You're Janey

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"Jessica, someone is here for you." Jessica's assistant Marci walks in.

"Okay, let them in." Jessica smiles

When she looked up she saw David standing at her door holding a small handbag.

"You left something at my place, I thought I'd bring it by." He smiles

"David, hi! It's great to see you. And thank you." She giggles

"It's nice to see you too. Sorry for coming unexpectedly. I was in the neighborhood." Jessica gives him a hug then they sit down.

"No it's alright! I've been pretty bored here. Nothing is really going on." She says putting away her laptop.

Seeing Jessica kept her in a permanent smile. She blushed and had butterflies in her stomach.

"I keep thinking about Saturday. I had so much fun."

"I do too! It was really a fun night. I actually have something for you." Jessica walks over to her file cabneit and pulls out a file folder. It had a few pages from her novel in it.

"These are the pages you wanted me to show you." She hands it to him and he opens it.

"From Left Behind?"

"I've never showed anyone. Can you promise you won't show anyone?"

"Of course. I'd never do that. Thank you for letting me read a chapter."

"I trust you. And you showed me your paintings so I thought I'd show you my story."

"I can't wait to read some." He exclaims


After David left Jessica finished up her work for the day. She decided to head home and have a night in.

While Jessica sat in her living room in the middle of the night she couldn't get her novel out of her head. A part of her was happy to tell David... maybe if she ever wanted to she'd be able to release the book. The other part of her regretted it. She was scared that just maybe David would realize that the novel was based off everything that happened to her after Albert died. It was personal, something that she rarely spoke about. Writing about things always helped her overcome the past. She gave David a chapter that she had just recently finished. That chapter was about Danny...

December 16th-

"I just payed for my ticket. I'll be coming out on the twenty-third." Jessica says

"Thank god! I miss you. We all do!" Ann says happily

"It will be nice to visit. I just don't know how long I'll be able to stay. I might have to come back before the new year."

"So you can get back to your boyfriend? David you said, right?" Ann says

"He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend."

"But you've been going on dates."

"As friends! He's really nice."

"Do you want to be more than friends?"

"I've known him for less than a month. I'm just taking it slow." Jessica says softly

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