Big Weddings

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May 20th//

After Jessica and Danny's 'engagement' they decided to keep it to themselves for a while, just like every other exciting event in their relationship. Jessica and Danny had planned a trip to Minnesota in June for a few weeks. They wanted to tell their families in person.

Jessica was off for the weekend and decided to go visit Sarah and the baby. She had been meaning to tell Sarah about her and Danny getting married.... she just didn't know when was a good time. Now that Sarah was a mom her and Jessica never got to really see each other. They were both so busy that they couldn't even really talk on the phone.

When Jessica got to Sarah's the whole apartment was a mess. Bottles, blankets, baby clothes, and binkies were everywhere.

Sarah was on the couch trying to rock Aspen to sleep while she screamed loudly.

"Do you need any help?" Jessica says walking over to Sarah.

Sarah looked exhausted emotionally and physically. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had a college crew neck on with old sweat pants. Stains covered both her shirt and pants.

"Jessica! I think I might go crazy." Sarah says over the screaming baby.

"Here... let me help." Jessica takes the baby out of Sarah's hands. Sarah immediately runs over to the couch and lays down. Jessica sways back and forth trying to calm her down.

Aspen slowly began to stop crying.

"How'd you do that?" Sarah says desperately

Jessica shrugs her shoulders "You just have to be calm." She whispers

Sarah sighs then begins to cry. Once aspen was content Jessica sets her down in her bassinet that was near by and sits down next to sarah.

"Evan is always at work and I'm always alone! I have no family out here to help. It's just me. And when Evan comes home he watches ESPN. He doesn't care to maybe clean up a bit or help me out so I can take a shower! She's been here for a month and I've taken ten showers tops!"

"Why haven't you called? I would come and help!"

"Because you have a life, Jessica! You have Danny and work. I don't want to bother you."

"Sarah- I'm your best friend. Don't be crazy!"

"I know... I think I'm just stressed. I love her so much, it's just a lot."

"How about this... you go take a long hot shower, maybe even a bath. Just relax. Once you're done go get ready and take a day to just catch up on errands, anything. I'll watch the little one for a bit." Jessica says sincerely.

"I can't ask that of you..."

"You don't have to ask because I offered. Now go!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! I can handle this! Have have four nieces and nephews. I'll be fine. Just make sure you pump before you go."

"Oh Jessica, thank you!" Sarah says wrapping her arms around Jessica.

"It's no problem."


Sarah left Jessica with Aspen for a bit. Jessica put the baby down for a while and decided to help clean up a bit. She knew Sarah was very overwhelmed and Evan wasn't being much help.

Around lunch time Sarah had arrived home. Aspen was still sleeping.

"Maybe I should replace Evan for you!" Sarah chuckles

"Don't be silly." Jessica smiles

"Jess, today was a big help. Thank you."

"It's not a problem. Don't be afraid to call me. Okay?"

Sarah nods

"What is that?" Sarah says lifting up Jessica's wedding hand. 

Jessica grins "I've been meaning to tell you... Danny and I... Well we are getting married. Kinda sorta." Jessica giggles

"Wait? WHAT!" Sarah exclaims

"It happened out of no where. I just kind of asked him to marry me." Jessica says

"You asked him? I love it! Oh Jessica I'm so happy for you two!"

"I really love him..."

"I know you do! You never have stopped loving him." Sarah smiles

"Are you going to plan a wedding?"

"No... we are planning on maybe going to city hall when we go to Minnesota in June."

"That's so sweet. My best friend is getting hitched!"



Jessica and Danny packed a few bags and were off to Minnesota. They were both a bit nervous. When they got there they had planned to go out to lunch with their mothers. They wanted to tell them first. Then later they'd have all of their family together to tell them. None of them knew about the engagement. They didn't really know how they'd react. Especially to the fact that they weren't having a traditional wedding.

While they waited for their plane in New York they sat down next to each other.

"So... this is it."

Jessica exhales then smiles "It is... before you know it we will be back home as a married couple." Jessica whispers

"I'm actually really excited."

"You aren't nervous?" Jessica says

"Our families have always been very supportive. I'm not worried about telling them."

"Still... both of our parents got married at a church, your sister and brothers had big weddings, Ann had a huge wedding. What if they expect a big wedding out of us?" Jessica says nervously

"Don't worry..."

"This is a big deal."

"It will be nice to go out with our moms and just tell them... they have to be the first to know."

"Because we are asking them to come with us? Right?"

Danny nods "I think it would be really special to have our moms there. Just the four of us."

Jessica smiles

"Don't be nervous, jessie."



I'm really excited for the next few chapters! Obviously you know what's going to happen (kinda😬).

I just wanted to say that I'm
Going to try to get in lots of updates this weekend because Monday I start high school swim! Even though I've been swimming since April I have to take high school swim a lot more serious so I won't be as active! But I'll try my best during study halls. 😂

In the mean time after I get these next to chapters in on this story I'd appreciate it if you all comment your top 3 stories of mine that you'd like me to update and I'll narrow it down.

Much love,


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