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"Then stay. Stay with me, let's start over."

"But I can't Danny. It scares the hell out of me." Jessica holds Danny's chest.

"I'm so confused." Jessica cries

"Maybe we should go inside and talk about this." Danny takes her hand

Danny walks Jessica inside and wraps her in a blanket. They sit in front of the fire next to each other.

"Jess, are you happy in New York?" Danny says putting his hands on her knees.

"When I was in Europe I was happy. I love my job. I love writing and doing photography. Sometimes I think if it's really what I want to do for the rest of my life. Work at NY MAG.

Are you happy?"

"I don't know what happy is anymore. When I'm with you I'm happy."

"Danny, I came here to tell you how sorry I am."

"Jessica, you don't need to keep apologizing."

"I need to know why you are letting me into your life again? Why are you screaming at yelling at me? How are you not mad at me."

"I stopped being mad a long time ago because something told me inside that you were happy, and that's all I ever wanted for you. I wanted you to be happy."

"You're a great guy Danny. You truly are. I can't help but feel guilty for the past."

"I don't want you to think about the past anymore Jessica. I want you think about now. Where do you want to be in five years?"

"I don't know. I need to figure out life again. Why do I have to be so confused!" Jessica breaths heavily and becomes frustrated.

"Jess, deep breaths. I think what you need to do is go home for a while. Maybe work for a while and finish your book. My Thanksgiving, if you still feel this way come home. And if you want we can stay in touch while your home. And if you come home, we can start over. Only if you want to."

Danny always made Jessica feel better. He made her realize that being home may give her mixed emotions. She decided to go home. It had been months since she was home for more than a week. Deep in her heart she hoped that she would want to come back home so she could be with Danny.

Danny didn't want to tell her to stay anymore. It would confuse her even more and it was selfish if him. He wanted her to make the decision on his own and let her know that he'll wait. He never stopped waiting for her.


Jessica spent the rest of the day with Danny. Once it stopped raining they took a canoe out on the lake.

"It's beautiful out here. It's just like It was five years ago. It's all the same." Jessica gazes around and looks back at Danny catching him in a stare.

"You're the same too." Danny smiles

"Oh don't say that." Jessica bluffs


"I don't like the old me."

"The 'old you' isn't bad. You're wonderful."

"Well thank you..." she chuckles

Danny grins and Jessica raises her eyebrows.

"Danny, I swear if you do it." Jessica says holding onto the boat.

"Do what? This?" Danny rocks the boat then tips it over causing them to both fall into the water.

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