We Had Our Chance

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Danny sat there in the chair. He tossed pictures of him and Jessica into the fire. Love letters he held onto, pictures of his dad, blueprints to his home, and more. Jessica watched him as he did it all out of anger. She tried to stop him once or twice but he refused. Jessica grew the courage to pull the bottle of Grey Goose out of his hand and throw it into the lake.

"What are you doing?" He says standing up.

"You need to stop this! You're hurting and drinking doesn't solve your problems. You need to go inside and sleep!"

"Why should I listen to you?" He walks closer to Jessica and stumbles a few times.

"Because I care for you and I don't want to see you like this."

"Bull-shit!" He exclaims

"Danny, please...." Jessica says

"You left me, you left me a letter! I didn't hear from you for days, months, years. I poured my heart out to you. I gave you everything I had. I wanted to marry you. All of a sudden I let you back into my life. Why should I let you back into my life when you didn't even tell me about my own son? I would have helped you. You never told me. I was a dad and you never told me. You told Sarah but not me! How could I ever forgive you? I wasn't angry at first because I was too in love with you... Now I'm angry. I had a right to know. I was the father! Jessica that was my baby too!"

Jessica tried to ignore Danny. She knew that he didn't mean what he said, but it still hurt hearing it.

"You are a bitch! You push people away when they try to help. Now that you are in my life I want you. I want you so bad. We've talked, we've made love, we've spent time together. But here we are. Letting whatever this is go on. You are making me wait. You've been making me wait so you could decide. Why is it always about you? What if I want this and I want you? I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of letting you have control over me. You're selfish. You're a slut. You will always be alone. I'm never getting back with you, Jessica. I can't and I won't. You'll break my heart again. I won't let you do that. Not anymore Jessica Lange. Not ever." Danny yells.

By now Jessica's heart hurt. Her eyes filled with tears. Hearing those words from Jessica broke her. She suddenly became angry at Danny.

"Then maybe I should leave you alone with your alcohol. I won't hold you back anymore, Daniel." Jessica fixed herself then turned around.

"I think we had our chance, but that chance is gone now." He says as Jessica runs away and back to her car.

When she gets in the car she puts both hands on the stirring wheel. Tears rushed down her face. She stared at the house. She didn't look back once she left. Leaving was the hardest thing. She didn't want to leave, but she had too. Danny hurt her too much.


The Next Morning-

Jessica had gotten home late from Danny's that night. Even though she spent a short period of time there, she took a drive around town to cool off. Never had Jessica ever seen Danny so down and angry. He was drunk, but Jessica knew that that's how Danny might have really felt. Maybe he meant what he said.

Jessica decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. When she got downstairs her brother was in the kitchen eating left overs.

"Hey, mom went out to get milk. She'll be home soon." George says

Jessica smiles, grabs a cup of coffee, and sits down text to George at the table.

"You got home late last night, were you Black Friday shopping?"

"No, I was at Danny's."

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