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As soon as Jessica's water broke Dorthy drove her to the hospital. She was four centimeters dilated when she arrived. They checked her in and put her in a room. Her doctor arrived shortly after she did and checked up on her ever few hours. Her contractions were intense, but she knew it would only get worse. For now, until they became more regular, Jessica tried to rest. While she was resting Dorthy wanted to call everyone to let them know.

"Guess who's coming today!" Dorthy says

"No way... she's in labor?" Jane exclaims

"Yes! Jessie is having a baby!"

"Oh my gosh! Should I come? I can't believe this. I thought this baby would never come."
Jane says with excitement

Dorthy was so excited she couldn't hold it in. She was screaming inside. "Wait Just a bit. I'll call you when she gets her epidural." Dorthy says

"She is doing it naturally though."

"Jane, Jessica will not be able to do this naturally. I'm just waiting for her to give the doctors to go head." She says with a chuckle

"How is she?"


"Poor Jessie! Send her my best and keep us updated!"

"I will!"


"Jess, I brought you some more ice chips." Dorthy says

Jessica was hunched over on the bed swaying her hips back and forth. She looks up and gives Dorthy a death stare.

Her mother widens her eyes and walks to her side. "You're doing really well, Jessica."

Jessica groans and tries to push through the pain. It was ten now, and she was only four centimeters dilated.

When the contraction was over Jessica got back into bed and began to cry.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" Dorthy asks

"I can't do it mom... I have to get the epidural." Jessica had her heart set on having a natural birth, no drugs, nothing. But after being in labor for only a few hours, she realized she wouldn't be able to take it. She knew the after math would be enough pain, so she wanted to save herself from some of it. She felt so guilt for giving in, but it was only a matter of time.

"Okay, Baby... that's fine. But you should wait a bit, okay?"

"How long should I wait?"

"Until you really can't take it anymore. Once you get it you can't move."

Jessica listens to her mother. "Okay... I'll wait."

"You're so strong, Jessica. I know you can do this."

"Thank you." She mumbles


Around lunch time Jessica was still going strong without the epidural. Her contractions were becoming more intense. She tried her hardest to keep on going until she knew she couldn't do it any longer.

Jessica wanted to see her family so of course they got there as soon as possible to be with her. They had been waiting all day for a call. Ann wasn't able to come until later in the day because school just started, but Jane and Sarah made their way over.

When they arrive Jessica was just recovering from another contraction. She had been yelling and screaming. Tears rolled down her face. She was slowly falling apart. She had so much swimming through her mind that she was too overwhelmed. She didn't tell anyone how she really felt. She just tried to get through it.

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