City Hall Wedding pt.2

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Jessica and Danny's hearts were filled with happiness. They were finally married. A year ago Jessica never would have pictured herself marrying Danny, but deep in her heart she had always loved him and needed him.

They drove back to Cloquet. Jessica didn't know what Dorthy and Zoe had planned but she was a bit anxious to see.

After an hour of following Dorthy and Zoe they finally arrive at a restaurant that sat right above a lake. It was a familiar place for Danny and Jessica. Its where they had both of their graduation parties.

"Oh wow, I never thought they'd plan something here." Jessica says when he parks the car

"Me neither, but it's pretty nice."

Jessica smiles and Danny turns to her.

"How do you feel?" He whispers

"I feel fantastic."

"I do too. Shall we?" He says

Jessica nods

Danny walks around the car and opens the door for Jessica. He takes her hand and they both walk up to the restaurant. The hostess leads them to a large room that was separate from everyone else. When he opens the door they see all of their family waiting for them. The whole room was decorated with lights and you could see the lake from the room.

Everyone began to cheer loudly and hold up their glasses of champagne.

"Congratulations!" They all yell

Jessica and Danny were so happy. This is just what they had wanted. Something small were they could celebrate with all their family.

Danny didn't let go of Jessica's hand as they walk in slowly. They were greeted with two glasses of champagne. They held their glasses in their hands and the room went silent when Ann began taping her glass with a fork.

"This is a toast, for my little sister and my new brother. I'm so happy for the both of you, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the both of you. You're both amazing people and were meant to be. Congratulations Jessica and Danny." Ann holds up her glass and everyone else follows

"To Jessica and Danny!"

Everyone clinks their glasses and Ann comes up to Jessica and gives her a hug. "Thank you, Ann." Jessica smiles

"Any Time." She says


Throughout the party everyone talked, danced, and celebrated. Both Jessica and Danny's family was all there.

Jessica saw Dorthy fixing a decoration, she broke away from Danny and went to see her.

"Mom, thank you, for everything." Jessica says to her.

"Don't thank me, baby." She turns to her and gives her a long hug.

"This Really was the best day of my life." She whispers

"Your Dad would be so proud, my love." Dorthy begins to tear up unexpectedly

"Mom, are you okay?" Jessica says sincerely

"Your father was always so sure... he was always so sure that you'd marry Danny, sure that you'd be simple about everything, and sure that you'd be happy. And look!" Dorthy chokes up

"Mom..." Jessica says as she tears up

"I just love you so much, honey."

"I love you too." Jessica smiles

"... don't be sad." Jessica says when she sees her Mom cry even more.

"I'm sorry!"

"Is Timothy here?"

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