Until Next Time

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The next morning-

Jessica woke up in Danny's arms. She had spent the night at his house. She had too much fun and enjoyed his company so much that Jessica didn't want to leave. He didn't want her to leave either.

That night as they became tried the loss of the baby was brought up again. It was too painful for Jessica to hold it in, and too painful for Danny to hold it in also. They just let it all out. It helped to cry once in a while and be there to
Comfort each other. It was their child.

As Jessica woke up Danny did to. He opened his eyes and smiled at Jessica.

"Is this okay?" He says holding her.

Jessica turns around and faces him. She nods and moves his hand onto her side.

"I need someone to hold me right now and tell me things will be okay."

"They will be okay." Danny whispers

"I really did miss you. I was afraid I would never hear from you again."

"I don't think I'd ever be able to die without hearing your voice one last time. We were such a big part of each other's lives."

"We were, I want you to know I don't regret any of it. You gave me the best four years and you never left my side."


Later on in the day Jessica checked her phone and saw a few missed calls and a text that read-

"Hope you're alive and having fun!"

Jessica giggled and put her phone away. She wanted to eat breakfast outside but saw how badly it was raining.

Danny was in the kitchen making coffee.

"This house is beautiful." Jessica says sitting on the island chair.

Danny turned to Jessica with two cups of coffee. He set one in front of her and the other next to her.

"Thanks, my dad helped me with a lot of the
blueprints. I like how it turned out."

"I can see you worked hard. Hard work pays off."

"Jess, I really did love spending time with you. I'm sorry about the kiss and stuff last night. I should've known, I was getting too ahead of myself."

Jessica set her coffee down then placed her hand over his. She smiled at him.

"It's okay... I love you Danny, I'll never stop loving you. You were my high school sweetheart. But us being together isn't realistic. We live across the country from each other, we haven't spoke it years, and we've gone separate ways. If we had sex last night, it would have confused me. I would have wanted to stay in Minnesota. I can't stay here."

"Why can't you stay? Why can't we try this out?" Danny says desperately

Jessica let's out a sigh and shakes her head.

"It's too painful. Looking back at everything I left behind is too hard. I think about my dad, our memories, my family, and you. I promised myself once I left Minnesota I would never come back as in never live here again. I have a life in New York. A job, friends, and a home."

"I understand, I just wish we could try. Let's try this out."

Jessica paused for a moment. "I can't."


After breakfast Jessica decided it was time to go. Danny was going to drive her over to Gail's since that's where her car was.

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