Jihyo and Dahyun: A Friend?

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*Dahyun's POV*
In this world, there are three types of love. The love for parents, the love for friends, and the love for a soulmate. Some people experience all types, some don't. The hardest love to have is one for a soulmate because everyone has a different soulmate. We are taught that a woman's soulmate must be a man and a man's must be a woman and that if you love someone of the same sex, that becomes a friendly love. This isn't the case. You don't choose your soulmate, your soulmate doesn't choose you. We were just fated from the start. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish the three types of love for someone... I actually felt all three types of love for someone before... My precious Jihyo.

From the start, I knew I was into girls. If you want to know about my old love life then read "MoSa: Frustrating." I wrote it but that's not the point. Anyways, it's basically about how I dated Momo and Sana only to realize that they were in love with each other. In the end, me and Jihyo played matchmaker for them. I would have never thought that I would fall in love with Jihyo.

I have a hard time distinguishing between the types of loves. Of course I know when I love someone as my family but the line between friendship and love is very thin for me. For example, I thought that I was in love with Sana but turns out, I only saw her as a friend. After that, I decided that I would just see people as friends.

After Jihyo and I got Momo and Sana together, we became a lot closer. It only seemed natural to me. I mean, we spent a lot of time together. Little would I ever know that during that time, I fell in love with her.

Originally, I knew that I only saw her as a friend. I wasn't at all attracted to her. We treated each other like friends to. I don't know when it started but one day, I thought she was prettier than usual.
"Did you do something today?" I asked her.
"What do you mean?" She asked me back.
"Like did you put makeup on or anything?"
"Dahyun... Is that a joke?"
"—I'm in sweatpants and a sweatshirt."

After she said that, I took a close look at her... She was just wearing lazy clothes.
"Why did she look so pretty?" I thought to myself.
I ignored it and acted normal. Everyday, she became prettier and prettier in my eyes. I started to have dumb thoughts and I was officially confused.

Being confused was more than I imagined. It was torture. Whatever, I decided I liked her but it wasn't that easy either because I couldn't just ruined the friendship we had. So then started my one-sided love.

It started to become awkward between us because I finally accepted the fact that I had feelings for her. I feel like she knew but being the person she is, she pretended not to know for my sake.... for our sake.

She ended up getting a boyfriend. I supported her 100% because even though she's someone I'm in love with, I'm someone that's her friend and she trusts. I needed to be there if she ever needed to talk.

I'm actually glad she got a boyfriend because we were able to be close again but Jihyo's boyfriend was an absolute dick. I hated him. She really deserves better and I always thought about how much better I could treat her. Eventually even these thoughts faded and I thought I had finally gotten over Jihyo.

Spoiler: I didn't.

She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend and I was by her side every second and I fell for her all over again. I don't want to sound weird but have you seen the girl cry? She's so beautiful even when she's crying. Anyways, it hurt me so much to see her cry and I think it hurt even more knowing she was crying because of another guy.

Still, just like the strong independent woman she is, she got over him. We lived our lives how we always did but things started to happen to me. I started to go crazy. Crazy for Jihyo. This girl was always on my head to the point I couldn't focus. I was so conflicted that I went to sleep each night crying because I didn't know what to do about my feelings. I think everyone has gone through this at least once.

I decided that I just needed some time to myself. Jihyo got worried about me and texted me.

Jihyo: Dahyun, where have u been? I've been worried sick.

Dahyun: At home lol

Jihyo: Don't lol me. What's wrong?

Dahyun: Nothing?

Jihyo: I know you better than that

Dahyun: It doesn't concern you.

Jihyo: Anything that involves u concerns me.

Dahyun: Don't say that.

Jihyo: Why not?

I didn't text back so she texted me again.

Jihyo: Dahyun.

Jihyo: Dahyun, why not?

Reading her texts made me break down. It was horrible timing because she called me. I didn't want to worry her so I picked up.
"Hello? Dahyun? What's up? Tell me please."
I started to cry really loud.
"5 minutes."
"I'm coming over in 5 minutes."
She hung up after saying that, I was shook.

Five minutes later she came, I was still in tears but I still got in her car. It was late at night and I didn't know where she was taking me.
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"N-non-none of your business." I told her in a mean tone.
"Just tell me, I tell you everything."
"This is different."
"How?" She kept urging me and I finally spilled.
"Idiot? You're the idiot for not confessing earlier." Jihyo told me.
"What? What do you mean?" I was completely confused.
"I've known. My feelings are mutual and have always been mutual." Jihyo said.
"No, not true. What about your boyfriend? You cried over him for so long."
"I was crying because I sensed that you didn't like me anymore."
"Why are you just telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I knew my feelings from the start. I wanted you to know your own feelings too."

Jihyo suddenly stopped the car. It was a place that only we knew. It was one of my favorite places because of all the memories I have with Jihyo. Anyways, she stopped there and stopped talking. She looked at me and leaned in for a kiss.
"I hope this makes you feel better." She said after she kissed me. I started to blush a lot.
"U-uh, what's the meaning of this?" I asked nervously.
"Did you seriously just ask what the meaning of a kiss was? What a dork. It means that it's our first day together. Be my girlfriend, would you?"
I was conflicted and didn't respond at the time.

Fast-forward a few months later, I'm happy... Happy that Jihyo and I could remain friends because I cherished our friendship more than anything but I'm also glad that she's my girlfriend because I know I love her. We love each other.

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