The End

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April 11th-

"Before we leave I have to stop at my office. Do you mind coming?" Jessica says

"No problem. Does your boss know you are visiting?"

"Yes. Just for two weeks."

Jessica and Jane go over to Jessica's office building. Jane was in Ahh seeing the headquarters for NYC MAG. She saw models and some small celebrities walk the hall. Everyone would wave and say hello to Jessica.

"Jess this place is huge!"

"Mhm. Isn't something you'd see in Minnesota huh?"

"No way."

Jessica and Jane get to Jessica's floor. Everyone on her level greets her as she walks into her office. Her office was a long office that overlooked the city.

"This place is so chic!"

"Haha, thanks. I did it myself."

"All this camera stuff, it's incredible."

Jane sits down as Jessica gathers some of her things.


Jessica looks up and sees Sam standing at the door with a cup of coffee.

"Brought you something." He walks in and sets it on her desk.

Jessica smiled. "Thanks.

Oh Sam! This is my older sister Jane. Jane this is a friend of mine, Sam Shepard."

"Nice to meet you Sam." Jane says with a grin

"Nice to meet you as well. I've herd much about you."

"Haha, really?" Jane looks at Jessica with a smirk and Jessica shakes her head looking away.

"Hey, Mark is out of town but he gave you the okay. Just be back for May. We need you for our photo shoots."

"Okay, I don't know what I would do without you!" Jessica gives him a hug.

"I'm going to miss you and Sarah. Gosh! I'll be all alone."

"I'll be back soon."

"Enjoy your family time. Have a safe flight you two."

"We will."

Sam leaves the room and Jane giggles.

"He's cute!"


"Really, go for it."

"No Jane. He's my coworker."

"Come on, he likes you."

"As a friend. Other then Sarah he was Emmy first friend when I came here. We are too good of friends to date."

"I see. I'll remember that you said that at your wedding day."

"I don't plan on getting married Jane."

"What? Why! You always wanted kids and a husband."

"People Change."

"You don't!"

"Jane, just drop it." Jessica grins collecting the rest of the things she needs.


Jessica and Jane head to Sarah's apartment to pick her up and go to the airport. Jessica's heart raced.

As they waited for the plane Jane got a phone call.

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