Chaeyoung but only Jihyo was visible. But of course, JYP asked Jihyo about it.

"Are you dating someone?" They asked her.

"My dating ban isn't up and even if it was... I can't tell them I'm dating a girl." Jihyo thought.

"No, why?" Jihyo played dumb.

JYP executives slammed down the pictures that paparazzi took.

"Oh that? That's Chaeyoung, remember Chaeyoung? She used to train here. We started hanging out again when we were on that one show together." Jihyo said. She didn't know what else to say, all she knew was that she wanted to be able to stay with Chaeyoung.

"Why are you lying?" The company interrogated.

"I'm not."

"Take away her rights and put her on lock down." The executive ordered the other workers.

"Wait what? Why?" Jihyo was flustered.

"You lied so you lost your freedom."

"What? No I didn't! How did I lie? Just because you don't believe me doesn't mean I lied!" Jihyo screamed.

Regardless, they didn't listen to her. She was locked in her own house, only leaving to go to events. Chaeyoung saw the headlines and eventually caught on and texted Jihyo but there was no point, they took her phone.

Chaeyoung thought hard and learned a way to see Jihyo... It was at a fan meeting. Chaeyoung waited for hours, in line just like everyone else, just to see Jihyo. Eventually, she got to the front but she only had one minute to talk to Jihyo.

"Hello!" Jihyo said cheerfully without realizing it was Chaeyoung.

"Hey! You seem happy to see me." Chaeyoung joked.

"Chaeyoung?!" Jihyo said in shock and looked at Chaeyoung with big eyes.

"Don't act too shocked, they might catch on." Chaeyoung smirked as she started to tear up.

"Why are you about to cry?" Jihyo asked.

"I-I'm here to break up with you." Chaeyoung said with a smile but tears running down her face.

"Good, I wasn't the one ending things this time." Jihyo said as she held back tears and laughed.

"This is the right thing, right?" Chaeyoung chuckled and like that, the one minute was up and she left.

That night, Chaeyoung and Jihyo went home with a familiar feeling that had come back. They looked at the sky and let out a sigh while saying

"I'm lonely."

They knew the feeling too well and they got used to it.

"Maybe we're meant to be lonely." Jihyo thought as she looked into the sky.

"I won't go to her this time. I can't." Chaeyoung thought.

A few months passed and on October 20, 2018, Chaeyoung gets a text.

Unknown number: Hey:)
Chaeyoung: Who is this?
Unknown number: Guess;)
Chaeyoung: I think you have the wrong number.
Unknown number: No, I have this number memorized by heart.
Chaeyoung: ...k?
Unknown number: Chaeyoung ah~ My dating ban is gone;)
Chaeyoung: Jihyo unnie?!
Jihyo: You know it
Chaeyoung: but we won't work...
Jihyo: I don't care, I'm happiest with you.
Chaeyoung: Unnie...
Jihyo: You came to me last time so I'm coming to you this time, call?
Chaeyoung: Call!

After the texts, Chaeyoung and Jihyo met up and picked up where the left off. Jihyo's company agreed not to mind Jihyo's business because the dating ban was over. So Chaeyoung and Jihyo spent all the time they could together. They learned from their mistakes the first time so they didn't sneak around in public, they just were themselves because everyone just thought they were friends. At home is where they showed all their affection to each other. The loneliness was officially gone.

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