I'm Always Right

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One day after work Jessica and Sam walked around the city. Jessica had her camera with her. At everyone open spot she would snap a picture.

"Why do you take so many pictures. Can we just have a nice walk through Central Park without stopping? Just once! It's all I ask."

"Sam! If you don't like it then find a new walking buddy."

"You know I love walking with you."

"Jason doesn't like doing this kind of stuff."

"How are things between you guys?"

"Ah, there okay. He's been busy with work so we haven't been able to hang out."

"That's a shame."

"I guess so. But I have you." Jessica smiles standing up.

Sam stares at Jessica as she captures images of the nature. The way her face lit up every time she took a new picture made Sam smile a bit too.


A couple days later Jessica and Jason sat on the couch watching Bravo.

"These housewives are insane. How do you like this stuff?"

"Because I do!" Jessica pouts.

Jason had his arm wrapped around Jessica. She rested her head on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. At times he would glance at his phone. Jessica became irritated after awhile.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Be right back." Jason stands up and goes to the restroom.

Jessica glanced over at his phone that was unlocked and kept going off.

Jessica looked at the door then back at the phone....

She decided to go through it.

Baby, I want you again. Can't you come over.

I'm sorry, I can't. She will suspect something is I blow her off.

What about phone sex?

Ah, I like that.

Jessica stopped reading and threw the phone.

She stood up and went into her bedroom. She began opening the drawers and throwing all of Jason's overnight clothes into the hallway. When Jason came out of the bathroom he was shocked.

"Jessica what the hell?"

"What the hell? What the hell you dirty, lying, cheating, asshole!" Jessica screams as she goes to the closet.

"Jess, did you-"

"Read through your phone? Yes!" If you don't love me then why did you ever date me. You know I don't play these kinds of games!"

"Listen, I was going to end things. I didn't know how."

"With who? Me or her?" Jessica stared him in the eyes, he had no answer.

"Fuck you! Grab your shit and leave. Don't you dare think about talking to me ever again."

Jason grabbed his stuff and left.

Jessica sat in her apartment crying, sobbing, and feeling heartbroken. She called Sarah.

Sarah dashed to Jessica's.

"I brought wine, ice cream, and cigarettes."

"Thank you!" Jessica throws herself onto Sarah and sobs.

"Don't cry babe. It's okay..."

"You were right!"

"Honey, I'm always right."

Jessica gives her a pouting face then giggles.

"See, not even 5 minutes and I've already made you laugh. Let's drink smoke and eat, shall we?"

"Can we please?"


"He was sexting her while he was with me! What an asshole." Jessica slurs her words moving her glass of wine back and fourth.

Sarah listened taking big scoops of ice cream.

"He is an asshole. A horny, no good, selfish asshole. You don't need assholes."

"He was so perfect!"

"Nah, he probably had a small dick. Have you seen his shoe sizes?"

"It was pretty small."

"Throw the small ones back Jessie! Ah remember when your sister Ann would say that."

"Yea. When you would sleepover every single day. We would talk about Daniel for hours. And when Kevin broke your heart, she told you to throw the small ones back in the ocean."

Sarah laughed then Jessica let out a sigh.

"Do you ever miss them?"

Jessica changed her position on the couch and reached for a cigarette.


"How? I miss them and they aren't even my family."

"I just don't. You don't understand."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. Smoke with me."


The next day Jessica had the day off. When she was upset or stressed she would reorganize her house, that's what she did. She rearranged the furniture, took down pictures of her and Jason replacing them with pictures of her friends. She reorganized her photography studio also. She blasted music dancing it off.

As she listened to music she was startled by the door ringing.

She turned down the music and opened the door.

It was her sister Jane. Standing at the door with a suitcase in her hand and a stomach the size of basketball.

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