Jungyeon and Tzuyu: Jungyeon's Journal

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January 1, 2015.
Today, I went on another blind date. It failed. I mean, the guy was nice and handsome but there was just no attraction. I'm only 20 years old, I know there's still time to find love but I've never been in love and want to experience it. It really hurts that I keep failing and my anxiety is telling me I will die alone. My depression is taking over and my OCD is getting out of control. I need to talk to my family. It's a new year and I need to change.

March 14, 2015.
I finally told them today. I told my family about my condition. I kept stalling because I didn't want them to be worried about me but it got worse and worse everyday. When I told them, they were so supportive and stop setting me up on blind dates. They said they think I need some time to myself and suggested I go abroad. I agreed and I guess I'm going abroad soon.

June 4, 2015.
My condition has gotten much better since the blind dates have stopped. I haven't written in this much because I've been busy spending time with family and then planning out my trip. I arrived at my destination today... Taiwan. Of course I learned a little before I came here but not much. I hope the speak some Korean. Anyways, I will be writing in this lore often because I'll be documenting my trip. I'll update soon.

June 14, 2015.
Today I was out in the city late at night. I was just wandering around. A big party caught my attention. There was a girl who was the center of attention, I guess it was her birthday. Without knowing it, I sat on a curb and watched the party. I kept my eyes on her. All the men at the party wanted her but one by one she rejected them. A little later, I saw her sneak out of her own party, I followed her. She went a little down the street where it was very quiet the leaned against a building's window. The window reflected her face and the night lights gave just enough light for me to take a decent picture, I pulled out my camera and took one. I felt something though, a sadness similar to mine.

 I felt something though, a sadness similar to mine

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June 27, 2015.
It's heading towards the end of my trip. I've taken many pictures in Taiwan but I find myself only looking at her. Who is she? I tried to find her but I never saw her again after that night.

November 2, 2015.
Yesterday was my birthday. My wonderful family threw me a great big party. At the party, there were lots of men I was supposed to meet since I decided to try my luck at love again but it became suffocating and stressful to be at my own party so I left. I just sat in an ally but while I was sitting, I heard a click... Some took a picture of me. I yelled at the top of my lungs and heard something drop. Someone ran away but they left their camera.

December 8, 2015.
It took a while but I got that person's camera fixed. I saw the picture of myself... I scrolled through their other photos because I thought I maybe would find a picture of them but it seemed as if they were a tourist because it was all landscape picture then finally... I found a picture of the owner. It was the girl I took a picture of when I went to Taiwan... I saw that and immediately bought a ticket to Taiwan. Now I know what school she goes to.

 Now I know what school she goes to

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January 15, 2016.
I met her today. I went to Taiwan and found her at her school. Weird but that's okay. Her face seemed shocked to see me. I returned her camera and she apologized. She was so cute. I told her, Tzuyu, that it was fine. I told her I had taken one of her too. She asked me how long I would be staying in Taiwan for but at that moment, I realized... I didn't buy a ticket back to Korea. I confessed and she said she'd keep me company.

May 21, 2016.
This is what love is. I know what it is now. I love Tzuyu. I've loved her for a while now but today I finally realized. I live with her since her parents felt bad that I live alone. Everyday, I wait for her to get home. I want to see her, spend time with her, I want to hold her. I confessed to her today... She kissed me... She kissed me... I was overcome with happiness. Of course we have to tell her parents...

May 23, 2016.
We told her parents who were very supportive! Her parents are higher-ups that work for the government and apparently they have been fighting for gay rights for a long time. I was happy to be here... To be accepted.

June 14, 2016.
It was Tzuyu's birthday and her wish was for is to be alone but of course she had a large party again. This time I was there. Everyone hit on Tzuyu and it made me jealous but I think Tzuyu got jealous too because some guy came up to me and Tzuyu pushed him away. It was adorable. When the party became too crowded, we left. We went to the place where I first saw her. She put her arm around my shoulder and we started talking about when we first met each other. We got in the moment and I gave her a kiss unaware that someone was around... The ol' lady screamed at us and harassed us. Tzuyu's parents came to see what all the commotion was about and got extremely upset... Not at us but at the lady.

Novemerber 2, 2016.
It seems like Tzuyu and I are really similar because just like what happened at her birthday party... It happened at mine. Mine was also in Taiwan but because of all the discrimination... I wanted to leave. Tzuyu's parent's begged me not to leave. Today, they said they can make it up to me... I'm not sure what they meant but I guess I'll stay a little longer. Let's not mention I don't want Tzuyu missing too much school because we would be in a long distance relationship.

February 14, 2017.
Today, Tzuyu and I went on a romantic date. We goofed off and I was just so happy. I remember how bad my depression, OCD, and anxiety was... I'm grateful for Tzuyu and even though we're young, I wish we could get married in the future... Even though it's not legal anywhere. Of course we expressed our feelings to her parents whom we are both close to. They said they'll fight harder to legalize it...

May 25, 2017.
It happened... Yesterday... It happened. Tzuyu's parents got Taiwan to legalize gay marriage. We all celebrated joyfully. I couldn't be happier. Taiwan is now officially the first place in Asia to legalize gay marriage... Amazing. Thank you Taiwan. I won't leave you... You or Tzuyu.

In honor of Taiwan legalizing Gay Marriage on May 24th, 2017 and being the first in Asia to.

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