Nayeon and Mina: First.

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Nayeon and Mina were childhood friends. Mina is Japanese and had to go to Korea when she was six years old. Her neighbor, Nayeon, was the same age. Nayeon became Mina's first enemy and Mina was Nayeon's. They fought everyday. Their parents were so exhausted of their fighting they didn't bother stopping them or even paying attention. One day, someone was picking on Mina for being Japanese and this upset Nayeon. Nayeon beat them up and said "Only I can be mean to her!". This was the first time anyone has stood up for Mina. Mina all of a sudden got friendly with Nayeon and Nayeon did the same. But is there a line drawn for friendliness between two girls?... Time went by and the became inseparable best friends. They both hit puberty and became beautiful. Nayeon realized she caught feelings first. Nayeon's heart fluttered for Mina all the time but it wasn't until Mina defended her was her feelings confirmed. This is how it went down: it was their freshman year in college, they lived together.  They went grocery shopping at midnight because they were hungry. They bought the food and headed home while conversing.
Mina: Nayeon ah, are you sire this is enough for us?
Nayeon: It's probably enough for a football team.
Mina: I asked if it was enough for us though.
Nayeon: Probably not. Should we turn-

A drunk man purposely bumps into Nayeon. He had bad intentions and they both knew. Nayeon was surprised because nothing like this had happened to her before.

Drunk Man: Are you going to apologize pretty lady?
Nayeon: I- I- I'm so- sor- sorry.
Mina: For what! He bumped into you.
Drunk Man: You weren't my original target but you are quite pretty. Do you want to be her black night.

The man moves closer to them.

Mina mouths the words "run" to Nayeon and they both run. The man gets a grip on Nayeon. Mina turns back.
Mina: Let go of her.
Drunk Man: Why should I?
Mina: Because you'll regret it if you don't.
Drunk Man: Ha! I live my life with no regrets.

He aggressively forces himself on Nayeon and their lips touch. This was the last straw for Mina.

Mina: Mister, do you have any family?

He was too busy molesting Nayeon to answer...

Mina: Mister, I will not waste another second. Come to me and I won't resist. I'll pleasure you.

This definitely caught his attention and Nayeon's. She was speechless that Mina would say such a thing. She didn't want that man going to Mina but her state of shock was too severe to stop the man.

Drunk Man: What things will you do to pleasure me?
Mina: Come closer.

The man gets extremely close and Mina moves her face to his ear and whispers.

Mina: Hot. It'll be hot.
Drunk Man: I like hot.

Mina starts to slide her hand down his arms until she reaches his hand where there's a beer bottle. All in one quick motion: she takes it, breaks it, and cuts his neck.

Mina: If you like it hot, how does hell sound?

Mina ran to Nayeon and held Nayeon in her arms.

Nayeon: Did you just kill someone for me...?

Nayeon's voice was shaking. Mina noticed.

Mina: Don't be scared. He's not dead yet.
Nayeon: Hey! You shouldn't joke about that!
Mina: Who said I was joking? Call the ambulance before her dies! I cut his neck!

The two called the police and they handled the situation. They went back home, ate then laughed everything off but Nayeon was still a bit scared.

Nayeon: Mina, I'm scared.
Mina: Everything is okay now.
Nayeon: I know but still...
Mina: Scoot over, I'll sleep with you for the night.
Nayeon: Wow, it's my first time sharing a bed with someone.
Mina: Don't act innocent! It's my first time too.

When Mina went to sleep, that's when Nayeon relaized... "I love this girl." Nayeon couldn't sleep all night because her heart was out of control because of Mina. That was the last time they shared a bed because Nayeon refused to sleep with Mina anymore. Life continued like usual until they graduated. Before graduation, they started to look back at old memories and play fight. Their play fight ends with loving gazes into each others eyes. Mina makes the first move and kisses Nayeon. After they kiss, it becomes awkwardly silent.

Nayeon: So... Who is gonna say it first?
Mina: You do! I do everything first.
Nayeon: No! I liked you first.
Mina: I definitely liked you.
Nayeon: I've liked you since freshman year.
Mina: I've liked you since we were six.
Nayeon: No way!
Mina: I just realized it though!
Nayeon: You restrain yourself too well though.
Mina: I know! I held it in for almost 20 years.
Nayeon: Okay then, I guess. Will you be my girlfriend?
Mina: No.
Nayeon: What! Why not?
Mina: I'm joking! Haha! But I'm probably the first person who rejected you, right?
Nayeon: Well yeah... You're the first person I asked idiot.
Mina: Well this is the first time I've been asked.
Nayeon: Liar.
Mina: I know.

After all this, they went to their graduation. They became the first gay Korean girl's to come out and confess about their relationship during their graduation speech. They got lots of love and hate. After they graduated they opened a restaurant and bought a house. People discriminated their relationship a lot.
*Mina and Nayeon kiss in restaurant*
Nayeon: Honey, let me tell you something. This technically isn't public display of affection since I own this restaurant therefore I can make it so it isn't public. And you straights disgust me.
Mina: Don't come back, actually... You aren't welcome back. It's definitely your loss. You're a regular because our food is delicious.

As you can see, they take care of the daily hate pretty well. Their biggest obstacle was getting married. It was illegal and that broke their hearts. Why must love be a crime? Does it hurt anyone? They decided to not get married and just live together happily.

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