I Found It

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Danny was lost for words. He wasn't angry, he was hurt. His heart hurt for Jessica. Reading this book made it even more real for him because he knew that isn't wasn't something she just made up. He didn't know how to process any of this. He couldn't help but just cry.

Jessica had texted him saying she was on her way home. He cleaned up her office and shut off her laptop.

Danny tried to just calm down. He planned to keep it all bottled in and not say anything. He didn't want Jessica to get mad for snooping.

Before he knew it Jessica walked in with the groceries. Usually Danny would get up and help, but he didn't, catching Jessica by surprise. He sat on the couch with a blank face. Everything felt numb.

"Danny, honey? I'm home." She says

"Hey" He says staying put

"So, you'll never guess what the store started selling again. That fruit you like... I forgot the name, but I got them for you." She says as she puts everything away.

"Oh, thanks." He says softly

Jessica tries to shake off Danny's sudden mood. She didn't pay much attention to it. Maybe he was just really into the game and distracted.

"Ah, dragon fruit! That's it!" She giggles

Danny didn't say anything.

This wasn't like him. When Jessica looked towards him he seemed so distraught. Jessica decided to go over to him.

"Danny, what's wrong?" She asks

"Left Behind." He says to himself

"What?" She asks, standing in front of him.

"Left Behind... I found it."

"Danny, what are you saying? You found Left Behind?"

"That 'novel' David was talking about."

Jessica sighs... Danny was obviously upset about it, Jessica didn't want to poke at the situation even more.

She sat on the coffee table and covered her face. Danny, he was on the verge of tears.

"I didn't want anyone to read it..."

"David did. It must be a big secret, I see why." He snaps

Jessica nods "I know... it was a long time ago. I was going to just delete it all... it was my way to vent."

"I know, Jessica. It's okay." He says suddenly

Jessica looks up at Danny and so many weights were lifted off her chest.

"What did you read?" She asks

Danny sighs "I started at five and made my way... I stopped when I came across a part that seemed too familiar. The note you left me at the rock. It was like I was re-reading it aLL over again. Then it hit me, that book is about you. I guess it really really hit when I realized that chapter five-"

"Was what happened the night of my fathers funeral." She finishes his sentence and tears up a bit.

Jessica knew exactly what chapter five was. It was the easiest chapter to write because it was written the night she lost the baby. She remembers the day perfectly. Everything in that chapter was raw. Everything written in that chapter was exactly what happened. That was one chapter she never wanted anyone to read because Jessica was the only one who really knew what she went through and how she felt. Now, Danny had known.

This was one of the reasons why Jessica kept the book from Danny. She wanted to protect him from a lot of the truth. But now that he knew about it and read some of it, she was relieved. It was going to happen sooner or later, and now it did.

They stare into each other's eyes. Danny- he breaks. He couldn't hold it in. Now that he knew exactly what happened, he really felt the true pain of losing the baby. But what hurt even more was the fact that Jessica went through it, alone. He beat himself up for not being there, even though he had no clue. He just felt guilty.

"Jessica, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry you had to go through that, all alone. Jessie, I'm so sorry!" He cries

Jessica tears up as well, but not as badly. She had shed so many tears over this baby. But Danny, it was just beginning.

She held Danny in her arms as he sobbed. She was shocked by his reaction. When she first told him, he wasn't like this. She imagined that maybe the chapter really gave him a clear image of that night.

"Danny, it's okay..."

"I wasn't there for you... I just wish that never happened..." he cries


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