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"I'm really sorry about Danny, sweetie." Dorthy says helping Jessica pack her luggage into the car.

Jessica puts in her last bag then sighs. "It's fine, I'm fine. It's really not that big of a deal." Jessica says

Inside, she wasn't fine. She was completely broken. At one moment things were going well, but that all changed. Jessica knew what Danny was going through, she was just in shock that he ended things. Jessica's plan when she came to Minnesota was to tell Danny she wanted him, that she chose him. He ended things before she even got the chance.

"I had a nice visit. Thank you for letting me stay the week." Jessica smiles giving her mom a hug.

Dorthy held her for a while. Saying goodbye was never easy for Dorthy. She never knew if Jessica would come back. It was always something that made her worried each time Jessica left.

"You're welcome any time, Jessica. Don't forget that!" Dorthy says sternly

"I won't, maybe I'll try to come out for Christmas."

"Great, I'm excited. I always love having you in town."


That night Jessica got into New York late at night. She wasn't excited to be home. Jessica's mindset when she first got on the plane was to tell Danny how much she wanted him, and to either stay with him or him come back with her. She got neither of those. She was back where she started, alone.


December 3rd-

Over the last week Jessica was very distant from all of her friends. She was more quite throughout the work day and didn't speak to anyone really. She couldn't, she was too sad. She just wanted to hear Danny's voice again. She missed him, his jokes, and their long conversations. She'd do anything to have it back. She only wishes that she went with him when she had the chance.

How could you be so stupid Jessica! You waited so long. And for what? Because you were scared. Damn you! He loved you. You loved him. You were perfect for each other. You ruined that all. Now it's all over, forever.

Jessica sat in her apartment listening to sad music, drinking wine, and crying. She shut off her phone for the night.

Around eleven Jessica heard a knock at her door. Her first instinct was to not answer until they went away. But they wouldn't stop knocking.

Jessica stood up and stumbled to the door.

"God Jessica, can't you answer the damn phone." Sarah says sternly, strutting into Jessica's apartment.

Jessica widened her eyes and gave Sarah a funny look. Sarah tossed her purse on the table and crossed her arms.

"It's eleven at night! What are you doing here?" Jessica says

"You're almost drunk, so before you get drunk and I get jealous put that glass down." Sarah points to the table motioning Jessica to set the glass down.

Jessica huffs then sets the glass down. Jessica walks over to the couch and throws herself onto it. She covers her face trying to hide her tears.

Sarah walks over to her and sits across from the couch on a love seat.

"What the hell are you doing!"

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