We Miss You

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The next day Jessica decided to go see Jane at her hotel room.

Jessica hesitated opening knocking on the door. She finally built the courage to.

"Jessica, come in." Jane says

"Hi, sorry for coming unexpected. I know how that bothers people."

"Heh, sorry for how I acted yesterday. Things have been crazy..." Jane closes the door behind her and sits down next to Jessica.

"It's okay. I haven't been the best sister, so I deserve it."

"I never asked how you were."

"I'm good. Works going well. Everything's great. How are you?"

"Pregnant." Jane chuckles

"Yea, I see that. But really."

"Crazy. Everything with Ann is taking a big toll on everyone. We just found out about a month ago. She really is falling apart Jessica. You guys were always so close, she really misses you."

"I'm not saying I won't come out, but I can't for the summer."

"You're afraid to come home. I know."

"Yea... Mom hates me." Jessica chuckles

"No, you just never talk to her! She really misses you. So does George, grandma, Ann, the kids, and me. It's hard for all of us, and it breaks our hearts that you don't talk to us. We feel like the family you are embarrassed of. I know after dads death you just drifted and you moved away-"

"Jane, please don't bring that up."

"Sorry. My point is we all miss you."

"I know. I'm sorry... I just like it here. It's hard to go back."

"At least come back for a little bit. Do it for Ann. Sarah's coming if you do."

"I swear you all love Sarah. More then me maybe."

"Just maybe. She calls mom more then you do." Jane chuckles

"How is mom and George?"

"George has a girlfriend, he's graduating this year too! Mom, she's mom. She has her bad days. Lately she's just been out of it. I know it's because of Ann, but she talks about you a lot more."

Jessica tilted her head down.

"Maybe you should call her."

"Who, mom?"

"Yea. I'm not trying to change your opinion or anything, but she cries about you."

Jessica was silent again.

They went out to lunch and Jessica offered for Jane to stay with her instead of the hotel.
It felt like old times again to Jessica. Chatting with her sister and enjoying herself.

Jessica was hesitant to go back to Minnesota. It had been forever since she was last there. She didn't like going out there. Ever since her dad died nothing was ever the same, and it wasn't home. Jessica was closest with her dad, and wasn't the closet with her mother. She loved her mom, but they were just two different people to Jessica. She missed her siblings, she wishes she still had the same relationship with them, but she just changed too much.

Jessica and Jane sat in the living room talking.

"hah! Remember when George was a baby and we hid the diapers from mom?"

"Yes! She was so pissed." Jessica giggles

"God, if this baby did this to me." Jane rolls her eyes

"I thought you didn't want kids?"

"Well, I didn't. But Yano, people change."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes! It's a girl."

"Ahh, Jane!"

"Haha, I'm excited."

"I bet."

"It's just a shame she has to come at such a bad time."

"I feel so bad for Ann and Jimmy. How are the kids?"

"Kali is too young to know, she's only 2. Paige is taking it really hard, she won't talk. Quinn doesn't show any emotion at all... The whole family just isn't well."

"Do you think Ann wants to even see me?"

"Yes, she needs her person. You are her person."

"We haven't talked. I just haven't talked to anyone Jane."

"I know, it will be weird but you will be okay. It's not like we are strangers, we are all family. Moms over the fight."

"She is?"


Before Jessica left her and her mother got in a huge fight, they were never the same after the fight. Dorthy refused for her to leave, but she left anyways. Jessica didn't talk to her mom for a few months until Ann her first child, Quinn.
In a way they both never recovered from the fight.


Jessica and Jane ate ice cream and watched movies until someone was at the door.

"One second, I have to get that." Jessica giggles pausing the movie.

Jane sits up and her eyes follow Jessica to the door.

Jessica opens the door, it was Jason. He stood at the door tall with a bouquet of flowers.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jessica, I'm so sorry."

Jessica turns back and sees Jane staring at them with a puzzled look.

Jessica stepped outside and closed the door.

"Jason, leave."

"No, I can't lose you."

"You did. You cheated!"

"I'm sorry... I really am. I ended things with her."

"No Jason. Just go home. We're over."

"Come on."

"No! Once a cheater, always a cheater."


"Don't Jessie me. LEAVE!" Jessica screams

Jason looks at her then down at the flowers. He puts his head now and walks away.

Jessica let out a sigh and covered her face.

When she opened the door Jane stood at the door with her arms crossed.

"Jane! You scared the shit out of me!" Jessica says

"You never said anything about a boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

Jessica walks past her and goes to the sink to do dishes.

"Ahh Jessie. Were you guys ever a thing?"

"Jane, can we not do this?"

"Fine!" Jane pouts

Jessica looks at her and chuckles.

"I don't want I waste my breath on a cheating dirt bag. There."

"He cheated? Wow!"


Hope you guys like this!

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