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The next day-

"Ann, I'm sorry. It was just a bad day." Jessica says following Ann around the apartment as she gathers the rest of her things.

"You know Jess, I think it's just a bad time for you, and you need time to yourself. I should have never come. But really, thank you for everything. You have a lot on your plate right now. And unwanted visitors is the last thing you need. Two kids running around and a little baby that wakes up all the time."

"That's not true, I want you guys here."

"Jessica, just let us go." Ann nods her head and zips up her suitcase.

"Mommy, I'm not leaving!" Paige stomps into the living room and crosses her arms.

"Paige, we aren't doing this right now." Ann gives Paige a stern look and mocks her.

"But this isn't fair! We are happy here!" Quinn says standing behind Paige.

"Aunt Jessie, tell her!" Paige cries

"That's enough you two! We are leaving!"

"Why? Because you didn't get your way?" Quinn says

"Quinn, apologize to your mother." Jessica says

Ann shakes it off and grabs the baby.

"If you two aren't ready for the taxi in ten minutes you are both grounded. When we get home no friends no electronics."

"Why do you have to be mad at Aunt Jess. She had a bad day, we all have bad days."

"You have a bad day everyday. Can't we have some kind of happiness? Don't ruin that for us." Quinn adds

Ann was quite, she didn't respond. She clenched her teeth and pointed towards their bags. "Now!" Ann yells

The kids scurry away. Ann looks back at Jessica. Ann had a pissed off look. She bit her lips to keep her from saying anything.

"Look what you caused." Ann says under her breath.

She let's out a sigh and sits down looking up at Jessica. Ann runs her hands through her hair.

"Ann, I feel horrible."

"I just think you need to be alone right now. I get why you left, for the space. You always liked your space.

Besides, I need to go back home, get a better paying job, sell the house, and move. I just have so much to do."

"I understand..."

"Good" Ann nods.


Jessica helped them all carry their stuff down to the lobby. The taxi waited for them. The kids were filled with sadness, they didn't want to leave.

Jessica tried not to cry. She felt so angry with herself. She was pushing her family away.

"Bye Aunt Jessica." Paige says squeezing close to her.

"Bye darling, be good." Jessica says

"Thanks for everything. I hope we see you soon." Quinn says

"You are always welcome to come out here and visit."

Quinn nods, before anyone could see him cry he got into the taxi.

"Auntie!" Kali exclaims reaching for Jessica.

Jessica smiles and takes Kali out of Ann's arms.

"Bye beautiful girl!" Jessica brings Kali close to her cheeks and kisses her.

Ann takes Kali back and looks at Jessica.

They stare at each other for a moment then hug each other.

"Take care Jess. And if you do decide to go out of town, bring me back a shirt." Ann giggles fighting the tears.

"I will... You take care too. And come back whenever you want, okay?"

"Alright." Ann nods and backs away.

She steps into the taxi and the taxi driver closes the door. They all wave as they drive off.


Jessica got up to her empty apartment. It was so quite.

I fucked everything up. How could I do this. Ann and the kids were the only real love I had. I might not see them for a long time. How could I be so selfish? They are all right... something isn't right with me. I need to get away, I need to figure out what's going on. I need to get my life in order.



Jessica spent the weekend cleaning up after Ann and the kids left. Sarah kept calling Jessica but she didn't answer. She just wanted to be alone and have her space.

Later that day Jessica went out to the grocery store and came home.

When she got to her apartment building Jason sat outside with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and an envelope.

Jessica stopped in front of him and put her hand on her hip.

"Hi." He says standing up and fixing his polo.

Jessica nods and starts to giggle.

"What's this?" Jessica says bitting the top of her lip.

"Jessica, I'm so sorry for everything... This is me trying to ask you to be apart of my life again, be my friend, and forgive me. It's a lot to ask..." Jason walks towards Jessica and hands her the envelope. He takes the brown grocery bag out of Jessica's hand.

Jessica looks down at the envelope with an idea of what was inside. Jessica shook her head and smirked at Jason.

"Jason, I don't think I can do this..." Jessica says

"Just open it."

Jessica slowly unfolds the envelope. When she opens it one plane ticket falls out.

"There is only one." Jessica says

"Go to Europe. Do this for yourself. Take the camera gear and make that book you always wanted to make."

"Jason, I can't expect this. This is too much."

"Take it Jessica. I owe you this."

Jessica starts to cry. She clenches onto the ticket and hugs him tightly.

"Your hotel is ready. It's for the summer. June to August. Your plane leave June 5th.

There are a few rules, you take the best pictures, and take a break from work, most importantly enjoy yourself."

"Jason, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. And if you don't want to be alone give me a call." He smiles

"I couldn't be more grateful for this. Thank you so much, Jason."

"You deserve this."

How is everyone liking this? What do you want to happen next?

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