MiTzu: Haunting Me

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Myoui Mina, a foreign exchange student from Japan, mysteriously dies in Seoul.

Mina's death made headlines everywhere, even in Taiwan. In Taiwan, Tzuyu was preparing to go to Korea and study when her parents told her about Mina.
"I'm worried for you. You don't need to go." Her mom said.
"I'll be fine, love you mom." Tzuyu reassured.
"This doesn't feel right. Just tell us if you change your mind." Her dad said.
"Thank you dad, love you too."

Then she was off to Seoul, Korea.

She entered her boarding school and oddly, her original roommate decided to leave. Tzuyu was curious as to why but then she heard all the rumors...

"The Japanese foreign exchange student, Mina, was killed in that room."

"Mina was murdered."

"Mina haunts the room."

"That room is cursed."

"Everyone who has roomed in that dorm died before 30 years old."

But, Tzuyu was unbothered. She didn't care because she doesn't believe in that type of stuff. She continued her student life as usual. Actually, she spent a lot of time in her dorm because she had nothing else to do. Everything seemed fine until she decided to clean the dusty dorm.

As she was cleaning, she found Mina's old belongings. She found Mina's ballet shoes, an album, and... a diary?

For one of the first times ever, Tzuyu was curious. She wanted to look inside the album and read the diary but she knew it wasn't right so she decided to return it to Mina. She did some researched, found out where Mina's burial was and went. To her surprise, a girl was sitting down and peacefully leaning against Mina's grave.

"Excuse me, do you know Mina?" Tzuyu interrupted the peaceful silence.
"You don't?" said the girl as she raised an eyebrow.
"No, not really. I just heard of her."
"Why are you here then?"
"I'm using the dorm that used to be hers and she left some of her stuff in there so I came to return it." Tzuyu said innocently.

The girl looked at all the things Tzuyu had, it was Mina's diary, album, and ballet shoes.

"Thank you, I'll take them." The girl finally broke into a smile.
"I didn't look inside the diary or album btw." Tzuyu reassured
"Oh, I know." Said the girl as she smirked at Tzuyu's naiveness.
"Btw, who are you?" Tzuyu asked the girl.
"Haha, I'm a nobody now." She said.
"Hmm, alright. I'm Tzuyu, nice to meet you." Tzuyu said as she left.

"You really can't be meeting me." The girl thought as she watched Tzuyu leave

Tzuyu went home and couldn't stop thinking about the girl. She had never experienced something like this before, she was confused. She assumed it was because the girl was being mysterious so that made her curious. She decided that things wouldn't be resolved until she met the girl again...  So she went back to Mina's grave hoping to see the girl there.

Tzuyu went back after a week and surprisingly saw the girl there.
"You're back?" The girl asked as she watched Tzuyu approach her.
"Who are you?" Tzuyu asked in a serious tone.
"Why are you back?" The girl asked.
"Because I want to know who you are." Tzuyu answered honestly.
"If I don't tell you, will you continue to come back?" The girl asked.
"Yes, I will!" Tzuyu said stubbornly.
"I might never tell you then." The girl said.

"What does that mean...?" Tzuyu couldn't understand what the girl meant.

"W-What d-d-do you mean b-by that?" Tzuyu said as she started to stutter.
"I'm lonely, come visit often." The girl said.
"Okay, if you tell me who you are... Also, why are you always at Mina's grave?"
"I'll keep you curious so keep coming back and you might get answers." The girl said.

Little did Tzuyu know but that girl was the ghost of Mina Myoui. Mina was a Japanese ballet dancer who came to Korea to study and practice more ballet. Mina was extremely stressed and exhausted which eventually lead her to collapse. It still remains a mystery about what happened between the time she collapsed and the time she died but all Mina knows is that she woke up... as a wandering soul. No one saw her, she became a nobody. She just laid peacefully next to her grave where people would occasionally visit. But, Tzuyu came and for the first time, someone saw her. She could lose someone like Tzuyu so she desperately wanted Tzuyu to come back everyday... So Tzuyu did.

Tzuyu went to Mina's grave everyday and hung out with Mina without ever knowing it was Mina. They fell madly in love and this is when everything went wrong. Tzuyu fell in love with someone who was basically a stranger to her so she kept urging Mina to tell her the truth.
"I need to know who you are!" Tzuyu yelled.
"I already told you, I'm nobody."
"Be honest with me." Tzuyu pleaded.
"Tzuyu..." Mina said desperately.
"You know, I can't even say your name like that because I don't know it. Also, why are you always here! Do you even know who this Mina girl is? I feel weird hanging out here... It's a grave for goodness sakes." Tzuyu was triggered.
"Then leave." Mina said as she started to tear up.
"Fine then." Tzuyu left.

Mina went from thinking about how she died day and night to just thinking about Tzuyu constantly. Meanwhile, Tzuyu didn't give up on Mina. She went home and started to try to find out who Mina was. It finally hit her, maybe she should search up Mina Myoui on the internet to see what type of connection Mina has with Mina... When she searched Mina's name, everything made sense...

Mina Myoui passes away

Mina Myoui, one of the best ballet dancers, dies young

Known beauty, Mina Myoui, has passed.

Tzuyu saw all the headlines, clicked on each one and saw Mina's picture.

"Mina... What are you?" Tzuyu thought as she ran to Mina's grave.

For the first time, when she got there, Mina wasn't laying there anymore. Tzuyu ran over and found Mina's possessions. She opened Mina's album and looked at all the pictures. She didn't know why she didn't realize it sooner. She read Mina's diary and fell even more in love with Mina... Something wasn't right though, the day that Mina died... Wasn't the last time her diary was written in. Mina wrote about Tzuyu even as a ghost. Reading all the sweet things Mina said about Tzuyu made Tzuyu break down... Especially the last page.

Dear Tzuyu,
I know you're gonna eventually come back and read this someday but by that time, I won't be here anymore. The days you came, was the happiest days of my life... Or afterlife I guess? But you were the one thing I was missing: Love. I was always curious about why I died and why I was still here and then I realized... it was because of you. I was being selfish when I fell in love with you because I knew very well... I wasn't dead but I wasn't alive. I'm sorry I put you in a difficult position... but even though I'm the ghost, you were the one haunting me. You came to see me at my grave everyday even when you were gone, you didn't leave my head. It seemed like I saw you everywhere, I was hallucinating... I couldn't see you anymore because I no longer wish to ruin your life like I ruined my own. I'm leaving this world and heading to another right when I find the reason why I died. I hope you don't come here anymore because I won't be here. Please, forget me.

Reality hit Tzuyu.

"Mina is dead."

Part 2 will be uploaded soon!!

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