Daddy's Little Angel

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"Happy Birthday, Kali Girl!" Jessica says walking into Ann's house.

All of her nieces and her nephew come running up to her.

"Aunt Jessie! You're here!" Paige yells wrapping her arms around Jessica.

"We didn't know you were coming!" Quinn says

"Well surprise!" She chuckles

"Is der baby in der?" Kali says poking Jessica's stomach

Jessica nods "Yes, there is!" She says

"We are having a baby cousin, remember? It's a girl." Paige says to kali

"I remember I remember! Baby cousin!" She jumps in the air.

Jessica giggles at her cuteness then bends down to give her a hug.

"How old are you today?" Jessica says

"I Four!"

"Wow! You're such a big girl, huh?"

She nods "Yes!"

"Aunt Jessie, how long are you staying for?" Quinn asks

"Well, I've moved back to Minnesota. So I'm not going anywhere." Jessica says

"Does that mean we can have sleepovers and hang out?" Paige smiles

"Yes, Of course!"

Ann walks Into the room to greet Jessica.

"Hey there!" Ann says

"Mom! Aunt Jessie is coming to Minnesota!" Quinn says

"Yes, I know!" She smiles

"Hi! I came a little early if you don't mind." She says after the kids settle

"Of course not. Come in, snack, do whatever you please. We just got done setting up!" Ann smiles

The kids go outside to play. It was just Ann and Jessica now.

"Are you settling in Okay?" She asks, referring to Jessica's move from New York.

Jessica sits down and nods "Yes. It feels good to be here."

Ann sits down with her and takes her hands. "It's good for you to be home."

Jessica gives her a soft smile and nods

"You're getting bigger and bigger!" She says placing her hand on Jessica's stomach.

"Six months" she says

"Pregnancy looks good on you, Jessica. You're lucky you aren't like Jane or I who were bloated to the max." Ann chuckles

"I still have some weight to gain. They have been watching it."

"That's because you're so skinny." She says

"How have things been?" She asks

"Crazy. School is out for the year so no work for me. We've been in this house for a couple months now, it feels good."

When Ann's husband first died they had to move into an apartment. Now that she was back on her feet she was able to move into another home.

"I'm happy for you!"

"And today my friend is coming to celebrate with us."

"Your friend?" Jessica smirks

Ann nods "I met someone."

"Oh really, Ann that's great!"

"It was really hard at first. But the kids love him."

"Do you love him?" Jessica asks

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