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On Sunday Jessica headed to the airport to pick up Frankie and his two sisters. Jessica was so excited to see all of them, she spent a lot of time with the three of them while she was in Greece. Fortunately there wasn't a language barrier, Frankie and his sisters are bilingual.


"Jessica!" A deep voice yells from baggage claim.

Jessica quickly shifts her body and looks ahead. She sees a tall, skinny, curly haired man waving his hands back and fourth.

Jessica's body filled with excitement as she ran into Frankie's arms. He picked her up spinning her around.

"Oh my gosh, it's you!" She squeals

"And it's you! My favorite American!"

"I'm so happy to see the three of you!" Jessica smiles greeting his sisters Louisa and Victoria.

"You look great, Jessica." Louisa says hugging her

"Thank you, the same goes to you. This week is going to be so much fun." Jessica jumps

"This is our first time in America too." Victoria says

"That's right, so I have to make this extra special."


After Jessica picked them up from the airport they took a taxi to their hotel room to get them checked in. Louisa and Victoria shared a room and Frankie had his own. Jessica went up to Frankie's room.

"You look beautiful, as always." He says softly

Jessica blushes "Thank you..."

"You left too soon. You made my summer so memorable."

"You did too, that's why I spent most of my time in Greece."

Jessica sits at the edge of the bed and sighs as Frankie puts his clothes in the closet.

"Are you okay?" He says turning to Jessica who was a bit discouraged.

"I guess I'm just so confused."

"About what?" He drops his bag and sits next to her putting his hand on her lower thy.

Jessica looks at his hand then places hers on top.

"Do you remember that man I was talking to you about? The man that I've loved for so long, ever since high school."

"Yes, I remember. You had some great stories to tell."

"Well he's the same man that's going to tour New York with us this week. I'm excited to see him, but I'm nervous."

"You're nervous because you still have feelings for him."

"How did you know?"

"Why else would you be nervous to have him visit?"

"True... We've had a long road. We just started rebuilding a friendship again. It's a good friendship. What if I ruin that with a relationship?"

"Does he want more then a friendship? You won't ruin a friendship if you two love each other."

Jessica closes her eyes and inhales. "I think so."

"I say follow your heart Jessica." Frankie moves his hand away and hugs Jessica.

"Frankie.... The love you gave me this summer, it was amazing. You're a great man, but-"

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