Danny's Song

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Jessica had a few more weeks until she moved. She was ready to have a home of her own again. She loved her mother and brother, but she missed her solitude. Jessica was finally prepared to move. She had everything she needed for the baby too. Now she just had to wait.

Jessica was thirty three weeks. She was progressing a lot. Her body had changed in many ways she didn't expect. She was always uncomfortable and achey. She wasn't sleeping either. Dorthy tried to help Jessica when she was uncomfortable and irritable but nothing worked. Now that the baby was much bigger she was starting to lose room. Jessica felt every kick and movement. It was nice to feel her daughters movements, but pretty uncomfortable as well.

One day Zoe had called Jessica over for lunch. Zoe always loved seeing Jessica, and Jessica enjoyed seeing her too.

When she got to Zoe's they had some tea and sandwiches.

"So, have you thought of any names for the little girl?" Zoe asks

Jessica shakes her head. "No, I have no idea..." she says

"You have time. Besides, you never really know until you meet the baby. I remember with my kids I never had name ideas until late in my pregnancy. I always got weird signs from the universe to help me out." Zoe smiles

"What was your sign for Danny's name?" Jessica asks

"Hmm, let me think. I'm pretty sure John and I were in the car and this song was playing on a radio. We loved it and sang along. The radio man said the name of the song after it played, the name was Danny's Song. I remember John liking the name Danny. John said we should name him Daniel then Danny for short. I agreed. And that's it!"

"That's amazing, I need a sign, I can't think of a name! I have an idea for a middle name. It would be my last time. I want to have my fathers name in hers somewhere."

"That would be beautiful. Lange and Huston has a nice ring to it when they are together. But you'll get a sign, everyone does." Zoe giggles

"I think so too. But no one knows of that idea but you."

"Just between you and I. I think it would be a beautiful surprise for your mother."

"It's not about her having my last name. Just her having a part of my father, my family."

"Of course... and I don't think anyone would have her middle name either!"

"That's right." Jessica laughs


July 19th, 1 month until Jessica's due date-

It was moving day. All of Jessica's family came together to help move all of her things from New York to Danny's old house. Jessica had been waiting so long to do this. She was more than ready and very excited.

When they arrived at the home it was spotless from the last renters. Jessica unlocked the door so people could bring in the boxes. Jessica wasn't really able to help as much. They didn't want her to anyways.

Being back at the house was of course a bit emotional. When Jessica went to take a quick break from unpacking she went outside and walked to the gazebo by the water. There was a table and chairs set. And sat down in the chair and put her feet up. She looked around and a small smile appeared on her face. It had been a while since she was there in the summer. But she never remembered it being this beautiful. The water glistened, the sun shined, the grass was the greenest it had ever been, and the flowers had vibrant colors. Jessica could feel Danny's presence. She knew he was there with her.

"I'm going to raise our baby girl here, Danny. I know that's what you'd want. When she's older I'll get her a little swing set to play on. And when she can swim we will swim in the lake." Jessica mumbles to herself. She giggles at the thought of her future with a little girl.

Jessica's future here was so bright. Everything felt so right being home in Minnesota. Jessica couldn't wait for what was to come. It was scary, but she had to looked at the positive side of it all. She wished everyday that Danny could be here through this new journey in her life, but she had to do it alone.

Dorthy came out to the gazebo with a glass of lemonade.

"Did you need a break?" Dorthy says sitting across from her

Jessica nods "Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to take it all in." She says

"It's a lot to take it. It's such a beautiful day." Dorthy says looking around.

Jessica placed her hands on her stomach and looks down. "This is your home, little girl. Before you know it you'll be able to see this too."

"She's so lucky."

Jessica smiles "Her daddy built her a beautiful home."


After hours they were able to put away most of her things and pull everything out of storage from when the renters lived in the home.

There were still things to be done but enough was enough for the day. Tomorrow they were going to look at swatches for the nursery. Jessica's job was to clear out most of the boxes inside. The place where they had stored everything in a locked room would now be the nursery. Most of the boxes were old records of Danny's and some extra nick-nacks that he had. It wouldn't be too hard to go through.

As Jessica was putting away all of these things into another room She chuckled at the fact that Danny had so many records and concert items. Danny loved music and was a big concert geek. Seeing all of his things warmed her heart. He was so organized with his music things.

As she organized the records she came across some old pictures from when he was in college. There was a picture of him with some buddies at an Eagles concert. Danny always told her that was his favorite concert but she never remembered the name of the tour. She wish she had.


They went to the store and picked a color for the nursery Jessica went with a light lavender swatch. George and some of his buddies came over to Jessica's to paint for her and put together the furniture. Before the boys got to work Jessica took one last walk around the room to make sure everything was cleared out.

She opened the closet and saw a small box. She had never seen it before and was shocked to see it there. She thought everything was cleared out. She bends down and picks up the box. When she opens it she finds a white shirt, a ticket, and a CD that seemed to have writing on it. She flips over the CD to see that it was an Eagles CD. It read : Long Road Out Of Eden.

Jessica smiled then quickly read the white shirt. It was the exact shirt Danny had on in that one picture she found last night. It was from his favorite concert. She finally remembered the name.

Long Road Out Of Eden.

She kept repeating it in her head. Once again Jessica felt Danny's presence. She has an idea. She quickly puts everything back in the box and looks up at the ceiling.

"Thank you" She giggles


Hope you guys understand what I'm getting at in this chapter. 😌 hope you're all enjoying it.❤️❤️

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